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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Just came back from a short trip to Langkawi Island here in Malaysia with my wife and kids. This is my wife and I second visit after going there in 2013 for our honeymoon (time flies!). We all had a great time there specially my kids. The weather was nice and the island was not very crowded. I got to try a lot of things that I've never dared or was able to do before WLS. The trip was full of NSVs so I wanted to share some of those with you guys. 1. I didn't need a seat belt extension this time and had plenty of room in my seat! I was able to use the food tray without it pushing against my belly. 2. I tried parasailing (parachute on a boat), banana boat and even jet skiing for the first time in my life 3. I joined my wife and kids in playing all the rides and games in the water theme park. I was always the guy standing out of the pool cheering while my wife and kids were having fun. Not this time. My son was so happy that daddy was with him on the big water slide. Some of the rides had a weight limit of 80 kg (they even have a scale to weigh people who are close to that weight - I was not asked to hop on the scale haha). Climbing the stairs to the ride starting point would have given me a heart attack before WLS let alone sliding down. 4. We took a speed boat for island hopping which was awesome. In one of the islands we had to climb the stairs up to a beautiful lake (Unlike my first visit I was fine and not out of breath while carrying my bag and my daughter). We rented pedal boats and circled around the lake for 30 mins which was awesome. 5. We took some photos at the resort that we stayed in during our honeymoon 10 years ago. Left photo was taken in August 2013 and right one three days ago. This was also my first time ever wearing shorts in public and being at ease with it. Guess who bought 4 more shorts haha. The cherry on the cake was weighing myself after returning home to find that I've lost half of my weight on surgery day. A total of 74.5 kg lost which is my wife and daughter's weight combined!
  2. 2 points

    Gastric bypass

  3. 2 points

    Should I have the surgery?

    Like the above poster mentioned, it is your decision end of the day since you'll have to embrace the lifestyle and whatever else that may come with the package of WLS! If you ask me, for me it was more than 100000% worth it. There is no way I would have been able to continue living had it not been for WLS. I have said this a few times out here but it is true that WLS has blew in a new life within me. And whatever good or bad (hoping for allll good only) may come in the future, I'll gladly embrace it than having to embrace the extra 100+ lbs of weight I have lost! Good luck with your decision!
  4. 2 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    about a month or so ago a made a humungous batch of (tomato-based) meat sauce from a giant lump of ground beef i got on sale from Costco. I made spaghetti that day and froze multiple ziplocs of the sauce for another day. i also assembled a couple lasagnas and froze immediately. fast forward 2-ish months and i baked one of those lasagnas for 2 hours from frozen, and voilà! Dinner for the fam. I think i left it a little too long without the aluminum foil to brown the top layer of cheese, hence the over-done top corner...oopsies! anyway, served myself about a 1.5 cup volume portion and ate half. i make awesome lasagna, btw 😂 first pic: lasagna right out of oven, second pic, my dinner: 465 cals for the bowl (are 1/2-ish, as said above. lasagna is vert filling!)
  5. 1 point

    Should I have the surgery?

    Best thing I ever did. As @The Greater Fool said yes there are horror stories but there are horror stories & stories of complications with every surgery. Bariatric surgery has some of lowest stats of post surgical complications. I’ve read they’re lower than an appendectomy. And the risk of serious health complications & the risk of earlier death are much higher with obesity. I didn’t have any comorbidities before my surgery. No high blood pressure, cholesterol ok, no heart or breathing issues, no sleep apnea. But it was only a matter of time before I did. Now I’ve lost weight they likely will never happen. Regardless of what we all say (& we will be pro surgery here even those who may have had issues), this has to be a decision only you can truely make not anyone else. You have to be ready to commit to this 100% as much of the successful weight loss & maintenance is mental. The surgery provides you a tool & a limited time of bonuses effects to help get you started but the majority of the work is what you will have to do yourself. It is not an easy out to weight loss. Meet with a surgeon & a therapist who specialises in supporting bariatric & disordered eating patients & ask your husband to accompany you to some appointments. He can ask questions then too which may alleviate some of his concerns. All the best whatever you choose to do.
  6. 1 point
    hannah grace

    Post Surgery Depression

    I have a therapist I’ve been going to for years now, which I’m so blessed to have. thank you for your comment and helping me realize I’m not as alone as I thought I was
  7. 1 point
    This made me smile. You look great. I have loved following your journey. Congratulations!
  8. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Spent the last 4 days at the lake. I tried a few new foods with no nausea. I was released to drink alcohol at 3-month post-op, so I tried 1 shot of Vodka mixed with sugar free cranberry juice at the recommendation of my nutritionist. Fresh air and sun. Boating, fishing. friends and family. Great fireworks show Sat. night. Sitting around the firepit till 3 am nursing my drink. I had 2. Nice little buzz without getting drunk or passing out as I've heard some WLS patients have experienced. Weighed myself when I got home and dropped 3 more pounds FTW. Happy 4th of July!!!
  9. 1 point


    honestly, weight loss is really more about the person vs the type of surgery. you as an individual will likely lose the same amount of weight no matter which wls you choose. do the best that you can and you will get where your effort will take you ❤️ for what it's worth, i had the sleeve and lost everything that i wanted to. and i believe i would've got to the same place eventually if i had bypass or ds or whatever**. **Edited to add: except maybe the lapband... P.S. hope all goes well with you from here in out ❤️
  10. 1 point


    like Arabesque said, the DS used to be done in two phases - first they'd do a sleeve, then they'd go back in later and bypass the small intestine. So as long as things work out with your pancreas, they can always go back in and do phase 2. meanwhile, it's a good thing they found the problem so they can deal with it now before it gets worse (that is, if it would have gotten worse).

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