don't take much, because you're likely to spend most of your time sleeping Cell phone and charger for sure (you may even want to pick up one of those really long cables in case the outlet is kind of far from your bed). Baggy, easy-to-put on clothes for going home (I just wore the same thing that I wore TO the hospital). Lots of people use lip balm and dry mouth spray (such as Biotene). I took both and didnt' use them, but a lot of people do). Some people like a pillow to put over their stomach for the ride home. I took toiletries, but needn't have bothered since the hospital gave me a bag of them - shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant. Some people like to bring their own sleeping attire, but the hospital will provide you with that (open in the back in case they need to listen to your lungs or whatever) - although it might not be a bad idea to have something to throw over that for when they have you out walking the halls (which they will...) - otherwise, "open in the back" means open in the back - the whole way down! But yea - don't pack much because you're not there very long, and as I said, you'll probably spend a lot of that time sleeping.