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  1. 3 points


    Fairlife protein shakes are my favorite!
  2. 3 points

    Restriction Years Out From Surgery

    Edited to add: Oopsies, OP was asking about RNY…i was sleeved. My response anyway: 4 years out next month. On average I can eat about a cup of food (solids) in volume at one sitting comfortably. More if its salad or chips, less if its meat or fluffy bread. I can drink seemingly endless amounts of liquids (so long as i dont eat anything solid before or during). This is quite a bit more that I was able to tolerate comfortably in the first year or so (i ate very little at a time…i was a grazer by necessity…ate a few bites and i was done for a couple hours) But compared to how much I ate pre-surgery, i would say I eat about 1/4 of what i used to eat at a sitting pre-wls. I aim to eat to a point just before my full feeling, cuz i know from experience that reaching that full feeling is uncomfortable and i just prefer not to be.
  3. 1 point
    I am married to a wonderful husband but he could careless what size I am so he is neutral on anything related to weight. My family are all asking and live across the nation and we rarely speak except happy birthday, Merry Christmas... Etc. so I think I would classify myself as going through it alone. No true support system but no adversity from family or others since I do keep to myself. I prefer it this way, to do it alone, to cook, log and track. I find it more difficult if I had to take care of kids or people who do not have dietary restrictions. If I need support, I have you all. As far as right after post op. I slept for day one and was fine after that.
  4. 1 point


    Yea i am not a fan of off brand stuff. typically they taste like crap lol.
  5. 1 point
    On the sleep eating: Have you recently starting taking a sleep med like Ambien or Lunesta? In many people it can cause sleep behaviors that you don't remember. Both caused me to act on whatever I was thinking about when I went to sleep. It got interesting. On the passing out when standing and weak after eating thing: It sounds like Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension). Also, when your losing weight and meds you take may need adjusting. Again, a year or so ago I lost some weight (more or less against plan) and I started passing out when I stood. Left a nice hole when my head hit the drywall once. A couple of my meds needed to be adjusted downward and the problem resolved. On the loose skin thing: There are no creams, lotions, or pills that will help. This is largely an issue of age, genetics, how long you were overweight, how much damage was done to the skin. Of course surgery can help. Also exercise to fill in some of the skin with muscle. Time also can help a little. One last thing: You're dealing with a lot. In addition to working with your physical symptoms you may want to talk to a therapist to help you learn coping mechanisms to replace food. It can also help in coping with the other things that seem out of your control. It definitely can't hurt and can be surprisingly helpful. Hang in there. You are your best advocate. Get the help you need and keep pushing until things improve. Good luck, Tek
  6. 1 point
    I just bought the sugar free lemonade today because of a youtube video I saw haha. She added a packet of kool-aid to change the normal lemonade flavor. Plus she had surgery too and it's actually pretty good. I love lemonade too. I find it so hard to drink water. I never go for water and thats not good at all. How am I going to make it. I am going to start pushing myself tho because it is really important for many reasons. I made a really great tasting protein shake last night. It tasted just like ice cream. I got the idea from another tik toker and I tweaked it. 1 scoop gnc lean shake chocolate protein powder 4.5 oz water 4.5oz brewed coffee. I Made dunkin's caramel coffee cake flavored ground coffee Squirt of honey Capful of vanilla Blend Tall cup of ice Blend again Drizzle sides of glass with sugar free caramel syrup and sugar free chocolate syrup Top with serving of sugar free whipped cream Sooooooooo good!
  7. 1 point
    Thank you for sharing your story, very inspirational. My initial weight loss was more typical than yours, but it is slowing down which I expected it to do. I've always been a slow loser too historically. I'm fine with it though. Gives me a chance to build muscle and wear out some of these clothes before it's time to buy a new size!!!! Also I've never been a fan of all the unsolicited comments others make when I'm losing weight. I'm hoping that slow and stead garners less of this overall.
  8. 1 point

    10 day post opt

    Thanks for the suggestions definitely going to look into that and I’ll speak to them today at my first check up .
  9. 1 point
    You're welcome! 🤗 I got my band in 2013, and within a year or so I hit my lowest weight and I got stuck about ten pounds above that number. For years I was stuck. I gained about another ten back after GERD, and I thought that I wouldn't be able to lose anymore weight either. But it's coming off. And as far as not feeling restriction... I feel/felt the same way, but this week I started eating grilled chicken again for the first time since before the revision, and now I feel soooo much restriction. My surgeon told me that I have some nerve damage from the band and that's why I wasn't feeling restriction. But I can definitely feel it now as I'm able to eat denser proteins. Previously I was still eating a lot of chicken that I made in the crockpot, so it was a softer consistency. I think you will notice more restriction once you're fully healed. You're early out still. Give it some time and just follow your surgeons eating plan and track your protein and water. You got this! Best wishes!
  10. 1 point

    Invincible, or not?

    5 months post op: No one has really ever say anything about how little I eat. Maybe because I have only really sat down at the table for a "real" meal with people who know I had surgery. As far as cookouts and group settings, etc. You kind of just eat randomly and maybe stand around or sit where ever with your plate so no one is really paying attention. I haven't had any Holidays yet, we have a huge family Christmas eve dinner every year and only 1 person in my family knows I had surgery. So, I do wonder how that will go. My entire family is obese, and everything revolves around food. But, I have lost 100+ lbs multiple times, so I think it will be easy to shrug off as "just be trying to loose weight again". The flip side, I will likely be pretty close to my goal weight by then. (I hope anyway) So at that point, they will probably be more focused on how much weight I have loss and I can easily explain eating less in result of a strict diet for so long. When I went out for surgery, I told work I was having a haital hernia fixed (which was true and mine was very bad). So I was on a strict diet for that with liquids and graduating back thru stages to normal foods. I kinda played it as well since I couldn't eat for a month it kick started my weight loss so I am just sticking with it and following through to keep loosing weight. So, they just think I am on a diet. They also know I have lost 100+ lbs in the past, so just stated trying to do it again and keep it off this time. As far as restaurants, I never had a server as if everything was ok. My wife and I share a meal a lot, so most of it gets eaten anyway. And so many people are obsessed with these "fad" diets, that I don't think most people even blink an eye anymore to strange requests. Like "no bun" or "no sauce" etc. I went to a sub shop because I was dying for my favorite turkey sub. I said "I am sorry to be so weird but can you dig most of the bread out of the roll before making it" She replied, that's not weird at all tons of people ask us to do that. Then I even took the bottom of the roll off and cut the top in half and added the meat and toppings to the half of a hollow roll to fit my needs. PS, still couldn't eat more than a few bites of the bread but it DEFINITELY satisfied my sub craving. I am allowed all foods, while focusing on proteins first. I eat very balanced, so I don't need to make many requests or have much of a different plate than everyone else. I just have smaller portions and/or eat less of the food on my plate and make the healthier of choices in front of me. Sorry for the long winded response!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
