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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    back in the hospital

    hey yall!! Hope all is well. Well as far as me I been back in the hospital since Wednesday. Still vomiting etc. I had a procedure done yesterday. laparoscopic diagnostic, endoscopy and adhesion. removed. The adhesions took 2 hrs to remove. My surgeon said i'm a rare case. Just two weeks ago she removed scar tissue that was causing my stomach to twist. Now this procedure she considered to be extensive and was very complex. She said my stomach keep twisting and is very tender. She said I had accumulated more scar tissue and a bunch of other terms she used. She had to use special tools to lift my liver bc my sleeve was tethered to my live. In which my liver had dense adhesions attached to it as well. She believes that she got most off but states there was a section that was more difficult. For this she will have to go back in to attempt to remove more and dilate my sleeve again because there is a portion that showed a stricture. Oddly she said none of the showed up on the upper gi or endoscopy that I had done two weeks ago. Trying to remain positive and hope for better days. I dope hope that I get discharged soon as I'm very exhausted and mentally drained.
  2. 1 point

    Low On Iron

    Hi Fedup, good luck low iron sucks! I have very very heavy periods and with that have continuously low iron so will dump a load of generic advice I have researched over a couple fo years, sorry in advance (and obvs take doctors' advice first!) Firstly don't even bother trying/thinking about getting more in your diet, even iron-rich foods hardly have enough unless you eat liver or black pudding especially if you are already low. Supplement away. Secondly, it is possible you have an absorption issue, but as you have a sleeve (which unlike the bypass don't skip the first bit of the intestines) I think it's much more likely that it's just the small amount of food combined with what sounds to me like way too little supplementation and possibly safe but low levels pre-surgery (NOT a doctor). Things that help the absorption of iron: vitamin C, things that obstruct it, Calcium and caffeine. So when you supplement make sure it is not with caffeine or other supplements like calcium or magnesium, it should ideally be along with either fruit juice or a vitamin c pill or gummy. Multivitamins with iron combined often dont help as teh iron is just blocked. If your diet is anything like mine post-surgery... there was a lot of dairy! Also... im pretty sure i used to get most of my iron from chocolate, white bread and sugary cereal beofre surgery. I also paid privately in the Uk so might have a slightly different perspective to those from the USA above. They won't just do infusions here the way alot of people have been discussing above, they arent covered privately with the cost of surgery, and NHS will supplement first and you need to be ILL. I used Nuffield so your package may differ, but the surgery cost covered the dietician for that year, but not costs from them, so they can ask your GP to prescribe stuff but cant directly. Hopefully its all sorted now but in teh future I would not rely on them to get stuff actioned, get on the phone to the GP get an appointment and get them to prescribe you what the dietitian recommended. I just demanded a repeat long-term prescription of iron pills. As I say my deficiency is chronic (I prefer iron to birth control at the moment) but I have been on 305mg Ferrous Fumarate every other day for a couple of years, you can also ask for the more expensive ferrous compound if that gives you issues. Maybe try floradix if you can stomach it 🤢. But anything below 100mg or so a day just cant combat the deficiency. I would up my dosage, check when/the combination of supplements, and keep on chugging, iron deficiency is really normal and very fixable and not down to your diet.
  3. 1 point

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I'm going to count this as a win. 30 days in and 10 lbs down. My goa for today was 254. This morning I hit 254.1! Success! 60 days to go. Setting sights on the 240s.
  4. 1 point

    March 23 buddies yet?

    Lol yes, picked my favorite Tequila bar, had amazing chicken fajitas and dessert (I’ll keep the details shy on that one for the sake of others hah) and enjoyed every bite. I ended ready for the pre op diet and have no regrets.
  5. 1 point

    March 23 buddies yet?

    It’s Day 2 Post-Op for me - my surgery was on March 8th (robot assisted sleeve gastrectomy - Da Vinci machine). I’m doing okay on getting the liquid amount recommended to me but unfortunately it’s either water or vitamin water. The Premier Clear Peach flavor tastes salty to me so not doing well on the protein count but trying not to panic. I also tried broth yesterday and it tasted SOUR and I had it confirmed that it was not sour by my fiancé. The amount of gas in my tummy is going down slowly making it easier to drink liquids without a sharp pain. Wishing all the March surgeries a speedy recovery!!! To better lifelong health.
  6. 1 point

    March 23 buddies yet?

    Hi Everyone !!! Mine is March 22nd… wishing all a healthy journey 🫶🏻
  7. 1 point

    Complications 11 yrs after surgery

    I just had blood work and everything looked good. Iron was good. I also forgot to mention the non stop stomach pain. Gastroenterologist was confused as to why everything in my inside stomach area were in different spots??? I'm like...say what now? They now think I have a hiatal hernia. Fun times
  8. 1 point

    Restarting Vitamins

    I started 4 weeks post op as suggested by my surgeon. I did not do chewable and was fine with the capsules. I was given my BP medicine while in the hospital in pill form with a sip of water, pain meds etc and started an acid blocker the next day. I had ordered free samples from a few websites prior to surgery and chewables made me nauseous so I knew before hand they were a no go
  9. 1 point

    Weightloss month 1

    You are fine. around week 2-3 you end up hitting the infamous 3rd week stall where you wont loose and can gain. and this will happen throughout your first year. your body is adjusting. just stick to the plan
  10. 1 point
    Technically, they should not even be asking in a professional environment. But, tell them an old gypsy touched your cheek and whispered “thinner”. Then walk away. That’s sure to get a laugh.

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