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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    WHAT is this???

    Hi sorry for the delay in update. I had to wait for the NP to call me back. I left a message with everything going on and she just called me and said my surgeon said to go to the ER. He's calling ahead to tell them to expect me and he wants a scope done to see what's going on. The NP said it sounds like a really bad hiatal hernia but they need to be sure. So I'm changing clothes and heading there. I'll let you know what's going on once I know.
  2. 2 points
    The Greater Fool

    WHAT is this???

    Go the the ER. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Now. Good luck, Tek
  3. 1 point
    I like Dr Weiner too. Don’t follow his diet, too much of a carnivore & can’t give up the animal proteins, but I like his straight forward advice. I agree check out his you tube clips. They’re an amazing resource. https://m.youtube.com/user/DrMatthewWeiner You can post questions which he’ll answer too. I also follow him on instagram. I don’t like artificial sweeteners either (so much information about the negative side effects) & try to avoid them where possible. It’s difficult because it seems like they’re in every damn thing. I know they’re in the yoghurt I eat most days & in my protein bar but that’s really all. Neither are what you would call sweet tasting. I also avoid sugar substitutes & try to keep my added sugar to less than 10g a day. Quite happy to consume naturally occurring sugar lime in dairy, fruit, etc. A lot of my decision was to break any craving or desire for sweet. I’ll have the odd traditionally sweet thing like some dessert or cake but it is very rare & I’m happy to have just a few small bites. In the liquid stage post surgery, I only had one shake a day & ate soup/broths which limited artificial sweeteners to just once a day. After that I dropped the shakes & had yoghurt & yoghurt smoothies instead so artificial sweeteners still only once a day. I should say I make most of what I eat from scratch. It’s the only way to control the ingredients (& avoid processed foods).
  4. 1 point

    August surgery buddies!

    Is anyone else sick of so much sweet food from pre/post ops? It all tastes so bad to me at this point.
  5. 1 point
    If you have chronic pain, I would (and did) get myself to a pain management specialist. There are all kinds of new therapies for chronic pain and pain management stays on top of them. I swear by them. Good luck, Tek
  6. 1 point

    1 week post of and severe diarrhea

    check what you are eating for sugar alcohol sweeteners.. they can cause diarrhea issues (if you need a laugh, google for reviews of haribo sugar free gummy bears… lol) Erythritol Maltitol Mannitol sorbitol Xylitol Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH) Isomalt
  7. 1 point

    Different non scale victory

    Heck yeah! I was able to get xl shirts at work and they fit! Like my world has opened up!
  8. 1 point
    I agree wholeheartedly with @liveaboard15. Such people as your aunt are poison. Tell her that if she wants you dead then she gets her wish: You're dead to her. And never talk to her again. Family doesn't get special rights or privileges to treat you like carp. Cut her out. If she visits go to another room, or 'run an errand.' If other family hound you about 'respect' or 'honoring elders' or push visiting with the aunt remind them that she wants you dead. You're just giving her what she wants: one less niece. Tell them if they keep pushing you into a taxic situation they can be added to the ignore list. Life is to short to spend any of it on your aunt or anyone else that can't treat you with, at a minimum, basic courtesy. You are your first priority. Good luck, Tek
  9. 1 point
    I'm a patient of Dr. Ashley Mooney at TGH Bariatrics. She's amazing! She removed my Lap Band last year and will be doing my revision to RNY in nine days.
  10. 1 point
    I read somewhere (but of course, don't remember where) that the participants were required to film at least one bathroom scene. I also wish there were participants who did not have backgrounds with trauma. Can't we just have some run-of-the-mill people with weight issues.

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