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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    bowel obstruction is a potential complication, but it's a rare one. On top of that, she had abdominal pain for MONTHS, and didn't see a doctor about it. Who goes for months with unexplained abdominal pain and doesn't see someone about it? If she had, she'd still be alive. My mother-in-law had two bowel obstructions (she's NOT a WLS patient). In one case, they cleared it out (since it was possible to do that), in the other, they had to do a small resection of the affected part (because it couldn't be cleared out). Lisa Marie should have seen a doctor about it. It's sad that she never did, because she didn't have to die.
  2. 2 points
    The Greater Fool

    Worried about enough protein!

    Don't borrow worries from tomorrow. You can cross that bridge when you come to it. I think there's one with a dam. Good luck, Tek
  3. 2 points

    No Loose Skin

    You can never predict how much loose skin you end up with. Too many factors influence the end result even with siblings. Then the next questions your sister might ask herself are: Does the loose skin impede you - from doing every day tasks or being more active? Does it make dressing difficult - have to go up sizes, clothes don’t fit well, can’t hide it easily, etc.? Do you have rashes or infections? Does it affect how you see yourself, confidence, etc.? I have some loose skin, not a lot. It doesn’t restrict my activity. It doesn’t limit my clothing choices & I can dress easily to cover it. It hasn’t affected my self confidence either. So for me I didn’t think it necessary to consider skin removal surgery. It’s very much a personal decision.
  4. 1 point
    I've always thought - "the surgery was the EASY part " .... now the work begins .
  5. 1 point

    TMI Semi Liquid Diet Diahrrea

    Good to know it's not just me!
  6. 1 point

    No Loose Skin

    If she is concerned she should discuss that with her doctor. Unless she has some special concerns about her skin that aren't being said here (such as a dermatological condition), loose skin is not generally harmful. It's primarily an aesthetic concern. Most of the time, the worst thing it will do to you is make you self-conscious.
  7. 1 point

    3 years

    Thanks... I think I will always feel like BigSue. It's weird because when I was big, I pictured myself as much smaller than I really was, and now I picture myself as bigger than I actually am, so my self-image has probably only lost about 50 pounds.
  8. 1 point
    Abusers (emotional, physical or both) lacking control of their own lives, target people with low self-esteem to feed their need to feel power over another. As you lose weight and gain more self-confidence, he will feel he is losing control over you and the mental abuse will escalate. He will sabotage your journey at every turn fearing you may realize you have better options! What exactly is he bringing to "the table"? It appears you are completely supporting this man and providing a roof over his head for the meager price of cleaning and dinner on the table. A lazy man is bad enough but a lazy, abusive man is nothing more than a parasitic piece of trash. You deserve so much better.
  9. 1 point

    No Loose Skin

    As long as it's not causing any rashes or skin infections, it's not harmful.
  10. 1 point


    most of us don't start feeling the restriction until we move to solid foods.

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