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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Getting back on track!!

    This was so good, I made it two days in a row!! Beef smoked sausage, green pepper, onions, garlic powder, black pepper, and creole. Topped with a little Italian cheese blend. [emoji39] Sent from my SM-S426DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    First of all, I'm so sorry you are struggling. Know that you are not alone and that many folks experience some wonderful things after WLS as well as some more difficult things. That is just part of the process; its definitely not always sunshine and roses. 1- Constipation is VERY common. Are you taking an iron supplement? They are notorious for exacerbating constipation. If you're taking any additional iron, it may be worth getting your labs checked - if they are normal, maybe you can drop that? Another option would be to add a prebiotic fiber supplement. I take about 15g of Just Better Fiber daily and it is a HUGE help. Make sure you are well hydrated, especially when taking laxatives, stool softeners, etc. Lastly, are you getting in any fiber in your food? This goes with #2.... 2- The return of hunger is normal and expected. Your body is doing EXACTLY what its supposed to do. It may be helpful to start introducing more fruits & veggies, which will help you feel fuller longer and help with constipation. Also, are you hitting your protein goals? If not, definitely focus on getting that protein in. If you're hitting your goals, adding in nutrient rich fruits & veggies, and STILL feeling uncontrollably hungry, then it may be time to consult with a bariatric dietitian. Hunger is normal, feeling miserable is not. 3- I think a LOT of us struggle with body image before and after surgery. There is a trade off that happens - we lose the weight and are healthy, but it can make the physical effects of a lifetime obesity more obvious to us. Therapy therapy therapy. I can't encourage it strongly enough. Learning to cope with those feelings, learning to be kind to our new bodies, learning to love ourselves well, THAT is the hard work of weight loss and it is truly a lifelong process. Get help, and keep getting help. Outside of that - buy clothes that make you feel good, as much as you can focus on what you LIKE about your body instead of what you don't, if its practical for you, you can always look into plastic surgery, and of course, you could just refrain from looking in the mirror naked. I know, easier said than done, but if its causing your harm emotionally, then maybe hold off for now. You aren't alone and you aren't crazy. WLS is hard work and there is a lot that comes with it that doesn't get talked about much. We are rooting for you.
  3. 1 point

    Getting back on track!!

    That looks really good. What is the carb/calorie count?
  4. 1 point


    My program does not allow fruit until you hit maintenance and then limits it to one serving of berries per day. They also allow no carbs whatsoever until maintenance, and then only beans and Quinoa or the like. That being said, I still eat fruit occasionally and have no problems. Losing well in spite of this. Enjoyed home grown watermelon this summer and enjoying the occasional fall apple now.
  5. 1 point


    You will fill up on your protein. After that, I eat most anything. I am still losing, but slowly.
  6. 1 point

    Constantly in pain

    I agree; be persistent. Polite (at first) but persistent, You are paying (Or have paid) them. Too many people just accept the treatment they are given.
  7. 1 point


    I ate fresh fruit around month 3 months after surgery. Usually watermelon at first as an afternoon snack. Then I added berries & grapes. I added some dried apricots to my rolled oats occasionally but found them too sweet. Check with your dietician though as fruit with seeds & coarse skin aren’t allowed in most plans for the first months. In maintenance I initially ate most any fruit again as an afternoon snack. Now I tend to only eat blueberries with my rolled oats at breakfast & rarely any other fruit though with summer coming I’ll probably have some cherries & lychees. Fruit is my main source of sugar cause I cut so much out of my eating. Eating really only one serve of fruit a day is my personal choice not because I can’t.
  8. 1 point

    Constantly in pain

    You should be over the worst pain by now. I would suggest you contact your team and get their opinion. You need some peace of mind that you are doing ok. Big hugs
  9. 1 point

    high wbc in preop labs

    I have leukocytosis, so I know what elevated wbc count is like. Luckily I was diagnosed with it 10 years ago so it's noted and highlighted in my chart. If you were sick this month, they might still be up from it. Since you normally have elevated wbc, maybe see if you have leukocytosis, too, and have them highlight it in your chart, as well.
  10. 1 point

    over preparing??

    As long as you are not creating a financial hardship or hurting yourself or others in some other way this is actually a very healthy way of coping with anxiety. Sounds like you are a little nervous and taking control of whatever you can actually control in the process. So maybe you end up with a little extra food when you’re done recovering. I say Just donate it to someone or a food pantry if you can’t use it. I actually had a nurse that told me to do this when I had a melanoma. She suggested getting a binder and keeping copies of all my records and pet scans and stuff and taking it to each appointment with me. I never put so much effort into anything as I did in that binder. It helps to know that you are doing everything you possibly can (controlling what you can control at a time you feel slightly out of control). Ooh and you are definitely not alone in doing all the research or stocking up for this surgery either and I actually wish I had prepared more by cleaning cause it’s really hard to sit and stare at the mess post op and not get up and clean things. So I say keep doing what your doing. Just maybe pace yourself cause you still have three weeks.

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