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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Pain after surgery?

    Time to go in and get this surgery done in 1 hour. Cw: 372 Gw: 199.9 or 210 I hope everyone has a great day and I hope to get this done smoothly and share my experience with the group and new members.
  2. 2 points
    The Greater Fool

    Sadi vs gastric bypass

    Back when I had surgery SADI wasn't really a thing yet so I never researched it. Of course, neither was VSG. My research lead me to ultimately choose RNY. Because of my size it was an open surgery which made early recovery very painful. I'm one of the lucky ones that dump both on sugars and fats. Back when I had surgery it was more of a 50/50 chance I would dump. I hoped I would dump so that I'd have another tool to keep me from the wrong foods. It took an amazingly few dumping episodes to learn to avoid sugars and fats. All these years later it's all just part of the joy of being me. I managed to lose my excess weight, a bit over 500 pounds, and keep it off. It's now pretty natural eating to my surgeon's program, I don't really even think about it. It's all just normal. There are success stories with virtually every type of surgery. Build good habits during the honeymoon phase and they will serve you when your surgery is but a distant memory. Good luck, Tek
  3. 2 points

    Sadi vs gastric bypass

    honestly, there are more people who never make it all the way to their goal than there are those who lose too much, but that said, you can always increase your calories to either stop your weight loss or gain a few pounds if you think you're getting too thin. So I wouldn't worry about that at all. I lost 100% of my excess weight and yes, for a time I was "too thin", but I was also aware that a majority of us have a 10-20 lb rebound weight gain during year 3. And I did. In addition, even before the rebound gain, things (fat, I guess?) tends to re-distribute itself after a big loss, so even though I weighed the same for awhile, I started looking a lot better. My face filled out, etc - even before that gain. as far as it being hard - the first year, it wasn't too bad - esp before my hunger and appetite came back at month 5. For those first few months, for the first time in my life, I wasn't thinking about food at all the time. In fact, I didn't think about it much at all - and at times didn't even want any. Even though it was weird not to ever be hungry and to not give a flip about food, I found it very liberating! But things changed at month 5 when suddenly my hunger came back (and it does for most of us sometime during the first year). Then you're dealing with the hunger beast again, although it's not as strong as it was before surgery. But I wanted more than anything to lose this weight once and for all, so I really stuck to my program and lost it all (weight loss didn't stop until I was almost two years out, though - I had A LOT to lose!) it does get harder after the first year because diet fatigue sets in, as well as some old habits. You really, really have to watch yourself. And eight years out, I have to continue to watch myself. It's so easy to slip into old habits. But I have a "drop dead weight" limit - I weigh myself once a week now, and if I hit that limit - or come close to it - I cut back until my weight is safely within the limit again. But this really isn't any different from most of my never-been-obese friends. So many of us have to monitor our weight and to cut back when it starts getting too high. anyway, yes, it can be hard - esp when your hunger comes back and your motivation starts to wane, but unlike before, your effort actually pays off. You put in the work, and the weight comes off (or stays off). Before, the most I could ever lose is about 50 lbs (and even that was rare - most of my dieting ended up with a 10 or 20 lb loss). And inevitably, it will all come back. Happened every time. BUt this time, it worked!
  4. 1 point
    I go out to eat with friends all the time but none of them understand that I am happy to eat a tiny amount. One thinks its shocking that I take a plastic box for left overs, one thinks that I am starving myself on purpose, one thinks that its ok to eat all my left overs because it would be a waste otherwise and btw she is dieting ! None of them understand the no drinking rules. Find a restaurant with a online menu that you can look at before you go otherwise it takes ages to make good choices. Enjoy yourself
  5. 1 point

    August Surgery

    Hello! I'm scheduled for August 22nd, I've been on the liver shrinking diet for a week and. have a week to go. Feeling excitement and some nerves, would love to connect with friends at the same stage in this journey!
  6. 1 point

    Pain after surgery?

    Thank you, yes, I am more than thrilled with my progress so far. And I do feel like a million bucks. Going from completely sedentary to walking 2 miles a day outside, among other things, feels amazing. I am almost halfway to my WL goal and can only imagine how much better I'll feel when I get into the 100's. Maybe like 2 million. LOL I wasn't sure when your surgery was scheduled. It's coming up soon. I'm glad to hear you feel more comfortable with everything. You will do great and keep us posted. Good luck!!!!
  7. 1 point
    Shanna NYC

    Pain after surgery?

    Every body is different and tolerance for pain is different. I was definitely uncomfortable as so much movement relies on the core, but not in a huge unbearable pain way. I was given 6 Percocets of which I only took 3 - 1 pill at night just to sleep better as I couldn't sleep on my side and it was not the best sleep on my back. If i needed anything else daytime, I just took tylenol. I did not get crazy pain until week 2 and a half when the pulling in my side nearly knocked me out. However that was remedied with a binder that I wore for just a few days until the worst of it passed. Now at 4 months post-op I barely remember those days and would change nothing.
  8. 1 point

    Easy way out

    Same here. I'm usually kind to others, male or female but if they cross me all bets are off. xD I used to work in an all-women's health club and have never seen so much competition and cattiness firsthand. Sad but true. I have since adopted this methodology.
  9. 1 point

    August Surgery

    I am getting my procedure at So. San Fran. I took my initial class in Nov, and had to wait about 6 weeks to have the 1st psych appt. After that it it was a month to my MD consult. My 1st procedure was finally sched in May, after jumping through all the hoops (including weight loss goal from MD). Unfortunately, I had an insurance change so it was delayed to June. Then I caught COVID at a family wedding and was delayed to next week. Kaiser requires a 6-week wait after a COVID diagnosis. Once you are accepted for surgery, be very careful about exposure. Covid is rough (even with Paxlovid), and the long delay for surgery makes it more depressing. Mask up until surgery. I just had my 3rd pre-op visit with the MD today, and he is happy with my continued weight loss, so we are now a "Go". Yay!
  10. 1 point

    August surgery buddies!

    That is awesome!!! I am scheduled for August 17th. 😁

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