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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    how did surgery save you money?

    I paid for my surgery, but knew I was investing in my health and it will make up for it. So far our grocery trip is lasting almost 3 weeks and if I wanted I can make it to the month, since I can't have produce/fruits yet, and 1lb of protein is good for 10 meals, so I'm freezing some portions and my husband is eating from the protein I make. My blood pressure med is back to 5mg so my prescription of 3 months is going to last 6, have not been out to eat since Oct and even then I had started to only eat half of my portion and taking the rest home. I stopped drinking few weeks before surgery so we no longer have 2 boxes of beer in the pantry, no unhealthy snacks, or bread that goes bad. On the other side, my self esteem is coming back awd with that the wanting to shop lol but I have some clothes that do not fit and are new that I will wear till I hit the 100s, will mainly need bottoms, but once goal weight is hit, all bets are off [emoji1787] Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    My surgery is next week (14th) . This is all good information. I appreciate it all. It will help me manage expectations and deal with the realities of sleeve. Good luck and thanks for being inspirations to those of us who are following you on this journey.
  3. 1 point
    Thank you everyone for your input! I do notice the hiccups, and the burping, which also happens when I’m not eating too. Also I had my first post-op appt on 12/7 this week I’m on liquids and puréed stage and my surgeon told me that the sleeve can hold up to 6oz so I’ve been consuming about 1/2 cup of food which is 4oz. I bought some ramekin bowls from Amazon they have different sizes I chose the 4oz ones and they’ve been great to use so I don’t have to measure 1/2 cup each time I eat since I have them to use as a guide. Good luck to everyone with their journeys pre-op and post-op!
  4. 1 point
    it takes a while to decipher the cues because it takes a while for them to fully develop while you are healing… i didn’t really start to feel things until i was on soft food and much stronger on regular food… i am 5 weeks po so still early on but ca. tell a big difference watch for hiccups, burps, feeling of pressure in throat, pressure in chest, heart rate or breathing changes, those are all cues people have reported (mine are stomach heavy feeling and hiccups)
  5. 1 point

    Gas problems and binder.

    It often takes a good week for the gas to escape. But burping & farting won’t help because the gas is actually in your abdominal cavity not in your digestive system. The pain occurs because it rises & settles under your lungs causing nerve pressure (the shoulder pain). It escapes by attaching itself to water molecules in your lungs & you breathe it out. So gentle activity like short walks (around your home, garden, street) as you’re able, marching on the spot, carefully lifting your arms up & down ( don’t pull your tummy) & slow, deep breathing. A heat pad can also help ease the discomfort too. Yeah binders are a some do some don’t. If you find a binder supportive & more comfortable, use it.
  6. 1 point
    Hi Alicia, I had surgery on 11/22, I can also tell easily when hungry, but the first time I had food had trouble telling apart from digestion or fullness so I took it really slow. What you are feeling means you ate too much, you want to eat until you are satified but not stuffed. I'm allowed to eat 1 to 2oz, once I hit 1oz I take a few min break and see if I still want more and do the same at 1.5oz. If still hungry consumed the full 2oz but if I start feeling the food is slowing down when going down I stop. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Feel I'm like i'm overdoing it..

    There’s a fork sold on this site that will buzz if you try to eat too soon after the last bite.
  8. 1 point
    I think this is good advice until you figure it out. There are both electrical (via the vagus nerve), signals, as well as hormonal signals to your brain that tell you when you are full. The signal from the vagus nerve happens pretty quickly once triggered, but it doesn't really kick in until you're full or even overfull. That's typically what you're feeling now. The hormonal signals are different. They are only triggered as food starts to be absorbed, so it takes a while. This can take up to 20 minutes, but it can vary depending on what you ate, and certain individual differences. If you can slow down your eating, you're more likely to get these hormonal signals to stop BEFORE you get the uncomfortably full signal from the vagus nerve.
  9. 1 point

    Gas problems and binder.

    I'm on Day 8 today what I used early on was GasX, works great! Sent from my SM-F711U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point

    Gas problems and binder.

    I did not get a binder but did hold my belly with a pillow when getting in and out of bed, coughing and sitting. Held with my hand when walking and laughing. Gas pains for me were gone in 2 days, any discomfort at week 1. Now at week 2, I sleep on my sides, can bend kind of easily and only have discomfort if I twist too much Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
