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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    you're seven months out now - from about this point and for the rest of your life, you're going to occasionally have days like this. It was a holiday - even skinny people tend to eat more than usual or have special treats on such days. The trick is to get right back to it the next day and don't let it continue on. Sounds like you have a good plan.
  2. 2 points
    It's all Thanksgiving's fault. I avoided the mashed potatoes, but I had some gravy made from turkey drippings and stuffing, as well as cheesy peas and 2 Hawaiian sweet rolls, besides the turkey. Not all at once, because I can't eat that much at once. But throughout the day, yep. Definitely didn't eat right. So...today I get back to basics and reset my pouch and my mindset. I didn't workout yesterday, so today is strictly back to my diet and my working out. I've been so good at not cheating and not messing up, but yesterday was too much for me to resist. So, time to get back on track. But MAN it was so yummy lol
  3. 2 points

    25lb more to go...

    That's awesome!!!!! Congrats
  4. 2 points

    Pre-surgery diet

    Distract yourself with everything you can. The pre-surgery diet is universally the hardest bit, and everyone just has to soldier through it. The first week is the worst, as it's pure cold-turkey and that means withdrawals from carbs and sugar which are rough. Ask your team if you can at least eat vegetables for some texture? If not, find any distractions, whether it's walking, reading, playing games, doing some DIY. It feels like forever when you start it, but the time does go. By week two, my looming surgery brought pre-op nerves that helped distract me from the starvation diet.
  5. 1 point

    Pre-surgery diet

    It's like getting tortured isn't it. Just struggle through. By day four you will have it easier. Everyone is set a different diet so we can't really advise you on what you could eat. Sugar free ice pops should be fine though. The reason they do the diet is to - 1. Make us realise how much and how badly we ate. It helps break the sugar and junk food cycle. 2. To shrink our livers so the surgery is safe. A fatty liver is very fragile, they have to move it to get at the surgery site. A few people have had the surgery begin and woke to find the surgeon said, 'sorry can't do this today' They were heartbroken. Stick with it, it's worth it in the end. We are all living proof its possible. Mine was 3 long torturous weeks and I was so sick of it that I almost ran to the operating theatre shouting ' let's get this done'
  6. 1 point

    Drinking Water

    The way I found my "limit" was to start with 1 sip from a 1 ounce cup every 15 minutes. See how your body tolerates it. If it tolerates it well, then move to 1 sip every 14 minutes, then 13, and so on and so forth. It is a process but you will find your limit within a day or two. One of the one ounce cups should probably take you 2-3 sips to get through, although everyone is different so test that out. If you feel a new pain after your sip, stop and let it fully go away before taking another sip. I think these steps should help anyone with their water intake. Using those steps I was able to find my limit, then I would gradually increase it to my comfort level. I'm just about 3 weeks post op and I'm able to drink about 10-12 ounces an hour or so. It's really important you listen to your body though. The good thing is, as of week 4 your stomach should be healed up and your chance of it bursting/popping is significantly reduced at this point.
  7. 1 point
    It's been several years (I'm 7.5 years out), but I don't think mine got to the point where I couldn't keep fluids down, so I was probably able to take my pills. I went for a few days without being able to keep food down, so I called my clinic and they scheduled an upper endoscopy for me. If I'd have waited longer, at some point I wouldnt' have been able to keep fluids down, either..
  8. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    Happy that you made the choice to have WLS. I'm going to give you a different way of looking at this. LOTS of people (meeee) have body dysmorphia. Crazy but when i was 232lbs (5'2") and i looked in the mirror.... I didn't see 232lbs. I saw what was in my head. In fact I decided to have WLS (lapband) when I saw a picture and didn't know it was me.... the feeling was awful.......... fast forward...... 143lbs (lapband) and all I saw in the mirror was the fat girl............ fast forward....... 2+ years after lapband removed 173lbs I didn't see how terrible I looked again............ Sleeved at 173lbs and now i'm at 125-129 and I still don't see the person everyone else sees in the mirror...... I got down to 120 and i got a lot of "your soooo skinny". It's crazy how the mind plays trick on us...... and yes i'm in therapy. So she probably doesn't see what you saw.
  9. 1 point
    Sunshine Princess

    Caffeine/ coffee

    I just added caffiene-3 weeks out from surgery. I mixed black iced coffee with a 1/2 of a vanilla Premier Protein shake and it was delicious. Felt like an iced latte.
  10. 1 point

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi Guys! It’s my first time. I am having my sleeve surgery this Friday, November 19th! I’m excited.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
