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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Work with Ese at times and the first time I was running with a student and keeping up and not dying I almost passed out from shock thar my body could do that now.
  2. 1 point

    Mounjaro Post Sleeve!!

    Hello, I just started Mounjaro!! I'm on Week 3 of 2.5mg and the appetite suppression is no joke! My doctor put me on this after stalling out at 80 pounds lost post op. Surgery March 2021, stopped losing March 2022 (but haven't gained). I'd like to hear about anyone else's experience so far, the weight loss has been slow, but I'm hopefully because the scale is finally moving again!!
  3. 1 point
    Teresa Eschenbaum

    How long to see improvement?

    I had the bypass with hiatal hernia repair and the pain reduced after about a week. The energy was lacking for a couple of weeks.
  4. 1 point

    How long to see improvement?

    Third day post op I was still in hospital after having those things done. Day by day you will get better. Be gentle with yourself and stay on top of the pain medications to ease the pain. Try to keep those fluids up while understanding that your insides are swollen. You may be more emotional thanks to the changes in your hormones and the anesthetic. Being aware of these changes can help you in this adjustment period. Be kind to yourself. Yay, You made it out to the other side. 😊
  5. 1 point

    How long to see improvement?

    Thanks @toodlerue, I know you're right! I'm trying to acknowledge and accept that it's going to need time. I am learning what I can tolerate and for how long. Thanks for the advice. 😊
  6. 1 point

    How long to see improvement?

    Your body has just been through major trauma & is still healing & adjusting to your new normal! It’s gonna take a couple of weeks. Listen to your body & don’t do too much too soon!
  7. 1 point

    Daily chronicles

    Glad you are feeling better. It is really important to pace yourself & be aware of portion sizes while you are in the healing & recovery stages. A lot of nerves were cut during your surgery so your signals don’t get through or if they do, they’re different to how you usually experience them. Yea, I have heard of people who have progressed through their staged return to eating more quickly (not skipping as such) but always because their surgeons advised them to do so & see how they go. There are also lots of people who return to a previous stage because their body just wasn’t ready even if they were progressing at their plan’s rate. The cravings are another matter & should never influence how quickly you progress through the stages (they’re in place to protect & support your healing tummy - remember all those sutures & staples holding your tummy/digestive system together). A craving, where you want to eat a specific food, texture or flavour, is a head hunger & not real hunger (when you don’t want anything specific & just want nourishment). Are you wanting to eat because you’re seeking comfort, because of stress (common after surgery) , boredom or other emotions, habit, thinking you should be hungry because you’re eating so little, etc. Look for a distraction. Head hunger usually doesn’t last. Read, craft, play a game, watch a movie or show, have a warm drink, go for a walk, or do some other activity like clean out a drawer or a shelf in the pantry, ring a friend, check out social media or this forum. They won’t necessarily stop the cravings but do help manage them.
  8. 1 point
    I also thought I ate "very little" at the time I signed up for the program and start the process but when I started logging everything I ate, the areas for improvement were very clear. I also have the issue of being a very small person whose maintenance calories are only 1500; 3 meals a day that are "average sized" to a person of normal stature was always going to be too much for me. It's also common for people with weight issues to think they EAT very little but are also drinking a lot of calories throughout the day and don't count those because it's not "food". Juice, sweetened coffee with cream, sodas, milk...those are all calories, and it would be beneficial if you're one of the people who drinks their calories to start treating those things as food in your mind, not beverages. I hate saying this but most of us pre-surgery probably thought we ate much less than we did, and quantity isn't the only thing that matters: especially when we try to space out our meals we often find ourselves eating more calorie-dense food when we do finally eat. If you have decided to start a relationship with a surgeon to see if it would work for you, this needs to be something you discuss with them during your first visit. One of the first things they're going to ask you to do is keep a food journal and the best thing you can do for yourself is be brutally honest so they and you have an accurate picture of what you are ACTUALLY consuming, and being honest about your portion sizes is a huge part of that.
  9. 1 point

    Favorite Foods? Lets make a list.

    Sometimes we run out of ideas for snacks and meals. What are some of your favorite things to keep stocked up on? I can't live without a few flavors of Moon Cheese and my Milk Chocolate 1st Phorm Protein.
  10. 0 points
    Mrs Roz

    ESG experience from hell

    I am 5-6, 209lbs and on Wednesday, 3/15/23 I had an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty aka ESG. I elected to stay over the first night and came home on Thursday, 3/16. I was in tremendous pain and could not keep water down. On Saturday 3/8, I phoned an IV service to come and hydrate me. They couldn’t find a vein. I knew I was need of emergent medics care so I called an ambulance. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, I was rushed into surgery and put into a coma. What my family learned is that my Bariatric surgeon had left a hole in my stomach and punctured my lung. My thoracic cavity was mixed with various fluids and I was slowly drowning as my lung capacity diminished Days later they found another hole in my stomach and I underwent a third surgery to correct that. Had I not called the ambulance when I did, I would have died Fortunately the hospital kept me fed and hydrated intravenously. Today is my first day home and I’m doing everything I can to sip enough water and protein. I wonder if life will ever be the same for me i have one more follow up procedure which I’m dreading. I deeply regret the decision to do this surgery, it almost cost me my like and the trauma is endless

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