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  1. 4 points

    I made it to....

  2. 2 points
    Shanna NYC

    Pain after surgery?

    Every body is different and tolerance for pain is different. I was definitely uncomfortable as so much movement relies on the core, but not in a huge unbearable pain way. I was given 6 Percocets of which I only took 3 - 1 pill at night just to sleep better as I couldn't sleep on my side and it was not the best sleep on my back. If i needed anything else daytime, I just took tylenol. I did not get crazy pain until week 2 and a half when the pulling in my side nearly knocked me out. However that was remedied with a binder that I wore for just a few days until the worst of it passed. Now at 4 months post-op I barely remember those days and would change nothing.
  3. 1 point
    Just make sure you're taking progress photos for yourself. It crazy to look back and comes in handy during a stall.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Shanna NYC

    1st post op appointment

    Congrats that all sounds great! I just hit my 4th month post-op visit myself this week. It's always great when you have a good surgeon and med team who are attentive and encouraging. Makes a world of difference. Keep rocking your progress.
  6. 1 point
    I had my two month anniversary, and second post op exam/meeting. Bloods good, I lost 35 lbs so far, but one of the drivers for me was Barrett's and the GERD I was experiencing is largely gone. I still take an H2 blocker as a precaution and got cleared for real exercise, not just walking. (Had a hiatal hernia that got repaired). I gotta say, having done this, I couldn't be happier. Yes, I'm still trying to draw lines but the surgeon said to measure portions, even though his dietitian does not address portion size. I think it is important to have resources as you go through this, not just for support, but for info. I consider this such a place. I'm far more mobile and agile, can do stuff I couldn't before because of oversize/bloat/weight. I'm fitting into clothes that I couldn't. Not that this should be a reason, it's just a benefit.
  7. 1 point

    Easy way out

    Same here. I'm usually kind to others, male or female but if they cross me all bets are off. xD I used to work in an all-women's health club and have never seen so much competition and cattiness firsthand. Sad but true. I have since adopted this methodology.
  8. 1 point

    1 Day Post Op

    Congratulations on your surgery. Walk and drink and rest are the order of the day. Yes I had Blood thinner injections. They are easy to do but can be a bit stingy. The bruising on my belly looked brutal but its to be expected. I was supposed to take them for a month [I think] but binned the last week. I
  9. 1 point

    New to BP, saying hello!

    It will do both. From my first surgery I lost 150lbs. I was happy with the weight I had lost. Still had a lot more to go but the heartburn was such a hinderance. Nothing like walking in the treadmill and eating tums at the same time just to get through :). I am feeling so blessed to have found a surgeon that specialized in revisions and took me seriously. 5 days post op and no reflux!
  10. 1 point
    I too am having revision surgery on 05/30 because I regained 200 lbs. yes, 200! It worked for me until it didn't and it seemed I gained weight no matter what or how little I ate so its time to do something different. I've had an endoscopy so we know what went wrong where with the surgery as a tool and I have had 14 years (12 as weight gaining) to examine my role in the failure of myself and my tool. I am determined not to make the same mistakes that I can control this time around. I am 53 and don't want to go into old age as a fat woman with a bad knee limited in how i live my life.

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