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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Comments on your body

    Is thin shaming as bad as fat shaming? oh yes. These are our bodies, we have done the work and when we say we are done, we are done with loosing. No-one else should have any input. I always believe in this - If you cannot say anything good then keep your trap shut
  2. 2 points

    Dealing with Sabotage

    She has severe behavioral mental health issues and she is threatened by you wanting better. your husband needs to stand up to her and defend you to keep her mental issues from impacting you so greatly and childishly. If he won’t, you have a lot to think about. you deserve to not be belittled and demeaned by her in your own home. You deserve to make your life better. Ignoring her is not an option when she is escalating her behavior. Be blunt and stand up for yourself. It is worth it, trust me. I had to do similar with my own husband before surgery (his behavior) and it feels horrible but is worth finding out where you stand. Either he will stand with you or he won’t and you will make your choices from his actions from there out.
  3. 1 point

    Dealing with Sabotage

    That is just awful. She sounds horrid. I hope you get away from her as soon as possible. I would also start documenting everything she does and says with date and time and take pics too (all the things about leaving stuff out, throwing things away, etc.) - she's trying to gaslight you. The documentation could help should you ever have to commit her. Put key locks on all cabinets (leave her one) and fridge. And definitely put one on your bedroom/bathroom. It's your house. She may have 'nowhere' to go, but you absolutely do not have to be near her or engage with her.
  4. 1 point

    wait 3 months to eat carbs?!

    This is what my plan says. I take this to mean pretty much forever, or for a long time, anyways. And that's fine, most carbs are trigger foods for me, so I should stay away from them. THESE FOODS ARE ALL HARD TO TOLERATE AND DO NOT SUPPORT YOUR LONG TERM WEIGHT LOSS GOALS Bread, pastries, muffins, bagels, rice, flour tortilla, pasta, and flour-based products. They foods form a dough ball, which can swell up and plug the stomach outlet resulting in pain or vomiting. Greasy and deep-fried foods are often hard to digest and poorly tolerated. Sugar and sweets can cause dumping syndrome and inadequate weight loss. Carbonation (soda, flavored waters, and alcohol), sugar sweetened drinks, and juice.
  5. 1 point

    Dealing with Sabotage

    I think your husband needs to step up and either have her leave or tell her to knock it off. And next time she does this... "Instead she'll buy my favorite junk food and put it on display and keep telling me it needs to be eaten NOW." Just say oh yea I guess it does need to be eaten, well I guess you should get on that. Sorry...that's my 2 cents.
  6. 1 point

    wait 3 months to eat carbs?!

    My post-op programme didn't limit anything - no calorie goals, no protein goals, no fluid goals even! I learnt all that by being on this forum. I was told just eat as you feel. Seems just basic common bariatric sense to me now to get my protein in first, veg second, fruit third and then other carbs after that. Even now at almost exactly a year out I don't reach 50g carbs or anything like it most days. Other than weekends, when I *choose* to drink some alcohol. So many ways to skin a rabbit, LOL.
  7. 1 point

    Dealing with Sabotage

    Oh my god, I am so sorry. What a horrible situation to be put in in such a vulnerable time of your life. She sounds evil for trying to enable you & destroy your hard work like this. I wish there was something that could be done to bring you peace but the fact that there's no options for her to move out is horrible AND PLEASE if you need to rant here more, lay it all out. Please let this be a positive outlet for you during such a crucial time.
  8. 1 point
    I had a really odd NSV that ended up being a bit expensive lol. I’m only 4 weeks post op, but I was forced into a corporate meeting where I was going to have a wear a suit. I was PISSED. I have smaller and larger sized suits, but I was between the sizes I currently owned. Wasn’t about to invest in another suit. I managed to find something halfway decent at Kohls, and I was able to fit into a X-Large or Large off the rack. (the large size was generous and stretch, of course). Then I freaked out because all of the dress shoes I have are too narrow and small. I went to DSW and they were having a boot sale. Well, I went wild. I was so happy to be able to fit into tall REGULAR calf sized boots that I bought, ahem, SEVERAL pairs. 💰💵💸🤑. I couldn’t find pumps that fit, so I resurrected a pair of old pumps I had for the suit 🤣. My husband was confused because I went to buy dress shoes and walked out with two HUGE bags of boots. Lol. Good thing he loves me. Pic of me with a Christmas dress I’m planning to wear, and red knee high boots!
  9. 1 point
    December 5 for me! Nervous and excited!
  10. 1 point
    Account for it--I usually leave myself around 200 calories for "evening snacks", and it's worked out very well for me. Never eat out of the bag/box unless it's single-serving. Measure EVERYTHING and only put the amount you are comfortable eating in front of you. Depending on the nature of your snacking it also may help to pre-prepare a few "safe" things for in the evening (sliced vegetables, maybe some kind of low carb "snack box" if you're extra like that).

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