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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Immi Ramen

    I'd been eyeing this product since Facebook and Instagram started sending me ads. It's low carb keto ramen with 6g carbs, 21g protein and 890 mg sodium and 18g fiber. I found they sell them individually at Whole Foods (because I am NOT buying a $35 pack knowing there's a huge risk me and my stomach don't like it for some reason). Planning to run out to buy a pack or two tonight just out of curiosity and eat half a pack or maybe a fourth just for a taste (and also because it's 300 calories for an entire pack) But before I do, I'm wondering if anyone has tried Immi ramen and if so how did you like it? Did it have a weird aftertaste like a lot of protein infused products (it all tastes like whey to me)? Since my surgery I've been really weird about textures now and I've seen a couple reviews complaining about texture of the noodles but I want to try this since it has a nice amount of protein and fiber and I have to do a bit of doctoring to shirataki noodles, moreso than what I feel like being bothered with some days lol
  2. 1 point

    Facing Reality…

    So, I’ve posted in this group before about being uncertain about Bariatric surgery but knowing it’s a tool to literally save my life. I had an initial appointment booked with surgeon Dr. David Brandon Williams at Vanderbilt (where all my specialists are), but canceled it again (5th cancellation). Well I’m back in the medical hospital again with erratic blood pressure, severe headaches due to my IIH, and off and on chest pain and today the internal medicine doctor seeing me point blank said “you’ve got to get this weight off you or you may not survive the full life you want to live. This weight is killing you”. So I’ve rebooked the appointment and it’s on 9/18. I’ve got to do it, no matter what. I’m almost 33, 5’1” 271 pounds, BMI of 51.2, (I’ve gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks). My current co morbid conditions are Right Heart Strain/Heart Failure (just diagnosed), labile hypertension, severely high cholesterol and triglycerides, fatty liver disease, Type II Diabetes that is not well controlled, past history of PE, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, widespread arthritis, frequent shortness of breath, Sleep Apnea, PCOS. My mom died at 50 of a massive heart attack and lung failure, maternal grandfather passed at 76 of a massive heart attack. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension run rampant in my family. I don’t want to be next in the line of deaths in my family due to weight related conditions. So I’m finally ready to start this.
  3. 1 point

    No appetite

    i went through stages. 1st month: looking or thinking about food and eating made me sick. i was like REPULSED. month 2-3: didnt want to eat (but no longer REPULSED) though i forced myself to eat because i was getting weak. i had a very strong restriction so wasn't able to eat much anyway. month 4-7: there would be days that i wanted to eat and days that i didn't. i stopped forcing myself to eat on no-hungry days at this point and just ate when i wanted to because i started to develop this thing where i felt like eating was WORK and i didn't like that. my restriction was still doing its job though, so i still couldn't eat much anyway. month 7-12: struggled to up my calories to ease into maintenance and i think my not-wanting-to-eat phases during this time period had more to do with a mental block than anything else. i had a bit of a time when i had a challenge "allowing" myself to eat higher calorie foods and carbs, ha. fear of weight gain and all that. though in hindsight i needn't have worried, as my restriction kept me in check. 1 year and onwards: i still get the odd don't-want-to-eat or oops-i-forgot-to-eat days here and there. not as often and regluar as before, but they show up every once in a while. i don't sweat it, as i know there will be hungry days too. my restriction is still very much in play, even at 5 years out, and i have learned over the years what foods and what amounts i can consume before i hit my full mark. i was/am a regular food tracker so its second nature. i tend to only eat things that i really want because, why fill my valuable limited real estate with something meh? luckily the list of things i want does not comprise of just junk. while i do enjoy a bite of dessert and a bowl of chips, i love me a salad just as much. though personally, my fave kind of meal is when there are an abundance of different things to take a bite or two of (like hors d'ourves at a cocktail party, or a tasting menu, or dim sum/tapas/izakaya, or when i go to a restaurant with a large group and get to have a bit of everyone's meal!) anyway, i think i may have gone on a tangent there, lol. but yeah, you are not the only one that gets the food aversions, and while you will get differing advice on this topic, i would say go what works for you. if you are getting worsening physical symptoms from not eating, or if your labs are not coming back satisfactorily, of course, please speak to a medical professional. otherwise, if you are losing weight, AND suffer little to no angst, then in my non-medical opinion, you're golden.
  4. 1 point
    It takes the stomach 6 months to totally heal. That being said, we dont have a lifting restriction for 6 months but i would definitely check with your surgeon and let him/her know the amount of weight you are lifting a day so they can let you know if you are over doing it at this point in your recovery.
  5. 1 point

    Still in hospital in HELL

    Well a bunch of us were going to break in and get you out of that prison , 'cos we couldn't couldn't send a bariatric patient a big pie with tools in 😉 Glad you are safe home and hope you heal quickly x
  6. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I had RNY on 8/7 so just finishing day 2 PO. I will not lie, the first day (day of surgery) was rough, I could not have made it through with out having my parents with me. I’m learning quickly that a support system makes all the difference - physically and mentally. Pain isn’t so bad today, I still feel nauseous/bloated/have gas pains and that’s the worst of it. Everyday gets truly gets better! I was a wreck the morning of surgery but I pushed through and am proud of myself for making a hard choice. I’m anticipating regret hitting me soon again (was majorly regretting on surgery day) but I think the key post op is to just focus on taking really good care of yourself, reaching out for help, walking and sipping. Best of luck!!!!
  7. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi! My surgery was rescheduled for August 10th, this Thursday, because I got sick the week of my original date. I'm in the lower Hudson Valley, NY, just north of NYC. I'm having the SADI-S (aka SIPS / aka Modified Duodenal Switch). My surgeon doesn't put his patients on a liver reduction diet, but he does ask us to eliminate refined carbohydrates and I've been working with the dietician to increase proteins and decrease carbs overall since last October. On Wednesday I need to do a clear liquid diet. My nerves started last night, after I read through all the consent forms to sign, and when it really hit me about giving up my food habit. It's not like I hadn't thought about any of these things, but they seemed really far away so I didn't worry. I'm so happy that there seems to be a nice little cohort of us for August, so we can support each other! I'll go look for the FB group too. Good luck to everyone! I saw a few were having their surgeries early this month, how has it gone?
  8. 1 point
    I had RNY but it's probably similar. I don't go by ounces anymore - I just know that it takes about 1600 calories to maintain my current body weight, so I try to stay around there (or under if I want to lose a few pounds). And the above person is right - the number of oz depends on the food. I can easily eat 8 oz of yogurt. But a piece of meat? No way. Maybe 2 or 3 oz. btw - no one would be able to tell now that I've had weight loss surgery. They'd just assume I'm a "light eater", just like lots of my female friends are who've never had a weight problem. I'll go to a restaurant and order a salad or an appetizer. Or I'll get an entree and eat half of it (and box up the rest to take home).
  9. 1 point

    August Surgery

    Hi Everyone 👋 My Sleeve surgery is on August 14 th I'm in need of suggestions for my 13 days of full fluid diet if anyone can help? I'm nervous and excited all at the same time lol Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
  10. 0 points

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hey there! I had my surgery on 08/03 and so far so good. Who would have known that once you cut out all food from your diet you find out you are lactose intolerant. All the protein shakes I bought are out the window.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
