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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    How do you curb cravings?

    You never beat cravings you just learn how to recognise & manage them. Look to why you are craving those foods too. Boredom, habit, emotional need, stress, are likely culprits. But hormones & certain medications can be causes too. Look for something to distract you. Go for a walk, ring a friend, clean a cupboard, read, craft, play a game, check social media or this forum. Have something to drink like a cup of tea or water. Look for healthier alternatives. Like craving sweet, have a little fruit. As @Spinoza said, soup, yoghurt & shakes aren’t slider foods. While liquids do pass through your digestive system more quickly they do still fill you up. Sliders (highly processed carbs & sugars) don’t fill you up & you can easily eat more than you should. If you can get those foods out of the house. If they’re not in the cupboard or fridge you can’t eat them. At the time of the year, it can be difficult not to have them in the house. I had some less desirable foods leftovers from Christmas drinks. I gave some to my guests & others to my nieces & nephews & my pantry is empty again. No temptation.
  2. 2 points
    Mia the Pug

    January 2023

    Hello Everyone! I was just approved for January 23, 2023. I'm soooooooooooooooo excited!
  3. 1 point

    January 2023

    Hello all! I just got the call today that I am scheduled for my surgery on 1/4/22! I'm pretty nervous and excited. I saw some surgery date buddies up thread. I'm excited to get to know you all!
  4. 1 point

    Noobie Questions

    You’ll get lots of different responses to your question. You may have gas pains - I didn’t after my sleeve but had heaps after my gall surgery. The gas is not in your digestive system but in your abdominal cavity so burping & farting won’t help. It rises & gets trapped under your lungs causing nerve pain usually in your shoulder. You actually breathe it out so walk, walk, walk as you can, do deep breathing, march on the spot & heat packs can ease the discomfort. It’s usually gone in a week or less. Yoi’ll get good drugs for the surgical pain. I took my last one on at night on day 4 to ensure I slept & didn’t need them after that. You may find it difficult to sleep in your bed & some sleep in a recliner. I slept in my bed in my usual side twist position from day 1. You will experience abdominal tenderness. It can make getting up & down a little difficult but go slowly. Some find a binder useful or even a cane but that is very individual. I didn’t use or need either. You may be bloated from all the fluid they pump you with & you may end up weighing more after the surgery than you did before. You pee it out over a few days. You may experience swelling in your throat from the breathing tube which causes pain on swallowing & sometimes lots of saliva. Mine lasted about 3 days. Nausea is also quite common but you should be given medication for that & to take home too as well as a PPI to help with excess stomach acid. You may experience a very sudden diarrhoea attack which occurs without warning. I did. It was awful … & messy. It’s from all the fluids, blood from the surgery, etc. It may persist for a few days. Otherwise, you’ll likely experience constipation which may persist for several months in varying degrees. Add soluble, non swelling fibre to your diet, keep your fluids up & keep on top of the constipation. I took a stool softener if I got to three days without any movement. And don’t worry if your poop is small or you only go every two days. You’re not eating much so don’t have much waste for your body to excrete. You will have periods of low energy & tiredness. You’ve had a pretty major surgery & are on a restricted diet. If your body says stop & rest, stop & rest. It’s healing & trying to recover. I found an electrolyte drink helped & gave me a little boost. Follow your plan. Follow your plan. Follow your plan. But don’t worry if you don’t meet all your protein & fluid goals straight out. As long as you’re close & getting closer each week you’re good. If you don’t feel well, are experiencing excessive pain or pain that persists, or something feels wrong to you, contact your surgery or go to a medical centre. It may be nothing but better to be safe & sure. Hope I haven’t scared you. All of this is temporary. All the best with your surgery & recovery.
  5. 1 point
    You've already made such incredible progress! re: loose skin, I've always wondered if the people who have surgery to remove excess skin wake up to find themselves 10 lbs lighter post-op.
  6. 1 point

    December surgery

    Ohh Lisa I'm nervous now too, it's becoming very real!! 😧 The pre-op diet over the hols will be tough, but it means there's more years of holidays to enjoy in the future, I guess! Very best of luck to you!
  7. 1 point

    January 2023

    I am booked for the 4th January
  8. 1 point
    Bitter sweet. I lost my wedding ring. Before surgery I had to take it off because it was so tight. Then about a month after was able to put it back on, a smidge tight but comfortable. Within a few months loose side of comfortable and before I new it too big. I noticed when I dried my hands it would slip off into the towel while drying (etc) Then, all of a sudden it was gone. I dug threw the trash piece by piece and searched the entire house! Next we are taking the bathroom drain apart to see if it fell in. It wasn't expensive, more of just a statement. It sucks and is bothering me!
  9. 1 point
    December 5 for me! Nervous and excited!
  10. 1 point

    January 2023

    I just got rescheduled for January 9th!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
