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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points


    Well, today is the day. SURGERY DAY. It's more complicated than when I had the gastric sleeve because not only are they doing a revision from sleeve to bypass, they are removing my entire lower and mid stomach (the part that is bypassed) because that's where all my polyps develop. It's a 2 hour surgery, and I was told I'll be in recovery for about an hour after. It's like having 2 bariatric surgeries in 1, so the recovery/healing/down time will be worse than my original surgery. I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights, so I'll be home sometime on Friday the 30th. That sucks, and is really annoying (I hate hospitals) but I know it's necessary and will be worth it. I can't wait to get my life back. Working out, feeling good, no more in and out of the hospital, being ME again. This has been a looooong road, but I'm finally almost at the finish line. It's gonna be awesome when I hit my weight loss goal (I'm 70 pounds away and speaking it into existence now that THIS TIME NEXT YEAR I will be at my goal weight). So wish me luck, and I'll see ya'll on the flip side
  2. 3 points
    My son stopped by yesterday to see how I was and he started laughing at my baggy clothes ! LOL It was funny because I was still wearing some clothes from when I was 242 . Well ,I'm down to 191 now,so I figured it was about time to go to the Goodwill and buy some more "temporary" clothes. I am so used to shopping in the 2X section, it was hard to go down a size or two. My method of measuring is always to stretch it across my stomach , if that fits, I buy it. I started at the 2x ,hhmmm...WAY too big. I went to the 1X ... well ,what the heck? These are too big ,too ! I hit the XL section and thought "no way" .... but I'll be darned .... they fit !!! The main colors of my pre surgery wardrobe was always Dark blue and black. Not any more 😍 I got me some Bright colors !!!!! LOL Now the happiness I have on the inside shows up on the outside Got any stories of your first "downsizing" shopping trip ?
  3. 1 point

    Bitter Skin?

    So - here is the real reason I stumbled into this forum tonight. Has anyone else noticed that their skin has a very bitter taste? That sounds a little weird. It's not like I go around licking my skin, but I do touch my lips with my fingers more than I realized. At first, I chalked it up to hand sanitizer and then my hand soap. But I use several different types of soap throughout the day. And I admit, I tasted my hand soaps and lotions to see if that was my problem. Nope. So, then, in addition to tasting funny(???), yesterday everything started smelling like there was coat of fuel on it. I was in my car when I first noticed it - the car is only a little over a year old - so I checked to see if the air intake was set to outside air. It would make sense. I live in a city and there are always stinky vehicles around. But, nope. It was on recirculating inside air. Then I notice it at home. I was tempted to check to make sure the pilot lights were still lit in my stove. But nope again. I have an electric stove. My next avenue to explore might be a vitamin or mineral deficiency of some sort. Please feel free to "weigh in" on the topic.
  4. 1 point

    New obesity meds in progress

    For inquiring minds: https://time.com/6284941/mounjaro-weight-loss/ https://time.com/6284941/mounjaro-weight-loss/ https://time.com/6289928/new-weight-loss-drugs-orforglipron-retatrutide-tirzepatide/ https://time.com/6290294/weight-loss-drugs-ozempic-demonization-essay/
  5. 1 point

    New obesity meds in progress

    No, but I remember when Olean (the food additive) came out. Anal leakage was one of the side effects. I avoided those products like the plague.
  6. 1 point

    Newbie introduction

    That is so exciting! Congratulations and Good Luck… looking forward to hearing all about your journey
  7. 1 point

    Bitter Skin?

    Ok-- raise your hand if you just tasted your skin ...... LOL I did - nope no bitterness. I do have a wonky sense of smell though .I just noticed that I smell things that I'm not sure are real or not. My taste buds also changed a bit. Now to me - cottage cheese tastes so salty . Maybe it's all connected somehow.
  8. 1 point
    Weight loss is SO individual. Keep with your program, and you will lose weight. Between my preop diet and 2 months post op (10 weeks total), I've lost 48lbs. And i stall a lot. You got this!
  9. 1 point

    New obesity meds in progress

    When I had my initial consultation with the surgeon, we discussed weight loss meds. He said that if I wanted to go that route, I would have to be on them for the rest of my life. That when I got off the meds, the weight would come back. That much, at least, is known. You're really not supposed to get off the meds.
  10. 1 point
    I've been on antibiotics a handful of times since my surgery (eight years ago) and never had any issues. Maybe some are absorbed in different places of the small intestine than others? Not sure. but I've never had any issues. I also don't think I've had a UTI since I had surgery. I used to get them occasionally prior to surgery. Maybe because it's easier to keep cleaner without all that extra weight (?) (I think I remember reading that a lot of UTIs are caused by fecal bacteria contamination) EDITED to add: I just glanced at these articles. Yes - one does say that most UTI's are caused by E. coli bacteria - that particular bacteria is usually carried by feces, because there's a ton of E. coli in your intestines. I bet the ability to keep cleaner "down there" is probably the reason I haven't had a UTI in years.

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