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  1. 5 points

    Killing it with per diem!

    So, this was a unexpectedly pleasant surprise! I’m on gov’t travel and am almost 2 months post surgery (17 Oct). I was worried about what food to eat and what I could handle, so when I landed I stopped at a CVS and got protein shakes. In the meantime, I’m at a hotel that offers making custom omelettes in the AM, has a fridge and a microwave in the room. So, I’ve been ordering an omelette in the AM, eating a few bites, throwing it in the fridge, and heating it up for dinner 😀😇 The conference I’m at offers fruit pieces for snacks during the day. And it’s in FL, so for lunch I’ve just ordered steamed shrimp or oysters. Super simple, and all I’ve paid for (food-wise) is lunch. I’m making a killing on my per diem! Not used to being able to spend so little to eat. I’m a cheap date now 😂🤣
  2. 1 point

    gained 3lb in 4 days...

    I once gained 3 pounds in a day by eating pickles! It's the salt, but my goodness.
  3. 1 point
    Oh I feel for you, flu and sickness too must be awful. I dread getting coughs and colds because of the pneumonia too. You seem to be doing all the right things with plenty of fluids and vitamins. Keep warm. In the UK we have a cure all that is Whisky, hot water, lemon and honey. Drink enough of it and you feel better. Albas oil on a handkerchief is great for clearing the head if you sniff it. Rest up.
  4. 1 point
    Malkia mzuri

    Gas problems and binder.

    Thank you so much 💓
  5. 1 point

    This flu has GOT TO GO!!!

    No fun! Feel better soon.
  6. 1 point

    December surgery

    Ohh Lisa I'm nervous now too, it's becoming very real!! 😧 The pre-op diet over the hols will be tough, but it means there's more years of holidays to enjoy in the future, I guess! Very best of luck to you!
  7. 1 point


    I was officially 4 years post op last week, and i was gonna go do a 4-yr anniversary post with pics, but alas i got lazy. So for now here is my OOTD at 4 years, 6 days post op, wearing my laze-about-at-home clothes (when its too hot to wear a shirt, lol). Surgery Oct 2018 - 235 lbs Goal May 2019 - 127 lbs Today Oct 2022 - 119.2 lbs
  8. 1 point


    This is what I wore to school on Tuesday this week.
  9. 1 point


    Finally wearing something that’s not black again and I match a bathroom 😅
  10. 1 point

    Weight gain & Health Issues

    We have practically the exact same starting stats!! (Same height, but i was just 1 lbs shy of you at 235 😉) To answer your questions (and note that this pertains to my experience and may or may not be yours), no, i have not experienced and “serious” long-term or permanent health issues. I’m 3 years, 8 mnths post. My energy came back and then some by 1 month; the hair that started falling out at 3 months already started growing back about 6 months; my last set of labs done in March this year say im the picture of health. And i have maintained below goal weight since reaching it at 7 months post-op over 3 years ago. I do have a couple of slightly annoying changes due to the surgery/weight loss though, but nothing i can’t deal with, nor anything that would make me regret having it done: 1) i am gassy/have mild acid reflux now, lol..but im on medication that keeps it at bay and i adjust my lifestyle to accommodate it: go to sleep on empty stomach, take lactose pills before consuming dairy, etc.. 2) i am a lot weaker than i used to be..in terms of strength like lifting heavy things or opening jar lids. I figure i just need to build back more muscle, but im lazy i guess. Plus there’s always someone around to carry or open things for me anyway Lololololzzz. There are those out there that do experience some serious issues, but I don’t believe its the norm. You won’t know how YOU will fare until you do. Good Luck! ❤️

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
