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  1. 2 points

    back in the hospital

    hey yall!! Hope all is well. Well as far as me I been back in the hospital since Wednesday. Still vomiting etc. I had a procedure done yesterday. laparoscopic diagnostic, endoscopy and adhesion. removed. The adhesions took 2 hrs to remove. My surgeon said i'm a rare case. Just two weeks ago she removed scar tissue that was causing my stomach to twist. Now this procedure she considered to be extensive and was very complex. She said my stomach keep twisting and is very tender. She said I had accumulated more scar tissue and a bunch of other terms she used. She had to use special tools to lift my liver bc my sleeve was tethered to my live. In which my liver had dense adhesions attached to it as well. She believes that she got most off but states there was a section that was more difficult. For this she will have to go back in to attempt to remove more and dilate my sleeve again because there is a portion that showed a stricture. Oddly she said none of the showed up on the upper gi or endoscopy that I had done two weeks ago. Trying to remain positive and hope for better days. I dope hope that I get discharged soon as I'm very exhausted and mentally drained.
  2. 1 point
    Hey folks!!! I haven't been here in a while. I got my surgery on October 3rd, 2023. I have lost approximately 75 lbs. I am going THROUGH it mentally! This started because of all the reactions from folks and I hate that my body is the center of attention, it is very embarrassing. I really don't want to constantly talk about the changes etc...I am still in the thick of it! My dad has made some pretty disgusting comments and it threw me off so I have been avoiding even visiting my parents right now. I've just been so damn irritable and I just want to hide! I know I am so much more than my body weight and just want to be treated normally. I have always hated that aspect of weight loss. Am I the only one?
  3. 1 point
    Yeah, I had clothes in my closet that I already owned but were too small when I was at my heaviest (I think sizes 18-22) and I completely missed my window to fit into them when I was losing weight.
  4. 1 point
    Jillian K8

    March 23 buddies yet?

    March 16th!! 🎉
  5. 1 point

    Should I get surgery

    Ok, first surgery does not equal permanent weight loss it is a tool that assists you to lose weight. Heartburn every now and then because of what you eat can be controlled by your diet and to have surgery to prevent that probably isn't necessary. My fear of getting the sleeve was reflux as I already was on meds for it but it has improved even with a sleeve. It gets niggley if I eat to much or the wrong foods and drinks. I chose the sleeve because I didn't want to be taking vitamins everyday as I never remember to take supplements and I just didn't want to have to. The only time I made myself sick was after scoffing down a cinnamon scroll it was painful for hours and I vomited but that is the only time. But you don't forget you have had surgery, you might try to push the boundaries but you don't forget and most times your body will remind you . Possible dumping is something you need to be aware of too with a bypass. If you are binge eating you would certainly benefit from some counselling and I certainly wouldn't go into surgery without it. Surgery gives some of us a huge wake up call on how much we relied on food for comfort etc which can lead to other issues with your mental health. It doesn't happen often but there have been a few posts where people have had surgery and just haven't coped mentally so you need to keep that in mind to. Talk to your surgeon and his or her team I am sure they will give you the information and assistance you need prior to surgery
  6. 1 point
    Fingers crossed that's the end of them. What a difficult time you've had
  7. 1 point
    Alex Brecher

    Restarting Vitamins

    I don't understand why surgeons ask their patients to use chewable vitamins. Flavorless capsules dissolve quickly once they're taken orally, and they don't get stuck. Solid tablets definitely can cause issues. I use BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE “1 per Day!” flavorless capsules from https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/bariatricpal-multivitamin-one! BariatricPal has a special offer where it’ll cost you only $99 for an entire year's supply! Check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99 With just ONE convenient & affordable BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE daily, you can get the bariatric vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy! BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE was designed and developed by the world’s leading Bariatric medical professionals. Please take a calcium supplement separately to prevent interference with iron absorption. You can view a large selection of bariatric-friendly Calcium supplements at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium. You can also find MANY other brands of bariatric multivitamins at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins.
  8. 1 point

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I'm going to count this as a win. 30 days in and 10 lbs down. My goa for today was 254. This morning I hit 254.1! Success! 60 days to go. Setting sights on the 240s.
  9. 1 point
    That makes sense.
  10. 1 point

    Consider cortisol first

    Okay so I have been following but not posting much for a little while. I have been frustrated, feeling like I don’t have much advice to offer others because I have been searching for my own answers and very embarrassed about my weigh gain. Anyways, for those of you who don’t know me, I had my surgery March 9, 2021 at 235 (5’8”). I lost pretty steadily down to 169 but then stalled for months on end until my appetite came back and I started gaining and continue to gain. I have been struggling uphill while searching for answers ever since. The bariatric team blames my psyc meds but the prescribing dr claims they are weight neutral meds. My family dr agrees and showed me an article about the cravings they cause but he ordered thyroid and diabetes tests too which came back fine but I continue to gain so I made an appointment with an endocrine doctor thanks to a few people on here who suggested it. I finally just seen the endo doc and My cortisol was elevated on the suppression test so I just completed the two day saliva test which hopefully will bring some more answers but what they have said so far is that it’s probably sub clinical cushings which takes a while to confirm. I thought about waiting until I had more info but they said it will be another two or three weeks for these results and I may need more tests after that. I guess MY diagnosis is not really the point anyways. My point is I have recently learned of three things that could be the culprit of my weight that were never tested before surgery and I wonder why they don’t mention these tests pre surgery. I mean They are simple blood tests. I even googled to see why the cushings thing isn’t investigated since it doesn’t resolve with bariatric surgery and all I could find was one article that said it is of course suggested if you present with any of the classic symptoms but in terms of a blanket requirement for people considering bariatric surgery this person felt it unnecessary because it’s not extremely common. I guess maybe that’s the view of my doctor too but I sure wish I was presented with the option at least. I am just curious whether these are things that are tested or even brought up by other people doctors prior to surgery or what others think about whether they should be. And perhaps to give some people things they can investigate first if they are on the fence about surgery. I just feel like the surgery was never going to work for me because it seems likely that the root of my issue is still there. I am maintaining SOME of the loss but according to what I understand about what I have read so far, left untreated I will steadily continue to gain. I know this is still up in the air and not a super common thing regardless but I can’t be the only one struggling with this pre or post surgery and I hope my experience can help someone else struggle just a little less cause watching everyone around me try to be polite as I slowly put the weight back on has felt even worse than being obese was to begin with. I am trying to hang In there for answers and give myself grace but it’s hard to not feel like a failure as I continue to gain and everyone now knows I had surgery and of course I have to wonder if I blew my one shot at surgery because I am doing these tests after instead of before surgery. Regardless, if you are someone who doesn’t really make a ton of poor food choices but just eats more than “normal” because you always feel hungry, consider a cortisol test before surgery. I wish I had.

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