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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2023 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    I had to share

    I've lost a total of 60 lbs! Fifteen was during the preop diet and 45 since surgery on May 1. So flipping excited. I haven't done pictures yet. We do those the first of each month.
  2. 1 point

    Finally cleared

    Hi, I'm new here. It's been 13 months since I had my first consult with the surgeon. I just got psychologically cleared, which was a hassle. I meet with the surgeon next week, and hopefully everything will then be submitted to insurance. I'm hoping to have surgery in early October.
  3. 1 point
    My dietician always tells me to "aim for" whatever goal she sets for me. You'll get there !
  4. 1 point
    It takes time. This soon after surgery there is still swelling that limits what you can ingest at a time. Just keep at it.
  5. 1 point

    Did I eat too much?

    Does everyone get a "nutritionist" with their surgery? I'm in a small town in Alabama, my surgeon doesn't have one on staff that I am aware of. He has a nurse that gives you the "plan" which is a pretty basic low carb plan where they want you to eat less than 4 oz, give you a little 4 oz measuring cup, say protein first, then veg then carb if allowed after you have eaten your protein but basically tell you that no carbs are allowed i,e., no cereals or grains. When I asked the dr about it, he said that since I was familiar with whole grains I was probably allowed those later on as most of his patients don't understand the more complicated diets. I noticed that most surgeons in the larger cities have nutritionists on staff. When I went to the only one at our local hospital a few years ago for a "class" about diabetes, she and I didn't exactly get on. I'm concerned that the plan isn't really a great plan, gives me no guidance on amount of carbs allowed per day, I know mine should be low. I also know that my body refuses to give up a pound unless I drop below 700 calories in a day. My goal is less than 500 calories per day. I'm seeing different amounts for the required protein amounts, some say as low as 45-50 and I see some suggesting as high as 80-120 which seems like a LOT of protein and calories to reach that amount. And can someone tell me where you found your suggested goal weight? Again, seems all the charts are different. I'm 5'9" larger frame 233 lb. I'm aiming for around 145-150? not sure if that is a good goal? I'm having the lap band removed and replaced with a gastric bypass on 08/01/23 so Tuesday! Hopeful but a bit worried in a small town here.
  6. 1 point

    Did I eat too much?

    I agree it depends on your program. I'd ask them. As far as the comment about carbs, that also depends on the program. Ours was a balanced plan so we didn't have to count or limit carbs - just protein (we were supposed to have 60+ grams of protein every day).
  7. 1 point

    Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet

    The pre-op diet may have been the hardest thing during this entire process. It took me about 6 days before those hunger pains and desire to eat literally everything I saw to go away. My pre-op diet consisted of (2) protein shakes and (1) frozen meal under 300 calories and under 700mg of sodium each day. I was allowed to eat all the broccoli and cucumber I wanted though. It's tough, but stick with it. You'll need that discipline post-op. I lost 15 lbs on the pre-op diet. My RnY was on May 15th. I started losing weight on my own on Jan 18th in preparation for this and I'm proud to say I'm down 90 lbs! I started at 380 and weighed in today at 290! The difference in energy is amazing, not to mention I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in many, many years. Even lacing up my work boots can be done sitting down. I'm sitting closer to the steering wheel in the car and stupid things like putting the seatbelt on are so much easier. It's also amazing how hard it is to meet the 60 grams of protein each day without relying on a shake. I've been released to introduce all foods. I've got what I refer to as good eating days and bad eating days. Today happens to be a bad day. Can't find any rhyme or reason to it either. But I'm celebrating many more wins than that! Stick with it - you got this! You'll be on that liquid diet for a few weeks out of the hospital too.
  8. 1 point

    Finally cleared

    In my case, I have a med manager who is against weight loss surgery for ANYONE. She really messed things up, causing me stress and a significant delay.
  9. 1 point
    Tuesday! Take it easy and pass that gas!
  10. 1 point

    Ahem... 100 lbs down.

    Hi everyone! It has been a while since I logged in to this forum. My journey started about three years ago. It has many ups and downs. Started at 284 and I got as low as 183. Over the past two years, I got lazy and stopped following my program which ballooned up to 230. So it's time to get serious and get back to what I'm supposed to do. I really don't want to lose all the progress I made. Some of the bad habits I need to kick- eating junk food, especially late at night. Also eating too many "slider" foods that are easy to go down, which happen to be ice cream, chips, crackers... all the stuff that I don't need. I still walk 4-5 miles a day but have skipped a few more days than I should. I decided to log back in here for accountability and to remind myself how far I have come. Last week, I started counting the calories of everything I'm eating and trying to keep it under 1300 calories a day. I have gone from 230 to 218 in a week. My goal was always 200 lbs, so that's where I want to get to. I have my 3-year checkup with my bariatric surgeon on 9/21, and I hope to get to my goal by then. I appreciate any advice or encouragement here. And I will try to go back and catch up on all of the wonderful stories I have missed over the past year.

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