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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Easy way out

    What everyone else said, plus screw 'em. For me, I did this for me. My health. My confidence. My life. Next time, I'd just walk away and tell them I don't need your judgment and negativity. Sorry that happened to you. People can be so insensitive.
  2. 2 points

    Getting the round around

    Taking a really long time to have surgery. Every step is being prolonged I really feel like they don't want me to have it or it's something they're not telling me. It's been about 8 months now. I feel like I'm chasing them down to get every step processed I'm really getting discouraged.
  3. 2 points

    Easy way out

    Same here. I'm usually kind to others, male or female but if they cross me all bets are off. xD I used to work in an all-women's health club and have never seen so much competition and cattiness firsthand. Sad but true. I have since adopted this methodology.
  4. 1 point

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and didn't really know where to begin, so I figured why not start a thread about my journey? So, I've always been kind of obese (there were a few years that I lost a lot of weight sticking to a low carb diet) I hovered around 300lbs give or take for many years. In 2012 during a divorce, I ballooned all the way up to 365lbs and I swore I'd never get to that point again. I started doing low carb and got all the way down to 235lbs before getting re-married and gaining back about 50lbs. During COVID in 2020, I just completely fell apart and ended up getting to my all-time highest weight of 385lbs. I drive trucks for a living and in August of 2022, I had to go for a sleep apnea test and I failed miserably. Failing the sleep apnea test put my career in jeopardy. I decided immediately afterwards to contact my local hospital about bariatric surgery and immediately started a 6 month program in October, 2022. Since I had already had the sleep apnea test and failed, I'd already knocked that part out at least. I literally just got back from my final doctors appointment and they told me that it's up to my insurance provider to approve or deny me for surgery. I'm really excited but also really nervous. The only time I've ever stayed in a hospital overnight was to take my sleep apnea tests. I started this journey at 385lbs, today I weighed in at 365lbs. I had my ups and downs, but I'm really looking forward to this journey and really looking forward to getting to know everyone and to share my journey.
  5. 1 point

    Ugh allergies

    This is a constant problem for me too. I take Zyxal or Zyrtec for the 24 hr control, Singulair and Flonase, and Benedryl for nighttime. Then there’s puffers galore for asthma. I have tried dropping the Singulair because it makes me stupid. It worsens everything about menopause, but it does help nighttime asthma. If there’s other ideas for moderate to severe asthma/allergies I’d love to hear it! (Yes I boil the sheets, use a hepa air purifier, and shower nightly.)
  6. 1 point
    Doesn’t the UK have sugar tax and restrictions on garbage being put in the food in that country? USA does really care what they put in our food and that may be why we have to restrict the we do before we are able to get a full meal. They don’t want our new stomach to be filled with crap too early? Lol idk.
  7. 1 point

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    Hi OP - I am a little concerned as to whether french toast is considered a soft food in your program. I have a sleeve so feel free to ignore, but I didn't have bread for some months after my surgery - it takes up a lot of room and gives almost nothing back in the way of nutrition. In addition to that, in the weeks immediately after surgery your stomach will be healing. Nerves have been cut that need to grow back. Sometimes we can't feel our restriction so we need to stick to tried and tested rules. Might it be worth trying the generally recommended progression: clear liquids - full liquids- pureed foods - soft foods - that most of us are asked to, even though you haven't been? Especially if your own program is causing you concern. Other than this I echo everyone else - please speak to your team and clarify what you can and cannot have right now.
  8. 1 point
    Mari3997, Pre-op diet will definitely help you and helps get "your head" into the right place for your new fabulous healthy life. Support system? I have no one. My husband tried to talk me out of it, NOPE! My body, my life, I make my own decisions...autonomy. Find support groups here, Facebook, IG, etc, research youtube videos on bariatric surgeries. Some FEAR is normal but still wasted energy and can become crippling. Find a way to reduce fear to a reasonable concern. I responded to another post with this...it might help you, I hope so, just do it. Definitely do it! At 71, 100lbs overweight, in pain constantly, both knees destroyed by arthritis, peripheral neuropathy in both feet with hot burning pins and needles when standing and walking, back pain. My journey started in orthopedics with knees, steroid injections, worked well most of the time, but didn't stop the occasional fall [3 to 4 times a year]. I knew sooner or later something would break. I would have had knee replacement sooner except for covid & elective surgeries were cancelled for two years [socialized medicine ***] weight gain, but developed hypertension. Researched weight loss thru ***, and because I had obstructive sleep apnea, I would qualify, and found this bariatric surgery should be first before the knees. I researched, attended classes, youtube videos, surgeons, after care, supplements etc. I wanted the Roux-N-Y but at my age surgeon said no, VSG. The surgeon recommended to me, is EXTREMELY strict and no BS kind of guy, he canceled my first surgery date because he didn't like something I did, so I really buckled down to his protocol. I knew I would have nausea and vomiting from anesthesia so I told EVERYONE, to give me whatever so this didn't happen. Well...it happened, no medication, and postop recovery the uncontrollable violent projectile dry heaves started, nurse good, gave IV Zofran, the IV Reglan and within a few minutes it stopped, but it was bad. I went home the next day. I had all my foods for week two, supplements etc. I am keeping up with supplements and fluids but not hungry. Dr said eat 1/4 cup every 2-3 hours otherwise your body will try to hold on to everything and the metabolism shifts. I'm going to add the vitamin patches from Bariatric Pal to my daily regimen of chews and capsules, [ I am very fatigued] for a while and see how this works. I use Mira Lax/:axa Clear equivalent in my morning water bottle and use a stool softener at night. Find whatever works for you, the stool softeners alone did not work for me. Trying to find my new normal, I knew it would be a process. I have NO regrets, and would tell anyone considering surgery to 'go for it' and FOLLOW directions strictly. Once I pass the phase of full liquids and get into pureed foods it will be another advancement. During surgery found a hiatal hernia and did the repair. Who Knew?! I didn't, glad it's done. My significant weight loss will help me in recovery for total knee replacement. I'm looking forward to repairing the rest of my body in my older age. Best wishes to you. Surgery May 15. 
  9. 1 point

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi! Totally new here today. I am both excited and nervous. I found out yesterday that my surgery was approved! I have a July 20th surgery date.
  10. 1 point

    Kids meals!

    Yess the Chipotle kid's meal is also great! Q protein, 2 toppings/fillers & tortilla or taco shells. It's more than enough!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
