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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Merri Beth

    3 weeks Post Gastric Sleeve

    I did do the puree either. I was told by my medical team to begin soft foods 15 days post op. I started the soft foods on Dec 13th. So far so good, have had eggs, spinach, salmon, chicken, carrots, and today i made a ground beef vegetable soup so far tolerated everything well.
  2. 2 points

    At least 3 Years Postop!

    4+ years out for me. i still track all my calories and weigh myself every morning. if my scale shows an upward trend for an extended period of time, i make adjustments in calorie intake for a while....though i haven't had to do these "adjustments" since i upped my personal acceptable weight limit by 5lbs over a year ago. i found that the effort to maintain a lower weight was just not worth it. yes its a small amount, but not having to worry about those extra 5 lbs and being able to maintain my current weight with little extra effort with my current eating habits and activity level is golden to me. p.s. i do dedicated exercise about 3-4 times a week p.p.s. not sure if it's worth noting that i also inadvertently practice 16:8 IF (i don't normally eat until after noon out of years habit; and i generally stop eating around 7-8 so i sleep on an empty stomach..habit created after wls to avoid nighttime regurgitation.)
  3. 1 point

    Conversation Surgery

    Hi All, I had lap band surgery in 2009 when I was 22. I lost 100lbs in 3yrs and had a normal bmi. Over the years I've gained 70lbs back and the lap band is a pain. I have a conversion consult on Wednesday. I've always thought I wanted to go with the sleeve but I now know a few people who haven't had great success with it. I know a couple with bypass who look great and are very happy. I'm wondering if anyone else is in a similar situation or has any thoughts/advice? Thanks! Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    August surgery buddies!

    Today is month 4 post op. I’m making good and steady progress, slower than some and faster than others but good enough for me. I’m about to go on winter vacation so I am hoping to focus on my exercise during that time and start a routine. How is everyone else?
  5. 1 point

    Cleared finally!

    So exciting!!!
  6. 1 point

    At least 3 Years Postop!

    At 5yrs out, I still mostly choose meals with lower calories when eating at restaurants even if I want the higher calorie meal more. Having calories displayed on menus is a game changer for me. Also I rarely have drinks with calories and when I do they are usually 60 calories or under and once per day.
  7. 1 point
    This is a great question!!! I have always been UNrealistic in my weight loss journey before my surgery so this was a concern for me. I looked over my past and tried to remember the weight where I felt good, confident as well as taking into account my age at the time of surgery and my activity level. I have some orthopedic issues that hinder my work outs and general walking. I discussed this with the therapist I spoke to before my surgery and it was agreed that my number for me was very realistic. I made my goal weight just shy of a year post op! I followed and still follow my meal plans, I do add in an "extra" here and there but its always worked into my plan and I avoid excesses. I took the time to learn what my eating triggers are and when I feel like I am going down that rabbit hole I adjust and use other non-food coping strategies. Each journey is very personal and once size does not fit all. This is something I have really became fully aware of during my journey.
  8. 1 point

    Itchy all over

    Sorry to hear of this, probably makes it hard to fall asleep. You should probably call your regular doctor or your care team. This could be a new sensitivity or allergies. I don’t even know if you can take Benedryl?
  9. 1 point


    Well, I'm back! I have a new surgery date of 01/06/2023! My baby boy is amazing though! 14 months old now and perfect in every way so things happen for a reason!
  10. 0 points

    Surgery nightmares

    Hello, I just wanted to share my story. I was on a fb group through the weight center that did my surgery on 12/5 but they didn't let me share my story. I went in for my sleeve surgery but shortly after while in recovery my BP dropped really low, I started sweating badly and my skin/eyes turned gray. They gave me a blood transfusion which brought my BP back up. I was brought in for an emergency surgery because I was bleeding out. They said leaked 3 liters of blood and had multiple large dark blood clots in my stomach. I was bleeding and oozing through the staples so they double stitched me and cauterized some of the stomach. Since the 2 surgeries I have had very high pulse, which they call Tachycardia. Also, I am anemic. I also get this uncontrolled diaphram spasm where it makes me gasp for air. The 1st week it hurt to swallow anything, even a sip of water. I started to get pain up my throat so they gave me heartburn meds which helped that matter. I went home after spending a few nights at the hospital but quickly after I was home I went back into the ER for low BP and dehydration. I am home again now, monitoring my BP. I am taking fluids ok and getting my proteins in. I still have to drink slow but I am able to. You can feel/hear every sip go down and every pill go down. I still get times where there is pressure from air stuck under the rib cage and the pain goes up to my shoulder. They just ok'd me to start cream soups, yogurt and cottage cheese 2 days ago. I get full really fast. I just wanted you to know that the 1% they warn you about can happen. It happened to me and I cry myself to sleep about the events that happened every time I close my eyes. It was very scary to go through. They said it will take about 6 weeks for my body to rebuild its own blood back up. Your body rejects some of the transfusion since it isn't your blood. Until then I get weak, dizzy and lightheaded every time I get up to walk around and my pulse goes really high and my heart beats out of my chest. I have a couple of mins to walk or shower and then I need to lay back down to catch my bearings. I am starting to get color back in my lips on occasion. The most important thing is I keep fighting to get up every day, walk a little and drink my fluids in order to get better. They tell you that you need support at home and I live alone so I was worried. They are right, you can't do this alone. After the ER trip it helped to have my parents coming in to remind me to keep drinking and to do things around the house that I couldn't. Thank you for listening. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
