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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    So I have been really quiet on here because I was just trying to get rid of the last of the health issues I had going on. Polyps are gone and uterine fibroids are gone. I had an appt with my bariatric surgeon today and we discussed getting the revision now that I have a clean bill of health. Looks like it'll be mid July sometime. BUT...my revision is a little more complicated. Here's what I was told: Normally they leave the bottom part of the stomach when they do the bypass because there might be a need for a feeding tube at some point, or something like that. HOWEVER, with my situation, the part they would normally leave is where all the polyps were. So the surgeon is going to completely remove the bottom part of the stomach (making my stomach about 2oz instead of the 4-5oz it is now) during the bypass surgery. He said that's not ideal, but given my situation, it's the best course of treatment for the GERD, esophagitis, gastritis, and getting me back to being able to work out and live a normal life again (which is really all I want). He said it does present a problem later on if I need a feeding tube or whatever, but that's a big "if", and considering all of my issues right now, it's worth the risk, if I agree. I agreed with him and I'm waiting for the coordinator to call me to schedule the surgery officially. I'm so close to this being over. I can see the finish line FINALLY!!!!!
  2. 1 point


    Hello everyone, My surgery is on June 16. I'm more excited than anything else. I started the journey at 328 lbs and one week in the preop diet (two protein shakes, 4 oz of lean meat and unlimited non-starchy veggies per day) I am at 315 lbs. You all are an inspiration and I love reading through everyone's posts. Keep up the good work everyone!
  3. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I might have done that on purpose last week lol. I wore a shirt that is 2 sizes bigger than my current shirts to the office. I got a ton of comments from my colleagues which was nice haha. I think I missed people's commenting on my weight loss which has stopped for a while now.
  4. 1 point

    Post op pains

    Man I underestimated how uncomfortable the gas pain would be! I had my last pain med at the hospital around 8am. My dr doesn’t send you home with anything and tells you to use Tylenol. I’m so uncomfortable that I’m just camped out in my living room in the recliner. What day did the gas pains go away for you?
  5. 1 point

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I realized I continue to wear clothing that is getting too big for me. I think it's because it makes me feel good knowing I've dropped weight. Kinda like people who enjoy their loose skin.... 🤭
  6. 1 point

    Sleeve to RNY

    You are going to struggle to get a definitive answer to your question. There may be something on the internet. It depends on your start weight, your adherence to the post op diet and continued work. May people on here are just pre op or just post op. Its a forum for help so once you are going great people drop away from the forum. We only know how they have got on when they come back to ask a question, usually about going from Sleeve to RNY or how to go back to weight loss again after a gain. Like everyone else, once I get to my weight loss goal, I will try to stabilise my weight loss by upping my calorie intake. Good luck
  7. 1 point

    July 2023 buddies

    Hey !!! I’ll be having surgery I believe in July. Just got approved today waiting to be scheduled. Definitely looking for a friend or buddy
  8. 1 point

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi! Totally new here today. I am both excited and nervous. I found out yesterday that my surgery was approved! I have a July 20th surgery date.
  9. 1 point

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi @LibrarianErin and friends, Im scheduled for July 5th for vsg. How are you? I’m excited more than anything that I have a surgery date and that I’m taking control of my eating habits How's your process going? I still need my pre-op clearance from my primary physician but I’ve completed the nutritional consultations, mental health evaluation and other requirements. What are you excited about for the future? I’m excited to finally take control of my eating habits after over 20 years of yo-yo dieting and falling into unhelpful eating patterns. What are you enjoying now? I’m enjoying following other women’s vsg journey’s on social media and getting all the information I can. How are you talking about the upcoming surgery with family and friends? I was on the fence about sharing my decision with friends and family but I do not regret sharing with those I did, even though 1 person didn’t agree, but they’ve some-what come around. I told my husband (of course), my 3 sisters, 1 of my brothers, my mom and 1 of my best friends and the girl who does my wax🤣 I think I will be more comfortable sharing after the procedure. I don’t want negative vibes prior to the surgery. What supports have been helpful to you? The most helpful supports have been my therapist and family. They know I’m making this decision for my well-being and it was not a decision that I’ve taken lightly. Seeing and hearing about other people’s journeys has also been helpful so I have a realistic idea of what to expect.
  10. 1 point

    July 2023 buddies

    I’ll answer my own questions to try to get the conversation going. I’m doing ok - some bad, some good. Today is 2 months until my surgery date (which is July 12th, 2023). I have two big steps before that day - a virtual group class with the surgeon and dietician and an in-person visit for blood work and an EKG in which I’ll also pick up my pre-op diet food. I’m actually excited about having a regimented diet. I love following a food plan; it’s creating the food plan that is hard for me. I’m terrible at making time to plan meals and shop for the food and prepare the food. I’m excited to have a smaller stomach so I can cook something like a crockpot of shredded chicken, portion it out, and warm it up for lunch every week day. (And not binge eat it all in 2 meals.) Now I’m enjoying reading and viewing content from other women who have gone through the surgery part of the journey and are joyfully sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly with others. Ugh, the talking about it. I’d rather not. I’ve spent hours and hours researching the surgery before I made this decision. So it’s hard to know what to say in a few minutes to help the decision make sense to someone else. Two supports I’ve found useful are youtube videos from women who are post-op (like Simply Megan and Erin Branscom) and the podcast Our Sleeved Life.

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