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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    So I have been really quiet on here because I was just trying to get rid of the last of the health issues I had going on. Polyps are gone and uterine fibroids are gone. I had an appt with my bariatric surgeon today and we discussed getting the revision now that I have a clean bill of health. Looks like it'll be mid July sometime. BUT...my revision is a little more complicated. Here's what I was told: Normally they leave the bottom part of the stomach when they do the bypass because there might be a need for a feeding tube at some point, or something like that. HOWEVER, with my situation, the part they would normally leave is where all the polyps were. So the surgeon is going to completely remove the bottom part of the stomach (making my stomach about 2oz instead of the 4-5oz it is now) during the bypass surgery. He said that's not ideal, but given my situation, it's the best course of treatment for the GERD, esophagitis, gastritis, and getting me back to being able to work out and live a normal life again (which is really all I want). He said it does present a problem later on if I need a feeding tube or whatever, but that's a big "if", and considering all of my issues right now, it's worth the risk, if I agree. I agreed with him and I'm waiting for the coordinator to call me to schedule the surgery officially. I'm so close to this being over. I can see the finish line FINALLY!!!!!
  2. 2 points

    Sleeve to RNY

    I'm going to be getting my revision sometime in July. My surgeon said that with the revision, expect to lose about 40-45% of the weight you would have lost if it was your original surgery. So he said I could expect to lose about 60-65 pounds in a year for my current weight and BMI. I lost 116 pounds in a year with the sleeve, so if I can lose another 65 pounds in a year with my revision, I'll be ecstatic. I'm really good at watching my diet and working out, so I think my "dream goal" is to lose 75 pounds in a year with the revision, but my "realistic goal" is the 60-65 in a year. We'll see. I would be lower than I am now if I hadn't run into so many complications and health issues. But this revision is going to get me back to living my life so I can refocus on my health and weight loss.
  3. 2 points

    Craving sushi

    i didn't have sushi until way into maintenance...probably like 2 years post op or so. however, i did have sashimi pretty regularly starting at around 4-5 months post op. i think the first time i only had 1 piece (barely), but i eventually graduated to like 2-3 peices by the 1-yr post op mark. Nowadays (at 4.5+ yrs post-op) i could have like 6-7 peices (of sashimi) in one sitting so long as i don't eat anything else. As for sushi or maki/rolls, I could probably have like 2-3 in one sitting....but i don't have it as often as sashimi, cuz i don't like to waste stomach space on rice, lol.
  4. 1 point

    Vaping and WLS

    Hi! I’m Emily, new here, so pardon me if this question has been answered more than once, or not in the right category. I swear I’ve looked all over for answers prior to asking. I have my first appt. With the surgeon Monday to begin the 6 month pre op program. I vape, well, stopped yesterday and I’m using patches and gum to wean off before end of July. I was doing well mentally until I learned that quitting almost always causes weight gain. Minimum of 5-10 pounds. I was told by a friend that I cannot gain any weight during the 6 month process but don’t have to lose a certain amount ( she went to the same surgeon I’m seeing) I am also learning how to eat better on top of all of this, and I’m so scared that when I quit nicotine all together, it’s going to inevitably cause weight gain. I don’t want to be kicked out of the program as soon as I start because of this. Would it be better to wait until I absolutely have to quit? Maybe that’s a stupid question. I just need encouraging words, anybody that has been down this path of quitting, whether you instead waited to quit a month or two before surgery, etc. I am so serious about taking my health back, and it’s hard enough to learn to cool and eat right without having to stress about this too. please help 🥺 thank you in advance! ps. Maybe this is trivial, maybe it’s not a big a deal as I’m making it, but even a fraction of a pound I gain could get me kicked out of the program.
  5. 1 point

    Protein bars on soft foods

    I don't eat bars of any kind any more. If I'm really stuck for food I prefer to find wholefoods, even if not what I was planning, and you can always find something appropriate to your stage after surgery. Cheese - babybels/individual cheese portions - nuts (anything) - seeds at a pinch. Honestly OP, the chilli you ate is probably just as nutritious or more as the bar you didn't!
  6. 1 point

    SoCal Kaiser Options Friends!

    Good luck on your surgery date. Met my surgeon yesterday. He put me on a pre-op diet . 2 protein drinks and one 400-500 cal dinner and only liquids 2 days prior to surgery. June 19 surgery . I am so nervous but excited now . It’s getting real .
  7. 1 point

    Protein bars on soft foods

    Find a soft one or look online for a recipe and make your own. You know your body better than anyone else. I have been following you and you’re quite sensible.
  8. 1 point
    Breaking notsobad


    I'm not a doctor but it sounds like Reflux (GERD) I've had it for about 30 years but I take medication. I'm pre-surgery and I've been told my DS surgery will pretty much eliminate it.
  9. 1 point
    I was worried I would have to sip liquids the rest of my life but finding out at 8 weeks I can guzzle water with the best of them . xD
  10. 0 points

    Protein bars on soft foods

    Unless I’m wrong, it appears Amfit bars are available in UK, not US. If someone has a US source for these, please let us know. I’d love to try them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
