I'm 6 months post op this week. Surgery day, I weighed 310 and this week I was 245 - so minus 65lbs in 6th months and it feels surreal! I'm also down 87lbs from my heighest weight last May (trying to push for an even 90 by the time my "Get serious about weight loss" anniversary rolls around). What an accomplishment in and of itself!
But as many of y'all know, a lot of this goes beyond the scale, so I'm about to talk about labwork and measurements!
Labwork/Blood Health
I ran comprehensive pre-op, simple 3 month, and comprehensive 6 month labs. Here are those results!
Pre-Op Vitamin D was a dismal 15. I've taken a daily 5,000 supplement since starting vitamins and I'm now close to 70. Normal Range.
A1C went from 6.1% pre-op to 5.4% six months out. Normal Range. Pre-diabetes off the table.
Fasting Glucose went from 121 pre-op to 103 at 3 months to 80. Normal Range
Cholesterol (total) went from 265 to 226 to 221. From high to borderline, but vastly improved.
LDL from 195 to 166 to 153. From high to borderline high.
All other labs were normal range prior to and post op.
Added blood health bonus: Taken off my Blood Pressure Medication completely.
Measurements (in inches)
Waist from 50 to 39.5
Right Thigh from 36.25 to 28.75
Left Thigh from 36.5 to 26.75
Hips from 69 to 52.5
Right Bicep from 18.5 to 14.5
Left Bicep from 18.25 to 14.25
Chest from 49.5 to 40
Neck from 15.25 to 13.5
Roughly a size 3x/4x, 22-26W to a about a 1x/2x, 14-16W
Moving Forward
I'm looking forward to what the future holds. I'm so happy with my progress so far! We often get hung up on the scale, but there is SO much more at play here. Be sure to track all your progress!