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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    My surgery date is December 5th. I am excited and nervous but so ready for this new way of life. I would love to connect with someone going through surgery the same day or close to it for support 🙂
  2. 1 point

    Weight gain

    Thank you. RNY(Gastric bypass Dec.2019. 2 more back surgeries since bypass, limiting me from my normal activities (walking,exercising,daily chores...). Starting at.:265. Lowest wt: 170. Presently hovering between 194/ 198. Had second spinal cord stimulator implanted 8 weeks ago, just received clearance for exercise,.... Very happy and motivated now to get back to more healthy living,habits! Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point
    Dianne Bradshaw

    Protein Intake

    I'm 11 days post op and I'm struggling to get more than 250 calories a day of that I'm getting about 15 grams of protein. At 9 days post op, I was allowed to start a full liquid diet and I finally tried today a teaspoon of mushroom bisque, stayed down but now I'm trying to do a shake and my stomach is just gurgling. My nutrition gave me a recipe for protein Popsicles, so making them now. Has anyone had any problems with liquid intake after surgery.
  4. 1 point

    Protein Intake

    We have had our tummies made into a small tube. After surgery the tube will be very swollen. It's very difficult to drink for most of us. The sooner you can hit your liquid goals the better you will feel. Just keep drinking and try for more every day. It seems like a day's work to keep on top of it in the beginning but it's worth the effort. Try hot cold and frozen drinks.
  5. 1 point

    So depressed about my hair

    Hair loss is probably the number one distressing appearance-related side effect of rapid weight loss (honourable mentions to loose skin, of course). Most, if not all, of us suffer from it. Some suffer more than others. Like the others above, I want to offer re-assurance that its mostly temporary. Little chicken hairs will start to sprout up and then in a year or two those chicken hairs will be down to your shoulders. Im my case (and some others I have read), it actually came back thicker...but i think this is also due to the fact that my overall health is better than it was before. BUT, in the meantime, here are few couple tips to get you through this annoying stage (choose what you feel comfortable with...or none at all ) 1) cut your hair shorter (i did a pixie cut at 3 months). the carpets of hair accumulating on the floor and catching in the shower drain will appear less. shorter hair theoretically will weigh less, so it will be less likely to pull down flat against your scalp and show larger swatches of said scalp. and when the chicken hairs start coming in they are less noticeable and blend in better with the rest of your shorter hair and not look so thin on the ends. 2) keep your hair clean. greasy hair will flatten and mat against your scalp which will show more of it (BUT don't shampoo too much...and that's for everyone, not just those losing their hair!) 3) I think I see what looks like a braid in your hair in one of the pics above? if you can, maybe save the braids for later as the style will pull on the hair you have and possibly come out at an even faster rate. 4) there are these hair fibre "powders" that you can buy that temporarily camouflages the scalp. its basically hair coloured powder that you sprinkle on your hair to give the appearance of fullness until you wash it out later. Best results on darker hair with enough existing hair for the fibres to adhere too. 5) and for the truly brave, there is SMP (scalp micro pigmentation)..its a process whereby a tech tattoos hundreds (thousands?) of tiny little dots on your scalp to mimic hair follicles and create the illusion of fuller hair. I had this done last year because I have had the same side part in my hair since I was like 8 years old, and as the years have gone by its was noticeably thinner in that section. Full disclosure: it effing hurts. but I'm happy with the results, lol. 6) and lastly, at least for me, vitamins, creams, lotions did nothing to stop or slow down the hair loss. i know lots of folks have sworn by some or all of these methods, so ymmv. Good Luck, and hang it there! ❤️ P.s. sorry this was so long.
  6. 1 point

    Chronic pain and transfer addiction

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I appreciate it. Money is an issue so options are a bit limited. I've tried physical therapy at 3 different providers but it made things dramatically worse. I've not done the pain management option yet, as I worry about my natural addictive personality taking over, food addiction is part of the reason I was/am overweight. I'm currently looking for a counselor. I'm big on talking though things. Without getting on a soap box, I'm amazed at the expense, how many of the want to bring religion into it (I'm not overly religious) or even politics (their views not mine). I'm going to checkout some of the virtual counselors this week. Basically, I feel like everything that I did and spent on getting thinner and healthier was for nought. Almost like the universe said "Yeah, that's cute, nice try!" and then changed the rules on my. I feel robbed of things. I get it life happens but (as im.sure lots of you can understand) when you spend a lifetime being heavy and working through the ramifications of that, being picked on, not getting jobs, feeling unloved, trying desperately to not call unneeded attention to yourself and you finally find a way to "fit in" it sucks to have a setback. Sent from my SM-G970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    What am I doing wrong?

    Great. I lost 33# the first month then a stall for 2 weeks now. I now am getting enough energy with soft foods so set up my treadmill. I will rejoin my gymn membership in January. Plan to do some mall browsing to get steps in. Just got my fitbit out. For 5 days the 4th week, no scale movement and then bam 3#. I guess patience, hydrate and protein while getting to enjoy life is key. Scale 2x a week.
  8. 1 point

    What am I doing wrong?

    That's how I am. Sometimes we have to remember that slow and steady wins the race. I lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks after surgery. Now I am 7 months out, and I lose MAYBE 2 pounds a week. Sometimes 3. And my stalls went from 2 weeks to 3 to 4. Every 6 weeks or so, I hit another one. When It breaks, I drop like 5 or 6 pounds. Then it goes back to inching along until my next stall. It's really frustrating, but what you want to do is focus on your NSV (Non Scale Victories). Does your face look smaller? Are your clothes getting looser? Do your rinds feel bigger? Can you move around better? When the scale isn't doing what we want it to, we have to look to see what our bodies are doing. THAT's where you'll get a more complete picture of what's happening.
  9. 1 point

    Regain 4 Years out

    Regain happens! It's good you are addressing it now, and have relatively little weight to lose. I suggest looking into some of the new drugs that are being used off label for weight loss, like Mounjaro and Ozempic Good luck!
  10. 1 point

    Pouch Reset and Mounjaro?

    Hormones are the worst. My weight issues began with puberty. I bounced between 60 & 75kgs most of my adult life. When I began peri menopause, I gained weight & hit 75 more quickly then ever before When I began menopause I put on another 16kg even more quickly - felt like overnight - & suddenly I weighed 91kg. Couldn’t shift a gram of it. It’s why I turned to surgery. Interestingly, the 49kg I settled at for a good year after surgery was about what I weighed when I was 12 & puberty hit. Then, in late November last year, my GP upped my HRT dose & yep, weight gain: 2kgs in that first month. I modified my diet as soon as I realised & while I I haven’t gained any more, I haven’t been able to lose those kgs either. I wonder if starting with your hormones & maybe trying to sort those out maybe a better place to start.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
