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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    8 months post op Questions

    The reason I answered the way I did was because of the large number of posts from people who are frustrated, disappointed, angry or think they are failing because they compare themselves with others, set unrealistic goals or timelines, think they are losing slowly, don’t reach their goal, etc. I didn’t want you to fall into the comparison trap too. I had a lower starting weight so had less to lose than you do. Am shorter & likely older. I also had a sleeve. I lost my goal of 31kg (68lbs) at 6 months. (Lost another 11odd kilos over the next 11 months bringing my total to a loss of about 92lbs.) At 8 months I’d lost 37kg (81lbs). So comparing my stats with @ms.sss & @summerseeker you can see how different loss can be over the same time period - a range of more than 2 stone which can be two or three dress sizes as an example. I may have lost more by month 8 if I wasn’t consciously increasing my calories to try to stop my loss. I may have lost less if I had more or longer stalls or lost nothing if my body decided that my goal weight was my new set point & best weight. PS: My total loss made me an outlier. The average weight loss is about 65% of the weight you’re to lose to put you in a healthier range for both bypass & sleeve. I lost 135%. I had a couple of very short stalls, less than a week in length, so my rate of loss was fairly steady, gradually slowing, with just little hiccups along the way.
  2. 2 points
    First, if anything seems unusual or different for you contact your surgeon/team or go to your closest medical centre. Because it’s your breathing that’s affected I’d probably head to the medical centre to rule out a clot or any other issue. Lightheadedness & dizziness is pretty common after surgery. It could be low blood pressure, hypoglycaemia or simply because you’re eating so little. Plus you’re recovering from a pretty major surgery which has been a considerable shock to your body. Try adding an electrolyte drink to your daily fluid intake. I used to find the extra boost of energy very helpful.
  3. 2 points

    8 months post op Questions

    It will do you no good to know this but I lost 94lbs. I was way behind some people and ahead of others but in the end we only get to goal if we work hard at it
  4. 1 point


    Well, today is the day. SURGERY DAY. It's more complicated than when I had the gastric sleeve because not only are they doing a revision from sleeve to bypass, they are removing my entire lower and mid stomach (the part that is bypassed) because that's where all my polyps develop. It's a 2 hour surgery, and I was told I'll be in recovery for about an hour after. It's like having 2 bariatric surgeries in 1, so the recovery/healing/down time will be worse than my original surgery. I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights, so I'll be home sometime on Friday the 30th. That sucks, and is really annoying (I hate hospitals) but I know it's necessary and will be worth it. I can't wait to get my life back. Working out, feeling good, no more in and out of the hospital, being ME again. This has been a looooong road, but I'm finally almost at the finish line. It's gonna be awesome when I hit my weight loss goal (I'm 70 pounds away and speaking it into existence now that THIS TIME NEXT YEAR I will be at my goal weight). So wish me luck, and I'll see ya'll on the flip side
  5. 1 point
    Congratulations @BypassDiva2023. I’m so glad you’ve finally had your revision surgery. Praying for a much smoother journey for you this time. NSAIDS are always on the forever no list post surgery. However, some surgeons do allow their use after a period of time with a sleeve which may be why you are surprised with the instruction with your bypass. My surgeon allowed me to have them after two years because I didn’t take them regularly but he still gave me strict instructions: half dose & not consecutive days. The swallowing pill advice seems to be varied across surgeons & surgeries. Did the same surgeon do your bypass as sleeve? Maybe they’re treading more carefully because of your history.
  6. 1 point
    I had issues trying to take pills because I always had to use a lot of water so that was out. Now I can take pills but usually opt for chewable if I can. I was also told no NSAIDs ever again.
  7. 1 point

    8 months post op Questions

    5'2" female here, 235 lbs at the beginning of my 2 week pre-op diet. which put me at a BMI 43 I am including BMI here because asking about total pounds lost to a group of people with a wide range of starting weights and heights doesn't really give a good "view" for "comparison" (and we all know we shouldn't compare ourselves to others as it may lead to angst, but i also know that we all do anyway 😕, i just hope that people don't give in to any angst it may cause...which is why i *think* @Arabesque responded they way she did.) with that said, i reached goal at 7 months, but continued to lose more weight for a few more months. To your question though, at 8 months, i had lost 116 lbs, which put me at a BMI 21.9 at the time. you are much taller than me, and according to your stats, your starting BMI is/was 46.5, so my 116 lbs loss would be equivalent to a loss of 157 lbs for you (i.e., for you to reach a similar 8 mnth BMI of 21.9) as im writing this i am already reconsidering pressing "Submit Reply" because i already know my experience is not the same as many on here, and I really dont want to endorse comparisons because i have seen/read how it makes people spiral. at the same time, you asked, so.... hopefully others will respond with the reality of the VERY varied results we all experience and you will see that everyone's experience is soooooo different. so there you go. do with this information as you will. Good Luck ❤️
  8. 1 point

    August Surgery

    I’m scheduled for August 21st!
  9. 1 point

    August Surgery

    Hi !!! I am also having surgery in august. I’ve been mentally preparing by working on my mental behaviors and self talk. Some books too if you would like to be buddies I am down !
  10. 1 point
    Its monthly weigh in time. I weigh myself and take measurements around the 4th of every month. Small changes continue. I joined a gym recently. Cant wait to start going.

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