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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I sometimes do this. I have a chart on my fridge and I list what I eat, when I eat it, the calories and carbs I eat (did this because I noticed that I was paying way more attention to carb consumption and not calories, and I was having WAY too many calories per day, so now I can track it easier and make better choices). I have 3 meals and a snack per day, but I always allow for a 2nd snack in the evening if I really need/want it. If I don't, then those budgeted calories/carbs go uneaten for the day. If I do, it was already budgeted in and I'm still within my limits. Sometimes it's all about playing head games with yourself....and winning lol
  2. 2 points

    Day 7 concerns

    Stop weighing yourself everyday. Try to cut back to once a week. Everyone fluctuates all the time, I can easily gain 5 lbs in a day and by the next morning it be completely gone plus some. Also, you will experience "stalls" at times. You won't loose weight and may even gain a couple lbs over a week or so. It also will pass. Just stay focused and follow your plan and you will loose weight. Best of luck to you!
  3. 2 points

    December 2022 Buddies

    Everyone has these pre op nerves, we just would not be human if we didn't. I was so ready for the surgery and so sick of the pre op diet that I couldn't get to the theatre quick enough. The night before however I didn't sleep too well but I told myself to pull up my big girl pants and said bye for now to my family with a lump in my throat. Its safe surgery now adays.
  4. 1 point

    Gastric bypass

    Thanks I appreciate the support I needed because I'll be having surgery next year kinda nervous but I got this.
  5. 1 point
    Account for it--I usually leave myself around 200 calories for "evening snacks", and it's worked out very well for me. Never eat out of the bag/box unless it's single-serving. Measure EVERYTHING and only put the amount you are comfortable eating in front of you. Depending on the nature of your snacking it also may help to pre-prepare a few "safe" things for in the evening (sliced vegetables, maybe some kind of low carb "snack box" if you're extra like that).
  6. 1 point

    Day of Surgery Concerns

    Just to add a touch of humor to ease any stress you may feel about this, here's something from when I had a breast duct excision a few months prior to my RNY. I was completely stripped down, in my gown and of course the ugly hospital socks. I was knocked out pretty quickly and the first thing I remember when Ii came to in the recovery room was the nurse telling me that when it's time to get dressed, I don't need to put on my bra because they put one on me (it was a compression type thing and pink). Sure enough there it was and the first words out of my mouth were "that's a nice trick wrestling me into a bra".
  7. 1 point

    Stuck at 3.5 Months Post-Op

    Thank you both! I haven't been tracking all day. I start off really great and track until dinner. Starting now, I'll make a point to track everything. I have an appointment with my dietician in December. I may just ask to move it up so I can get this figured out.
  8. 1 point

    Stuck at 3.5 Months Post-Op

    Hello, the biggest thing I can suggest is track your intake. 100% of the time. if you already do that, maybe reach out to your team and/or Dietician. You can review your diet and calorie intake with them and I am sure they would be able to give you pointers.
  9. 1 point

    Eating carbs

    try to keep carbs to a minimum... one slice of regular bread has a ton of carbs in it as well as rice... Remember we are suppose to be making better choices on our diets especially during the 1st year to get the most weightloss possible. There are low carb breads out there. This is the one i get. I was able to eat breads/carbs around month 2-3 ish but i kept it to a minimum. But yea if you are not doing well yet with bread. Then give it some more time to heal. if you want try taking a tiny bite, waiting say 5-10 minutes and taking another small bite and see how you do.
  10. 1 point


    If you think you're going to sleep with them, you gotta let em know ahead of time. They see you looking one way, then all of a sudden BAM, the skin monster comes out and they're like WTF??!?! If it's a serious relationship, they will understand and hopefully it won't change anything. If it's more casual, well, there's a better chance they won't like it. Just pick wisely and hope for the best. Or get skin surgery and don't deal with any of it lol My husband and I have been together for 17 years, but I'm with you. Ya just never know. I'm getting ALL the surgery once I hit goal weight. I'm working too hard to get healthy and smaller just to continue to have issues with my body and be embarrassed of it.

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