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  1. 5 points


    Your comment ‘in my head I’m not satisfied’ set off alarm bells for me & I’m worried you may have developed an eating disorder of some sort even though you say you want to put on weight. Have a chat with your surgeon/doctor & ask for a referral/recommendation to a therapist who specialises in disordered eating. It’s hard to judge your weight without knowing your height but I would worry you are underweight at 100lbs. What does your surgeon or doctor say? I would also think you are eating very low calorie to be at that weight too so if you want to gain weight the first step would be to increase your caloric intake. You can do this easily without introducing cakes, cookies, etc. into your diet. Simply increase the nutritious foods you already consume. This can be through snacks & portion size if your portions are smaller than recommended. Not knowing your diet, consider adding multi/whole grains. Snack on cheese, fruit, vegetable crudities, nuts, some good fats like avocado. Your dietician would be best placed to advise you on this of course.
  2. 1 point

    This is my 1st post 😁

    Food funeral?
  3. 1 point


    I'm 2 years out I've had my ups and downs of weight loss. I've have worried daily in my success of weight loss. On how many calories, rite vitamins, exercise, list goes on. I may have been the lucky one or am I? I went thru the phase of regret not able to enjoy the food I once loved. But I loved loosing the weight. Slowly. Sex drive went down hill. Hair falling out skin crepping. " Blood levels are normal" . Started out with small weight loss goals. Reached my goals. Over and over again my goal weight was 125. I told my self I have to stick to a healthy weight for me . Not what the experts say I should weigh. Then it was a goal of 115. in my head I'm not satisfied I'll do another goal of 110. So I decided it's time to maintain my weight or gain 10 pounds back. Since I'm now 100 lbs. I'm trying to gain weight. And I'm struggling!! I want to gain. should I eat the three C's cake,cookies, ice cream? Of course not what are healthy fattening foods? The positives. Looking good feeling good.
  4. 1 point

    Vitamins required or not?

    I'm about 2 years out from gastric sleeve. I have done my routine blood work. "Maybe not as much as I should have." From day one I never took supplements I pretty much eat a clean diet. But not really strict. My blood work for vitamins have been perfect. I'm not sure why the drs push vitamins ? Everyone is different!
  5. 1 point

    Vitamins required or not?

    Very interesting thread. I'm still taking vitamins at 3.5 years out, and my surgeon said I would need to take them for the rest of my life. My labs are also great, and it never occurred to me to stop taking vitamins.
  6. 1 point

    Post questions

    Why aren't you eating solid foods if you're two months post op, and why aren't you taking your vitamins? If you're not eating and not taking your vitamins of course you run the risk of low potassium and possibly other deficiencies.
  7. 1 point
    Way to go!!!! I just checked (literally never know lol 😂) and I’m 21.5 bmi. My doc actually would be ok with me gaining a few pounds because my caloric intake tends to be low. I have ZERO regrets from the sleeve!!
  8. 1 point
    Well I am currently on the last trimester of my pregnancy. We are to be having a scheduled c-section due to previous c-sections I have had with my previous babies. Everything has looked good with baby's health as well as mine. Baby is about 3lbs as of now. We have about 8 more weeks left. Weight gain has been a total of 4 lbs. Nothing else new, just keep getting my protein in daily, drinking lots of water, and taking my vitamins. One pregnancy symptom that is horrible is heartburn. I have it soooo bad every day as well as leg cramps. LilaNicole congrats again and I'm so excited for your bundle of joy.
  9. 1 point

    Awful doctor experience

    Asperger's. Those at the top of their field have terrible bedside manners and I think it's because they have Asperger's. But, that's okay, because we're not trying to be their friends. And to the OP. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience. But remember why you're doing this.
  10. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    I know you didn't ask me this, but I've been hanging out on BP for several years. A lot of people (although I obviously can't speak for alissajs specifically) choose the sleeve because they feel it's less invasive than the bypass. Although I think they both could be considered pretty invasive - cutting out 80% of your stomach and throwing it in the trash seems pretty radical, too - at least to me... I think a lot of people also know about horror stories from 30+ years ago, when they used to do severe intestinal bypasses. The RNY is actually a gastric (stomach) bypass, so it's not the same "bypass" surgery they did years ago. They DO bypass part of your small intestine in an RNY - but we're talking about maybe a foot (to do the "Y"). Years ago, with those old intestinal bypass surgeries, they used to bypass many feet of small intestine (and the stomach wasn't bypassed at all - so very different surgery). No one does those anymore....haven't in a really long time. Anyway, a lot of people who had those ancient surgeries got very sick from malnutrition - and some died - and I think some people are remembering those and think that's what they're doing now with the RNY. But they're not..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
