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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    An older Italian chef encouraged me to try some 'over-ripe' Gorgonzola that was almost walking off the plate. I have never looked back. Its the No. 1 on my top cheese list
  2. 3 points
    Dear Sunshine Princess, the only person who's being really judgmental on this thread so far seems to be you. This is at least bordering the line to insult if not crossing it and I'd recommend taking it down a notch or two (though you will most likely not doing this, practically no one posting in that style ever has).
  3. 3 points

    Scheduled And Insurance Denial

    I just wanted to update everyone and say my insurance approved me 7 days before my surgery which is tomorrow! Once i got the call i started my liquid diet LOL
  4. 2 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    ok, u wanna see how much i eat?? did my fave way of eating (tasting menu) at this restaurant i booked months ago and totally forgot. good thing they called me the day before to confirm! Legend: Green checkmark: ate it all Yellow: fraction ate noted; or just tasted to try. Red X: didnt eat or even taste. Note: you cant really tell, bit these servings are small-ish...think the size of like a ping pong ball.. we got through the menu over about 3 hours. Hope u enjoy perusing these as much i had making the collages! 😃
  5. 2 points
    The Greater Fool

    Advanced Recovery shakes

    Wow, look how expensive it is! Is your surgeon or medical team selling this to you? Based on what the Nestle website claims this stuff may be marginally better than OTC drinks but ultimately may help prepare and recover from surgery. For quite a bit more coin. And quite a bit of icky, sicky. Tell your surgeon you want to change to another drink and they'll probably have no issue. If it is a problem, then you have three options: Suck it up and drink it; Get another surgeon; Keep letting your surgeon think you are drinking it while drinking something that isn't torture. The surgeon won't be able to tell; This sort of thing triggers me, I'm sorry if I over reacted. Stuff like this feels like a punishment. Good luck, Tek
  6. 2 points
    I don’t believe will power plays a long term major role in your success either.. I have decades of evidence that my stubbornness & pig headedness meant I could stick to any diet & lose weight. But I always put weight back on because i always went back to eating exactly the same way. Sound familiar? I never dealt with the why I ate. I never permanently changed my relationship with food. My will power couldn’t compete with those old, strong habits & thinking. Many of the benefits of the surgery don’t last. Your hunger comes back. Your restriction isn’t as strong. You can physically eat more, etc. (People can & do eat out around their restriction & their smaller tummy.) What the surgery does is give you time. Time to lose weight. Time to examine what, why & how you eat. Time to change your relationship with food, to establish new habits & routines around eating. Time to do the head work. The surgery alone doesn’t do all the work for you. If you think it will you won’t be as successful. Reframing the problem, as @SpartanMaker suggested, certainly worked for me. For many years I managed my reflux through dietary choices. Cut out daily carbonated drinks. (Limited how much soda or tonic water or champagne I’d had when socialising.) I cut out caffeine (except green tea). No spicy food (helped I had a sensitivity to chilli). Avoided rich, creamy, fatty, oily food. If I ate/drank them I would experience severe hiccups & other reflux symptoms. It became it didn’t matter how much enjoyment/ pleasure/comfort I got from eating/drinking them, they made me sick so it wasn’t worth it. I approached my post surgical weight loss & the way I eat now the same way. I’ve put my health & well being above any emotional benefits I got from eating. I feel so much better by not eating in my old way. I don’t get bloated & windy everyday. I don’t have those little white pimply bumps on my arms & they aren’t dry & scaly either. My thighs don’t rub together so no more heat rashes. I sleep better. My feet don’t ache when I wear heels or stand for any length of time. I have more energy. I didn’t have any comorbidities before my surgery so I can’t claim I don’t have those anymore but my chance of developing them is extremely low. I’m maintaining my weight. And so on. Initially it was my physical well being that motivated the change of thinking but now there’s also a emotional & mental well being component. And yes, part of that is vanity. The old maxim of eating to live not living to eat resonates strongly with me. I’m trying to apply this thinking to the stretching exercises I do now. (I really don’t enjoy exercising.) I feel better & body parts are looking leaner & more defined. Sorry for the long post.
  7. 2 points

    Getting nervous and scared.

    stay off TikTok. I read those kinds of stories before I had my surgery and they scared the crap out of me. I almost cancelled my surgery. However, those kinds of horror stories are extremely rare. Most of us never had complications or just had mild ones that could be "fixed" or treated. The most common complication is a stricture, which happens to about 5% of bypass patients, if that tells you anything (I personally would not consider something that only happens to 5% of people "common", but that's the most common complication...). It's a minor complication that's easily fixed. P.S. I finally made myself quit reading the stories.
  8. 1 point

    March VSG 2023

    Hi My surgery is scheduled for March 9th 2023. I'm having the Vsg Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point
    I see you are a rice cake with savory stuff eater. Just like my husband. He loves eating these things with ham and cheese. Also the corn variation. rice cake + savory stuff = me 🤢
  10. 1 point

    Getting nervous and scared.

    Being nervous and scared is normal. This surgery is a big deal. Whenever I heard about a scary complication, I researched the treatment for it. There's really no complication that can't be treated, if caught in time. Also, quit torturing yourself. Stay off the sites that are causing you grief.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
