It can certainly be challenging to maintain a low-carb or sugar-free diet while traveling, especially in places where those options may not be widely available. However, it's not impossible to make healthy choices while on the road.
One strategy that can be helpful is to plan ahead and research the area you'll be visiting to identify any grocery stores or markets that may have healthier options. You can also bring your own snacks and meals with you, such as protein bars, nuts, and low-carb meal replacements.
Another strategy is to focus on ordering high-protein, low-carb options when dining out. For example, a grilled chicken breast with a side of vegetables, or a salad with protein like grilled fish or chicken.
It's also important to remember that weight loss is a journey, and it's important to be kind to yourself. You can always get back on track once you're back home.
It's good to hear that you were able to fit comfortably in the coach seat, which is a great reminder of the benefits of your weight loss journey.