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  1. 4 points

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Checking in after surgery. Post op plus 2 days. I'm grateful for the overnight in the hospital for the IV fluids and nausea meds (zofran). No real surgery pain, mostly discomfort, gas, and my tummy being so empty. Tolerate warm and room temp liquids better than cold (cold sends a sharp cramping when it hits tummy) I've never been so aware of where "food" is in my digestive system! 😆 Sweet things taste soooo sweet its almost gross...maybe that will help save me in the long run... Taking it slow and careful, but each day gets easier to hit goals.
  2. 3 points

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    i dont think it is fair to cast your own opinion or feeling of contentness onto her.. both of you have different outlooks and thats okay - you shouldnt shame her for it.
  3. 2 points

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    When I went to my 6 week post op consultation ,I happened to sit in close proximity to a woman who had also had the Gastric Sleeve .She thought she looked wonderful - I thought she looked terminally ill ."I'm nearly at my wedding weight " she said proudly .I smiled and said nothing .She was the opposite of how I wanted to look .Her hair was thin and lack lustre , her skin sagging and dull .I listened in horror as she explained she was still trying to lose weight .I thought she summed up the very look I never wanted to have .Her slimness did nothing to inspire me .So I am 3 months post op .I can now walk freely , breathe better ,and I fit into my favourite jeans .I am not at my ideal BMI but if I don't lose further weight ,I'll be content .I eat more healthily and do more . So I suppose that is my story and I'm happy with it .
  4. 1 point
    Merri Beth


    I am a type II diabetic, one of the reasons for the surgery. Post surgery many people have vast improvement in blood sugar levels. I also have heard that people gain before they lose which is confusing to me. I am just following Dr recommendations and praying for positive outcome.
  5. 1 point

    1 Week PO update

    hey there! been healing away. since i am now one week post op, thought i would give an update!!! was doing well overall with lots of soreness and some actual pain. had trouble getting liquids for about three days but finally am doing a lot better. (did about 23-28 oz those three days sipping as much as i could… then have been increasing since) was burping with every single sip for three days. also had issues with gas pains that would randomly come on and feel like my sternum would rip in half. moving makes such a big difference !!! i Tuesday and wednesday i started to have a lot of pain/tugging and difficulty with my main incision … the bruising around it spread like deep healing bruises do and i think that was part of the issue. it also felt like a hard lump under the incision area there. i talked to my surgeon and said that was all normal and just keep at it as long as i didn’t get fever over 100 or it started getting red… this morning it feels a lot better, but still hurts… big victory for today is that i can sit and stand more comfortably than the last two days!!! i was finally able to “go” 5 days po.. no real problem but had the runs yesterday… i know, tmi but it’s what we go through zero real hunger and no real desire to even drink but doing it because I have to … i am only down 4.4 lbs so far (actually went up for the two days i was in acute pain this week) … but i am ok with that because my body is healing and know that is more important during this first healing stages… i am wary about going back to work next week part time. know i am going to be slow and really take it easy… i should be fine but know how doing nothing exhausts me lol (i am in bed before 830 every night… used to be 11 easy) hows everyone else in the early stages of post op????
  6. 1 point

    Snacking at night…

    If I have a meat and veg/ salad type meal for my evening meal, I will go back to it and finish it later. I have still no room for potato, rice or pasta but love veg so I recon its ok and helps get my protein in. Later I will have a sugar free ice lolly. If I am hungry 2 hours before bedtime, 10pm, I will have either milk, protein pudding or cheese and fruit to help once more with my protein levels. My calories are still low, so my team say its ok
  7. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    Happy that you made the choice to have WLS. I'm going to give you a different way of looking at this. LOTS of people (meeee) have body dysmorphia. Crazy but when i was 232lbs (5'2") and i looked in the mirror.... I didn't see 232lbs. I saw what was in my head. In fact I decided to have WLS (lapband) when I saw a picture and didn't know it was me.... the feeling was awful.......... fast forward...... 143lbs (lapband) and all I saw in the mirror was the fat girl............ fast forward....... 2+ years after lapband removed 173lbs I didn't see how terrible I looked again............ Sleeved at 173lbs and now i'm at 125-129 and I still don't see the person everyone else sees in the mirror...... I got down to 120 and i got a lot of "your soooo skinny". It's crazy how the mind plays trick on us...... and yes i'm in therapy. So she probably doesn't see what you saw.
  8. 1 point
    My ideal weight is 145. I'm naturally curvy and at that weight I always looked sickly. My goal weight is 200. My secret goal is 170. I'd love to get there, but as long as I can hit 200 I'll be ecstatic. Some doctors really stress getting to the ideal/recommended weight. Others realize that's not always realistic for some, like me, and want us to get as low as we can while staying healthy and having a better lifestyle. My PCP and surgeon love my goal of 200 pounds. I'm already moving great, dropping sizes, and off all the meds I can get off of. My diabetes and high bp are gone. So I've already hit my health milestones. The goal weight and clothing size is more for me, and my doctors are good with it. Maybe that lady's doc is pushing for her to get to her recommended weight for her height. Who knows? But I think thin shaming is just as harmful as fat shaming. Nobody should be doing either one.
  9. 1 point

    5 years post op

    Thank you! I get why people leave. After a while there’s not much more to say (unless you have a complication) but I stick around to keep myself honest. I update my weight every single time it fluctuates.
  10. 1 point

    Am I weird?

    Lots of people on this forum have had bad results from telling others about this surgery. Before this surgery I didn't want any negative input from people, so I only told my husband, son and BFF. Even now I have only told larger people who have seen the change in me and were genuinely interested in how I managed such a big loss. I am not an open person; the British reserve is a real thing. We don't share our feelings. I would never tell a waitress/ waiter why I wanted different choices, just that I did. If more people were like you then maybe some of the stigma would disappear.

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