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  1. 2 points
    I have a virgin bypass, but I've been eating a normal diet for years. for your questions: 2. Yes, of course! It's not going to be much different than it was with the sleeve, from what I've read. Protein- yes - you need to make sure you're getting enough. For most people it's around 60-80 grams a day (although isn't that true of sleeve, too? My clinic told both types of patients to get that much) My first few weeks post-op I couldn't drink 15 minutes before eating and 30 minutes after, but once I moved to solid food, I was told I could drink up to the time I started eating. Still am supposed to wait 30 minutes after eating to drink, though. Chewing thing - at my clinic, they had both types of patients chewing everything at least 20x before swallowing. I was religious about it the first few weeks, but I don't really do that anymore. I probably should because after surgery (both types) your stomach doesn't churn as much as it did before, so you have to do some of that "churning" before swallowing it, but I don't think I normally chew things 20+ times. from everything I've read/heard, weight loss is slower after revision than it is with a virgin surgery, but I know people who've lost a lot of weight after revising (and others who've just lost 20 lbs or so) I don't think you're going to find it much different than sleeve. One big thing to remember, though, is that you need to keep on top of your protein and supplements. Of course, sleevers should as well, but the consequences are greater if you slack off with a bypass.
  2. 1 point
    I had a VSG through Kaiser, and my partner had theirs through MBC tldr: MBC falls short in care and cleanliness, Kaiser is cheaper but takes 4-5 months. With Kaiser, I took 16 weeks worth of classes, did pre-op tests, EKG etc, waited a couple weeks and then had surgery for about $700. Kaiser is certainly the longer but cheaper pathway. I also think there is a lot of value in getting your head in the right place before surgery, and committing to 4+ months of pre-op does the job. It is annoying and hard to wrap your head around at the beginning but it went by quickly for me, even having to drive 1.5 hours each way to classes. I’m glad I used Kaiser so we have the resources given to me for him to use as well. MBC: Surgery is scheduled 2 weeks out from pre-approval (website form) and deposit, as thats the timeline required for the pre op diet. This is VERY fast and convenient. We paid about $5000. We are all familiar enough with US standards for hospitals, so here is where MBC falls short on that front: - his incisions bled through his gown after surgery, they would not give him a clean gown and told him he should just put on his street clothes. So, he wore a bloody gown for 2 days as the waist band on his sweat pants would’ve been super uncomfortable. - bandages/tape on floor of recovery room from previous patient. - Less than ideal bathroom cleanliness in room - Broken toilet for the entirety of his stay (he requested it to be looked at, at least 6 times before just pleading for it to be turned off at the water so it would stop running so he could sleep. There was urine and vomit in his toilet for his whole stay. Care comparison: Kaiser: I was on a morphine drip and could push the button every 10 minutes if I was experiencing pain. I was given injections for nausea. Lots of room to walk the halls. Attentive nursing staff. It was overall great. MBC: any time he asked for pain or nausea medication the nurse would say “I will check” and leave the room. Then, he’d wait an hour and have to ask again, only to hear the same response. You’re pretty on your own during recovery. He found that this was also the case for the other patients he drove back to San Diego with after surgery. It was not simply a bad experience, but the standard. Technically MBC contracts with the hospital to use their facility, and the nurses do not work for them directly. They have no skin in the MBC game when it comes to patient satisfaction and it shows. We hoped that tipping would help, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. My incisions with Kaiser were glued shut. His were open and we changed the gauze every day. It’s a little scary looking and you’re left wondering, “is this normal? Are these infected?” Kaiser: no drain, no leak test MBC: drain and leak test. Kaiser: you get a full binder of pre and post op instructions with diet guides for life. MBC: all of their instructions are on their website. What you see online before surgery is generally what you get in that regard. It is convenient to google quick answers to things like how many fluid ounces I should be having, etc and accessing the info easily on their website however it is no where near as comprehensive as Kaiser. Feel free to ask me anything, I’m sure there’s more for me to add and I will in comments. If you go with MBC, you should have low expectations and be willing and comfortable advocating for yourself. Ultimately, both work but the cleanliness and lack of care from MBC made me uneasy.
  3. 1 point

    Acid Reflux

    Unfortunately, reflux or gerd is a possible side effect of the sleeve. Definitely speak to your surgeon about how it can be better managed & your options. I had reflux before my surgery which I managed most of the time with dietary choices. My reflux is worse now in that I need meds every day versus rarely before surgery. But the surgery also reduced some of the reflux symptoms I had like the horrendous hiccups. Try avoiding caffeine, carbonation & spicy & rich foods (though your current eating plan probably avoids a lot of these). Try not to eat heavy/dense protein a couple of hours before going to bed. Sleep on a wedge or raise the head of your bed with a brick. Worth a try to see if any of these things can help you even a little.
  4. 1 point

    December surgery

    That Tom Petty really did know that "the waiting is the hardest part"! The anticipation is killing me. Sent from my Pixel 5 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point

    Rib cage

    You’ve lost the padding on your bones. My wrists, knees, shoulders, ankles, butt all would get sore when I’d put pressure on them. It does improve. The discomfort only wakes me after two or three hours now not every hour like it originally did. Some of the pain can be muscular too as tendons & ligaments etc. realign. Hips, back are the most common areas. They had been working in certain positions to compensate for carrying your weight & now they don’t have to & are moving back into their correct place as your posture improves. As for your sternum, may be check with your doctor to reassure yourself. Our skeletons have little differences in bone formations & some parts protrude more than others like noticeable collarbones, larger chests, wider hips, etc. Congrats on your weight loss.
  6. 1 point

    6 Months: Before and After

    You look great. Inspirational!
  7. 1 point

    Consider cortisol first

    Okay so I have been following but not posting much for a little while. I have been frustrated, feeling like I don’t have much advice to offer others because I have been searching for my own answers and very embarrassed about my weigh gain. Anyways, for those of you who don’t know me, I had my surgery March 9, 2021 at 235 (5’8”). I lost pretty steadily down to 169 but then stalled for months on end until my appetite came back and I started gaining and continue to gain. I have been struggling uphill while searching for answers ever since. The bariatric team blames my psyc meds but the prescribing dr claims they are weight neutral meds. My family dr agrees and showed me an article about the cravings they cause but he ordered thyroid and diabetes tests too which came back fine but I continue to gain so I made an appointment with an endocrine doctor thanks to a few people on here who suggested it. I finally just seen the endo doc and My cortisol was elevated on the suppression test so I just completed the two day saliva test which hopefully will bring some more answers but what they have said so far is that it’s probably sub clinical cushings which takes a while to confirm. I thought about waiting until I had more info but they said it will be another two or three weeks for these results and I may need more tests after that. I guess MY diagnosis is not really the point anyways. My point is I have recently learned of three things that could be the culprit of my weight that were never tested before surgery and I wonder why they don’t mention these tests pre surgery. I mean They are simple blood tests. I even googled to see why the cushings thing isn’t investigated since it doesn’t resolve with bariatric surgery and all I could find was one article that said it is of course suggested if you present with any of the classic symptoms but in terms of a blanket requirement for people considering bariatric surgery this person felt it unnecessary because it’s not extremely common. I guess maybe that’s the view of my doctor too but I sure wish I was presented with the option at least. I am just curious whether these are things that are tested or even brought up by other people doctors prior to surgery or what others think about whether they should be. And perhaps to give some people things they can investigate first if they are on the fence about surgery. I just feel like the surgery was never going to work for me because it seems likely that the root of my issue is still there. I am maintaining SOME of the loss but according to what I understand about what I have read so far, left untreated I will steadily continue to gain. I know this is still up in the air and not a super common thing regardless but I can’t be the only one struggling with this pre or post surgery and I hope my experience can help someone else struggle just a little less cause watching everyone around me try to be polite as I slowly put the weight back on has felt even worse than being obese was to begin with. I am trying to hang In there for answers and give myself grace but it’s hard to not feel like a failure as I continue to gain and everyone now knows I had surgery and of course I have to wonder if I blew my one shot at surgery because I am doing these tests after instead of before surgery. Regardless, if you are someone who doesn’t really make a ton of poor food choices but just eats more than “normal” because you always feel hungry, consider a cortisol test before surgery. I wish I had.
  8. 1 point

    Anyone wanna cheer me up?

    I didn't have a revision, (virgin bypass here) but I had the same concerns pre-op. I was worried about never being able to eat a piece of steak again.. or becoming lactose intolerant. I LOVE DAIRY! Long story short, none of it happened. I can eat anything I want, never dumped or maybe once but so mild I am still not even sure if that's what it was. By about 5-6 months, I was pretty much perfectly back to "normal" other than the restriction and eating WAY less than my normal pre-op self. I never had a problem getting my fluids or hitting protein goals. You got this! Don't worry. I know everyone is different but keep in mind, negative travels faster than positive! So it seems like you hear about more negative things but in reality it is just how word of mouth travels. Best of luck to you!
  9. 1 point

    Will I ever enjoy eggs again?

    lots of people have trouble with eggs after WLS. For many, it's just temporary.
  10. 1 point

    Carbonated drinks

    this is a good video to watch on it (until someone actually answers your question)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
