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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    First of all, take a deep breath. Allowing yourself to fall into an anxiety spiral is NOT helpful to your healing and recovery. Next, TRUST YOUR TEAM. They are there for a reason, they are the experts. They have the knowledge and experience and education. I promise you, they have FAR better advice for you than a random bunch of strangers on the internet. Follow their guidelines - if they say 1 minute per 15, then that is what they want you to do. If you feel good and want to do 2 minutes, sure that's fine! But worrying yourself into walking for hours on end is not helpful or healthy. And yes, you need to be mindful of your hydration. Sit down, drink some water with electrolytes, and call your team if you have any concerns.
  2. 2 points

    August surgery buddies!

    Thanks. I just started feeling like I turned the corner this week. I've also been stalled. A few days ago I called my younger cousin who had the sleeve 3 years ago and talked to her for a while. She let me vent and then told me that she felt like the weight loss was so slow and she was constantly worried she wasn't losing enough. Then one day she woke up and was 100 pounds down. She said not to stress and that the weight loss will happen. Everybody heals differently. I hope your stronger, more energetic self is right around the corner too!
  3. 1 point

    How much walking did you do?

    I walked to go to the bathroom and get myself drinks and meds throughout the day. Otherwise, my team said to walk regularly so in addition to that I walked five times a day, five times around the outside of my house and spread that throughout the day. I pumped my legs frequently. honestly, one minute every fifteen minutes is odd. (I am a nurse, and I’ve never heard that specifically.) If you’re finding that hard to do, or likely, interfering with resting and getting in fluids and causing anxiety, I would probably get up every hour instead and walk around for say, five minutes around your house. When you’re awake and laying down or sitting pump your feet back and forth a few times. Wiggle your toes back and forth. If you want to see if that would be a safe option give your team a call! I’m sure they would give you their approval! sending you a speedy recovery!
  4. 1 point

    September surgery buddies!!

    This is me on my way to my pre-op appt. I have a feeling he's going to want me to start the liquid diet. Surgery is Sept 20...getting excited! Sent from my SM-G970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    yeah the gym definitely tightened up my arms and legs. i even have abs now. just the top 4 tho because the extra skin covers up the bottom. but ive never been happier.
  6. 1 point

    Phobias since surgery

    I appreciate all your comments, definitely helps. I was having a moment last night. I've had two surgeries in the past, fibroid removal and a c section. I just feel this is more intense. I feel okay though. It's true I have so much more to think about. Drinking medications and vitamins, this is a whole new world for me lol Sent from my SM-A326U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Phobias since surgery

    Just rest, sleep and heal. Forget everything else, you have enough to think about with vitamins, supplements and drinking your quota.
  8. 1 point
    Now that I've had my surgery, I can comment on the other side of things. I will be honest, the pcos makes it harder to lose weight and keep it off. But if you stick RELIGIOUSLY to your diet, work out (even if it's a little everyday, nothing crazy), you WILL see results. I've lost 69 pounds in 3 1/2 months. And it's staying off. Will stalls happen? YES. Do they royally suck and mess with your head? HELL YES. But they are normal, they will happen, and as long as you pay attention to your non scale victories (getting off meds, clothes and rings too big, fitting in a booth better, comfortably fitting in a "regular" stall and not the bigger handicapped one, etc) you'll see progress even when the scale isn't moving. I've been off my blood pressure and diabetes meds for months. It's AMAZING. The pcos will make it harder, and will test you, but you can do this. You're stronger and better than the stupid pcos. Once you believe that, the rest is easier.
  9. 1 point
    This is sort of weird, but today I had an appointment with the surgeon who started me on this whole path. Years ago I went to him for an umbilical hernia, but it was small and not painful, so nothing needed to be done. Last year in January, I went back to him to have my gallbladder removed and mentioned that I had been having elevated liver enzymes for a while and would be seeing a specialist. He biopsied my liver when he took out the gallbladder. At my follow up, he said my liver was really bad (NASH, hepatic fibrosis), and recommended wls. He told me he couldn't see me living past 60 if I stayed that way, at 393 pounds. So I took his advice and had my Loop DS in July. Last week I had severe stomach pain and nausea and dry heaves, and would have vomited if my stomach wasn't empty at the time and I almost fainted, but was able to lay down in time to stop that. I've fainted before so I knew what was coming and was able to avoid it. The pain in my stomach was severe and then I noticed the hernia was big and sticking out and I couldn't push it back in and realized it might be the source of the pain. Anyway, I saw the surgeon today and he said the hernia was originally fat, but since I've lost so much weight,(148 so far), it is now intestine and the pain was because intestine got caught in the hole, and later when I laid down the intestines fell back through the hole and the pain got better. Anyway, sorry this is long, but now I have to get this hernia repaired, but I got to show off my weight loss to that surgeon that recommended it, and he was so happy for me. It was a great feeling! He is the trauma surgeon in the ER where my best friend works, and he saw her after my appointment and told her he didn't even recognize me! It's just a wonderful feeling! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point
    Im positive it was all for you. Please tell me you wore a bikini with a white t-shirt over it and shook the water out of your hair in slow motion.

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