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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    August surgery buddies!

    The stalls are a bit frustrating. I'm having one too, but I'm not as desperate now as I was during my last stall. I have passed my initial goal or getting under 100 kilos (220 pounds). My next two goals are 93 kilos (205 pounds) because then I will have lost an even 20 kilos from my highest weight, and then 91 kilos (200 pounds) which was what I weighed a decade ago after I had my son. Also, 91 kilos / 200 pounds for my height is the cutoff for obesity according to BMI, so once I'm below that I'm considered overweight but no longer obese. I know BMI is not an exact science, but it still makes a difference to me psychologically. Initially, I wanted to be 91 kilos / 200 pounds at the end of this year, but maybe 93 kilos is a more realistic goal. Still, I'm thinking of taking up more exercise to help me reach my goals. I have 7 weeks to go until January 1st, so I should be able to lose at least 3 kilos, and maybe more. Fingers crossed.
  2. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    When I went to my 6 week post op consultation ,I happened to sit in close proximity to a woman who had also had the Gastric Sleeve .She thought she looked wonderful - I thought she looked terminally ill ."I'm nearly at my wedding weight " she said proudly .I smiled and said nothing .She was the opposite of how I wanted to look .Her hair was thin and lack lustre , her skin sagging and dull .I listened in horror as she explained she was still trying to lose weight .I thought she summed up the very look I never wanted to have .Her slimness did nothing to inspire me .So I am 3 months post op .I can now walk freely , breathe better ,and I fit into my favourite jeans .I am not at my ideal BMI but if I don't lose further weight ,I'll be content .I eat more healthily and do more . So I suppose that is my story and I'm happy with it .
  3. 1 point

    Longer wait than I wanted!

    Arizona is on a long wait for pulmonary appointments. Post COVID issues and just not a lot of them makes scheduling difficult. I work oncology and even ASAP appointments take up to a month (shorter sometimes if our drs call the pulmonary). You can always see if they have a cancel list (usually means get told less than 24 hours if someone doesn’t confirm/cancels).
  4. 1 point

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Surgery on Tuesday, excited not nervous feeling calm. Had the hospital, doctor and final payment yesterday. I'm going out of town so flying in Monday night and satying until Thursday. Just need to recheck my backpack since I wanr to male sure I only have what is necessary and make it under tlbs Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point

    Dealing with Sabotage

    That is just awful. She sounds horrid. I hope you get away from her as soon as possible. I would also start documenting everything she does and says with date and time and take pics too (all the things about leaving stuff out, throwing things away, etc.) - she's trying to gaslight you. The documentation could help should you ever have to commit her. Put key locks on all cabinets (leave her one) and fridge. And definitely put one on your bedroom/bathroom. It's your house. She may have 'nowhere' to go, but you absolutely do not have to be near her or engage with her.
  6. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    Happy that you made the choice to have WLS. I'm going to give you a different way of looking at this. LOTS of people (meeee) have body dysmorphia. Crazy but when i was 232lbs (5'2") and i looked in the mirror.... I didn't see 232lbs. I saw what was in my head. In fact I decided to have WLS (lapband) when I saw a picture and didn't know it was me.... the feeling was awful.......... fast forward...... 143lbs (lapband) and all I saw in the mirror was the fat girl............ fast forward....... 2+ years after lapband removed 173lbs I didn't see how terrible I looked again............ Sleeved at 173lbs and now i'm at 125-129 and I still don't see the person everyone else sees in the mirror...... I got down to 120 and i got a lot of "your soooo skinny". It's crazy how the mind plays trick on us...... and yes i'm in therapy. So she probably doesn't see what you saw.
  7. 1 point
    I wasn’t particularly excited to be converted from VSG to RNY either but I knew I needed to do it. I was eating specifically to avoid GERD flare ups towards the end. Surprisingly my lifestyle is nearly identical between the surgeries except I’m super careful with (known) dumping triggers. There was a small adjustment period but other than that not much of a difference EXCEPT GERD has been gone for 3 yrs and counting. Good Luck!
  8. 1 point
    At my initial appointment with the surgeon I was 100% sleeve ready. We discussed my health, history, medications and personal goals. During which my severe GERD obviously came up. I was on 2 prescriptions and still always had TUMS on had. It was miserable and NOT controlled by the meds. This was a big concern for him (my surgeon) as sleeve patients already have a higher risk of developing GERD or is worsening. There was NO way I could deal with it getting worse. Honestly, I don't even know how it could. I was up a night vomiting fire, so bad my voice would be hoarse for the next few days. With that and the amount of weight I am aiming to loose he highly recommended bypass. I was scared, (to me) this was much more of a surgery. More risks, the whole vitamin thing.. etc. He said it was totally my choice, he would do either surgery but that was his recommendation. He provided some additional information and told me to think about it and next time we talk I could let him know. I read, and read, and read everything. Weighing the pros and cons. I decided that the GERD part alone was enough to make me move forward with bypass. Right away I stopped 1 of my GERD meds, I had to stay on the other one as directed by the surgeon to help heal and reduce the risk of ulcers. No issues with stopping 1 and didn't need TUMS. One the surgeon allowed me to stop the second medication (2 months post-op) I did. And still ALL GOOD! I am off all medications and have had NO sign of any acid reflux related problems! NO REGRETS! I don't know how to get you into the mindset, do research. Looking forward to the relief of GERD alone would get me there.
  9. 1 point
    Thank you for the post. If the FBI does not get these people, then I hope KARMA will will.
  10. 1 point

    October 2022 surgery support

    October 19 is my date! Excited for this new journey. I’m also working on liquid diets and dietary changes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
