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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    It's normal for people who were part of your unhealthy habits to not like the new changes in your life. That doesn't make you a bad person. It means you're in a different season of your life now, and honestly, they can get onboard and support you or they can move along. Does that seem harsh to some? Sure. But sometimes relationships that were unhealthy, unsupportive, or even toxic can and will fall by the wayside as you become a healthier, happier version of who you used to be. My entire life has been completely overhauled. I'm really active now. I eat extremely healthy. I workout 4-5x per week. I'm pursuing a career that I thought I would never get to do. I shop differently. I look at food differently. I cut out so so many bad habits and had to work really, really hard to retrain my brain to see food as fuel and not as an addiction or drug (yes, food was almost like a drug to me). Because of these changes, I have no tolerance for anything that can derail me and set me back on the path I was on before. Does that rub people the wrong way? Yep. Do I care? Nope. It's my life and I have to live it the best way I can for me.
  2. 1 point
    FORGIVE THE LENGTHY MESSAGE. NEED TO GIVE CONTEXT I am wondering if any one experienced this my starting weight was 139kg before surgery on the 15th of January 2023 on day of surgery it was 131kg 2 weeks post-op i was stalled for 8weeks which was not a bother to me at the time i healed quite quickly with no complications and was moved to solids within 3 weeks by the dietitian too. between January and April i lost some weight down to 111kg Since april i have not lost anything. I have gained and lost 3-4 kg since April till date which is September 6th 2023 I do everything many people say on every platform which had never been a challenge namely Monitor what i eat: I eat between 88 - 1200 calories I have more protein than anything eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish, shrimps carbs are mostly bulgur wheat. which i have sparingly 2ce a month. Plantain i have daily to balance my protein intake but not as much as protein. I prob have more grams of protein a day and that includes protein water. I work out 4-5 days a week for up to 1:30 - 2:00 hours each day In April i worked out more 4 days a week 2ce a day 2day time cardio 1:30 hours night time strength training. no weights heavier than 25kg i take my vitamins biotin and all recommended as well as powdered collagen Recent bloods shows everything within normal range. I am going into my 5th month and i am still 111kg Since April. My dietitian is numb on what is going on, the nurse recommended liquid collagen ( which makes no sense) and have said hormones.... but hormones cannot affect this 5months straight. I did bloods to check my thyroids and it showed elevated parathyroid (no idea what that means)..... not gotten an explanation as my vitamin levels and calcium levels are normal my nails are very soft and brittle and my hair falls like the weather ( only blessed to have a full head of hair but cant say it is helpful soon) No ...... the clothes i wore in April are still the same September. measurements are the same..... the only win i am getting from this is that my knee and ankle dont hurt as much when i workout. i dont burn out as i used to and i work out more than i used to before which was walking up to 50k-70ksteps a day. I have never been one who drank alcohol and havent started post surgery. I have never been one who ate junk food like crisps, tacos, burgers. I have not been diagnosed diabetic nor with PCOS i noticed when i had no carbs in my diet i lost fast but when i introduced carbs as suggested by the dietitian everything came on hold I NEED SOME SIGN THAT I AM NOT IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR A LONG DREAM!!! Cos it feels pointless having done the surgery not to be an effective tool Anyone in a similar predicament before
  3. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    You've got this, and don't worry; you'll get plenty of sleep over the next couple of days!
  4. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    You've got this, and don't worry; you'll get plenty of sleep over the next couple of days!
  5. 1 point
    i work in the medical field and it seems more often than not many conditions are discovered while undergoing testing, surgery etc that is totally unrelated to what you originally went in for! So happy for you that those nasty things were found before they caused you a problem!!!
  6. 1 point
    Oh good choice!! Maybe it really is just a combo of chewing, your tummy getting used to food, and maybe a little too much roughage in the veggies for so early on? It seems like a lot of people have issues getting used to food again, those new tummies have strong opinions! LOL
  7. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    I'm scheduled for Sept. 13th for the sleeve
  8. 1 point
    Sleeve patients need to adjust their eating "technique". We need to take smaller bites, chew to "mush" consistency and take longer pauses between bites. Making those adjustments should help the food go down easier. Keep in mind that our new smaller stomach pouches can be finicky, especially in the early post-op months....foods that we have never found disagreeable now could cause issues. I have only had pain and spasms when I have eaten one bite too much. Rather than fighting the urge to throw up, I give in and hug the porcelain alter ridding myself of the "foamies" and the one bite too much......instant relief! You will soon learn your food volume limits.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
