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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I weigh myself in the exact same clothes I did for my first appointment. Now, they are too big so I stand on the scale naked and hold them. LOL
  2. 1 point

    Blood pressure

    So, my blood pressure is plummeting! To the point of passing out. I had HBP before surgery and on meds. It has slowly been going down. My PCP had me cut my meds in half, still too low. Took me off all meds and now even lower. It was so low yesterday that I couldn't even get a reading on my home BP cuff, but my wife took hers and it was normal. (mainly to make sure the cuff was working) When I finally got a reading about 20 minutes later it was 83/54, then it goes back to normal around 115/75... I am waiting for my doctors office to open this morning to see what he says and likely go in. I haven't been seen since before surgery. I went for a walk yesterday and got about a mile from home, and had to get a UBER home because I was to the point of passing out. It happened just while doing nothing to so I don't think it is activity related. It is making me so frustrated! It is always something, you make changes to get healthy and then other bull crap arises! Just venting
  3. 1 point

    I cheated - now what?

    Congratulations on a successful surgery so far! Are you supplementing for protein ? You may feel more satisfied if you increase protein. Carbs sometimes can make you hungrier. It may help to eat separately from your family for a while. It could be really helpful if you eat before you prepare your family’s meals so you are full and no longer tempted to eat off plan. Also please if you can help it, don’t eat off plan this early post op especially if solids aren’t allowed yet.
  4. 1 point

    Blood pressure

    I know! I felt like such a fat ass having to UBER home so close. haha But, you could clearly look at me and see that something was wrong. I was white as a ghost and soaked in sweat, breathing super heavy. I am mostly worried about driving.. I definitely do not want to pass out behind the wheel.
  5. 1 point
    Welcome to the forums! Being nervous is completely normal. I'm pretty sure everyone feels this way, but it's an exciting journey at the same time. Best wishes!
  6. 1 point

    October 2022 surgery support

    Hahaha...my hubs and I call it my "food bucket list"..
  7. 1 point

    Ugly, boring, and weak

    Thank you all for sharing. Reading the comments has been more helpful. I lost a lot of weight on my face particularly mid face volume. I am not near my target goal yet but I was looking tired and haggard. I got botox and dermal fillers recently and it made such a difference. It's subtle and I am very happy with the results. My injector was mindful to inject in a way that he could build on gradually. I have not had dermal fillers or botox before.
  8. 1 point

    July 2022 peeps!

    Ask your dietitian.
  9. 1 point
    It might be helpful to remember what a true keto diet is vs. what diet culture makes it out to be. A TRUE keto diet simply means eating few enough carbohydrates that your body enters ketosis where it is no longer using glucose as its primary fuel source. It is NOT inherently a high fat, meat only diet. That is what diet culture has turned it into. There are lots of vegetarians who follow a healthy, whole foods based ketogenic diet. Additionally, the amount of carbs that allow ketosis will vary WIDELY from person to person so unless you are testing regularly, you won't really even know if you are truly in ketosis or not. Now, that being said, most surgeons will say that WLS patients eat a keto diet simply because your primary focus will be protein and your intake will be so low that by virtue of the volume and type of foods you'll be eating you'll be in ketosis. Immediately post-op, you won't be able to eat enough beans (or anything else for that matter) to get in your full protein requirement, let alone extra grains & veggies on top. That is not, however, a requirement (generally speaking) nor is it permanent. Over time, as you're able to eat more food and a wider variety, you'll very likely see your carbohydrate intake increase. I would say, it may be helpful to revisit the conversation with the surgeon and/or dietitian to ensure they understand your needs as a vegetarian and that they are able to support you and tailor the post-op diet to your needs. If they can't or won't then it may be helpful to consult with another surgeon. Ultimately, being HEALTHY post-op is the primary concern and that requires eating a metric crap ton of protein. Can you do that as a vegetarian? Absolutely! But it will require extra support and possibly some creativity and flexibility on your part. Best of luck to you!
  10. 1 point
    Happy Stylist


    I don't think most Drs believe in the stalls. I'm so dreading my next weigh in. 🥴

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