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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    July 2023 buddies

    Had my surgery this morning. Doing ok. No incision or tummy area pain (yet). I had a tummy tuck 15 years ago so where the big incision is, is half numb from that and I think is helping with that pain now. Gas pain comes in waves but not too bad. Walking on my own. My biggest problem is nausea. Im getting water and ice down, but they smooshed some pill in water (twice) and got sick each time. I’m pushing right along! Hope my other July buddies are doing well!
  2. 2 points

    This stall is breaking my spirit.

    I feel your pain. Same thing is happening to me. Had surgery June 19th, lost 10 more lbs, and have been stalled for the past 15 days. Everyone on here, though, says to just keep on trucking. As disheartening as it may be, it's very normal. Not that that makes us feel any better, huh? Just know you're not alone in your stall or in how you feel. Sometimes upping your calories and your physical activity will break the stall. That's what I'm trying, but I'm only gonna weigh myself on Sundays. Wishing you the best of luck!
  3. 1 point

    This stall is breaking my spirit.

    I'm right there with ya. Nearly all of the weight I've lost in the six weeks since my surgery, was in the first two weeks. I've have incremental loss, but I've also had gains. I've been stalled for 10 days now, and I, like you, feel like it's too early in the process to not have this weight just falling off considering how little I'm eating. However, forums like this one and a few conversations with my dietician keep me from being totally distraught. We know it's going to come off, but if you're like me, you'd like to get the first 30-40 off quickly to start feeling better. What I've lost so far isn't enough to make me feel substantially better. Speaking of which, I can't seem to figure out how to edit my profile to track my weight. Is that like a paid feature or am I just missing something? There's no edit button for those stats. This is a great forum though, so I'm really glad I found it.
  4. 1 point
    I did not have bad gas (gastric or trapped) but I moved around a lot. Walking is your friend
  5. 1 point
    I know that sounds like an obvious statement, but despite the preparation, the consultations, dietitian advice as well as discussion with various doctors including the primary surgeon, I realized how much of this is on me and changing my thinking in relation to food. I never thought of myself as food fixated, or dependent. I certainly understand addiction and dependency from other things but food was always not only fuel, but a joy. I have fond memories of meals past; some of the great restaurants of the world, and the funky dives where I got a good meal. I'm in a new place. I can only eat a few bite before I feel almost full. Cross that line and it gets disgusting fast. So, food, for now, is something I have to be very careful of consuming. Some things are readily digestible, other things, not so much. (I'm 8 weeks out from surgery, a baby but I gotta be responsible). I realized that part of this is my mental attitude toward what I put into my body. It's like I have a much finer, more delicate filter. I certainly haven't gone to extremes but realize how sensitive my system is and it is my responsibility to follow through from the surgery to small steps in eating and exercise. Given the hiatal hernia repair, I'm still a time slot away from weight lifting. That's what draws me to the gym- treadmill stuff is a joke- there's a thing called a speed board that is not motorized, and requires your leg power to make it move. It require balance as well. Very expensive to own one, and none of the gyms where I am seem to have one. So I walk in mega stores. But I'm planning ahead-- I'll plug in with a couple different MD types over the next couple weeks- checking bloods- I feel undernourished, but I can't handle the volume of food I would ordinarily consume without thought. So I have to be mindful- and that is my main point-- you have a duty to yourself to be cautious about what you intake- both in terms of texture and in terms of volume. It seems like a couple of bites of 'regular food" gets me close to full; soft stuff, like soup, is easier. I'm taking all the supplements but am interested to see what the blood work shows. In the meantime, I'll say that this is a huge upward learning curve that I have taken on, despite the preparation and I think I had good medical and related advice to prepare me. It's just the transition from intellectual to real world. I'm learning.....
  6. 1 point

    I just wanna eat!!!!!

    Before you know it, your tummy will heal. Your appetite will come back. And then you'll be scared that you're going to overeat and regain all your weight. Take this time to work on your mental relationship with food. We've only got a small window and it goes by so fast.
  7. 1 point

    3 years

    Thanks... I think I will always feel like BigSue. It's weird because when I was big, I pictured myself as much smaller than I really was, and now I picture myself as bigger than I actually am, so my self-image has probably only lost about 50 pounds.
  8. 1 point

    loose skin after gastric sleeve

    Whether or not you get loose skin and how much is such a crap shoot. I started with a low BMI and lost about 80 lbs... a relatively small amount for WLS patients... but I ended up with so much loose skin. I'm at my Ideal Body Weight with 18.2% body fat, and I still look like I have a tummy because it's all loose skin. Even after losing all the weight, I'm still not comfortable going without a shirt. I look terrific in clothes, but naked... oh my. I might get surgery. I don't know. It's expensive, painful, and carries risk. And for me, the only reason would be cosmetic. The loose skin doesn't affect me in any other way. Still... I will take loose skin over being fat all day every day!
  9. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Is this a stall?

    On rereading my post it does read snarky. For this I apologize. I should have put some winky faces and LOLs. It struck me funny that you talked with your Doc then came here. Nothing wrong with it, I do get the need. Again, apologies. By all accounts stalls seem to be bothersome. Personally I never experienced one because I was too large for home scales. I only was able to weigh at monthly follow-ups. It was a blessing in disguise. I learned we don't need a scale to follow our plans. My Doc was on board with the concept, he never brought up my weight loss unless I did. He was interested in how the plan was going, how I was feeling, my mental attitude, any issues or concerns. Good luck, Tek
  10. 1 point
    For snacks: String Cheese or Cheese Slices Beef Jerkey Peanut butter and a few crackers Nuts Occasionally a Luna Bar For Meals: Chicken Salad or Tuna (I eat them right out of the package or on the Pepperage Farm Very Thin Bread) Lunch Meat P3 Protein Packs Atkins Meals (I can usually eat half when I want something warm)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
