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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I count everything. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2022 and was put on a sodium restriction. Just two months before my projected VSG surgery date my A1C was 9.6% and I was put on diabetic meds(Metformin and Semaglutide), given a blood sugar meter with instructions to check my blood sugar twice daily, and told to cut out all sugars in my diet. Around the same time as my Type-2 Diabetes diagnosis my Bariatric Surgeon had me go on a Keto/Atkins very low carb diet prior to the liver shrinking diet due to my extremely high 71.5 BMI. That was my first time on a 'low carb' diet since I tried South Beach in 2004, and I really liked it for how it made me feel and how much easier it has become to find low-carb substitutions for common foods. So I decided to stick with it post-surgery. I am two weeks out from my surgery and I am at the point where I can eat 800-1000 calories a day, where 50% is from protein, 40% fat, 10% Net Carb, and sodium between 1,500mg and 2,000mg. I track my Daily Food Intake in an Excel Spreadsheet, listing Calories, Total Fat, Protein, Net Carbs, Fiber, and Sodium of each. I also track my fluids, noting if the beverage has any sodium. I avoid sugars like the Plague, except when it comes to fruits. I will on occasion eat fresh strawberries, raspberries, or some honeydew melon. I don't feel the Keto diet is suitable for Post-op due to the high reliance on Fats. I like a more even distribution favoring protein over fat, but still keeping enough healthy fats in my system so entering Ketosis is a possibility. My carbs are always under 25g a day, most of the time between 15g and 20g. I was only in Ketosis once for a brief few days, and it was right after surgery. I check my ketone level regularly with those over the counter 'pee' strips. I like my method of tracking my nutrition manually instead of using an App or Website, although there is a lot more work looking up nutritional labels for everything I eat, or general nutritional information for those items without labels. The plus side of it is I am amassing a database of my frequently eaten food items so logging is becoming easier. I agree with the general consensus that 'Diet' is an ill-fitting word for what we are doing. I like the term 'Lifestyle Change' much better. A diet, to me, is finite in its duration. It has a beginning and an end. A Lifestyle Change goes on indefinitely.
  2. 2 points


    Music is my go-to to manage all different kinds of emotions. I have playlists that I have for times when I'm sad and want to sing along and cry it out, angry music when I feel frustrated and want to scream it out, soothing when I'm anxious, etc. Some people write it out, walk it out, clean it out, talk it out.....
  3. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I'm middle of the road I guess. Try as I might, I can't drink coffee without creamer. No sweetener unless it's a cold brew. Here's one I saw earlier and oddly enough reminds me of you @ms.sss since you mentioned taking pole dancing classes post op for exercise. LOL
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    1. Basics: Female, 35, 5’7”, Hawaiian, RNY 2. Pre-op weight lost: 40 lbs 3. Day of weight: 355 lbs 4. 1 month post-op: 321 lbs 5. 3 months post-op: 284.8 lbs 6. 6 months post-op: 250 lbs 7. 12 months post-op: 199.8 lbs
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    About the funny thing, it may be he no longer has the situations or comments as a larger person. Also, I know I am more grumpy right now adjusting and learning about what my body wants and needs at six Weeks out..
  8. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I might have done that on purpose last week lol. I wore a shirt that is 2 sizes bigger than my current shirts to the office. I got a ton of comments from my colleagues which was nice haha. I think I missed people's commenting on my weight loss which has stopped for a while now.
  9. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I realized I continue to wear clothing that is getting too big for me. I think it's because it makes me feel good knowing I've dropped weight. Kinda like people who enjoy their loose skin.... 🤭
  10. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    That's so worth smiling about. I can't wait till swelling in my feet and ankles is completely gone and find out what shoe size I will eventually end up with.

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