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  1. 3 points

    My brain still thinks I'm a size 28

    Body dysmorphia is real. Don’t be surprised if it takes a long time for your head to catch up with the physical reality. Three years on I still sometimes stare in mirrors surprised by how I look & can find it difficult to accept when people comment on my size. It is much better than it was though I sometimes wonder if my thinking is because I’m afraid to jinx the loss if I recognise my size now. You have to remind yourself that your clothes don’t lie. Smaller sizes, clothes that are too big, rings slipping off your fingers, etc. are all factual evidence you can’t ignore that you are losing weight. As to cleaning out your wardrobe, you’ll find a time you’re ready to do that. It’s sort of the reverse of when we kept smaller sized clothes for when we lost weight & didn’t. Maybe start with just the older clothes that are too big & you likely wouldn’t wear again anyway. Even if the first step is to remove them from your wardrobe & bag them up. You can donate them or whatever when you’re ready. You’ll get there in your time.
  2. 2 points
    VERY NORMAL... and it will happen again and again. I went a whole month only loosing a few pounds... Just stay off that scale... I only weigh myself typically once a month.
  3. 2 points
    Thank you so much for this. I KNOW I'm losing weight, but at the same time, I guess I don't believe it. I always thought body dysmorphia was for people who are transgender, or people addicted to plastic surgery. I never thought about it for those of us who have been fat at least half our lives (or in my case, 24 out of the last 44 years). I so badly wanted to look in the mirror and love what I see as I drop sizes, but instead I still see "fat" me, "morbidly obese" me, "nothing is ever gonna change no matter what I do so why bother" me. I think I'll start with the old, ratty size 28 clothes. I can just get rid of them. They were my cleaning and working out clothes. Then I'll separate the size 26 and 28 clothes into donate and give away piles and bag em up. I think that'll be good enough for a while. Same with my size 10 rings. I'm hoping once I hit size 18/20 I'll be ready to get rid of the size 26/28 stuff because it'll be time to start the process over with my size 22/24 stuff lol
  4. 1 point
    My bigger clothes are still sitting in bags waiting to go to Goodwill. I can completely understand the struggle to get rid of your bigger clothes. What helped me somewhat is to go and try on some new clothes at the store. Now if I can only get myself to buy them. LOL
  5. 1 point

    cardiac testing today

    Oh gosh yes so uncomfortable especially up in the groin area lol. But no DVT. Was just simply the body going thru changes after surgery they said.
  6. 1 point

    cardiac testing today

    I had that ultrasound on my legs done about a month after surgery due to pain and swelling in one leg. They thought possible deep vein thrombosis which is a complication after any major surgery. (which is why we get blood thinner injections in the hospital and some get it for weeks after surgery) and that scan was so uncomfortable lol. They put a lot of pressure on that probe lol. But everything came back good. Tho i did not have that scan pre surgery
  7. 1 point
    The stalls are the WORST! Congrats on your weight loss though!
  8. 1 point

    Navigating this site

    Thanks for the info on getting my ticker to appear. I will give it another try.
  9. 1 point

    It still hurts to eat and drink

    Yea. I was told that if I had issues at any stage it may be helpful to return to the previous stage. Maybe you still have a lot of inflammation and should just stick to liquids for now.
  10. 1 point
    Hello, When I started back to solids, I still ate all the soft foods and introduced one solid food at a time so I knew exactly what I couldn't tolerate if it came up. I wasn't allowed grilled chicken until solids, at the soft food stage we were told to cook chicken in the slow cooker so it was fall apart tender and more juicy. So, I actually started with a baked chicken breast. Then went on to cooking chicken all kinds of ways, included grilled. I then went to turkey burgers, still kinda soft but more solid than ground up meat. All that was going well so I just tried everything one at a time and always at home in case I got sick. Baked pork chops, pork tenderloin, turkey and regular Italian sausages. We were told to try steak last because it tends to be the hardest to digest. So I actually didn't try steak until about 3 months post op, and it was sliced steak for kinda what you get on a cheese steak sub. But, lean steak we sliced and made at home. I tolerated that fine, twice so just yesterday (4 months post op) I ate some New York strip steak from the grill which also went fine. I think at this point I have tried and tolerate all the meats just fine but I can't eat COLD chicken, makes me sick every time. I think it probably is too dry when cold. I am not low carb per my bariatric Dietician. He stresses a balanced diet of everything while focusing on protein. Always eat the protein first. I typically fill up so my normal is about 40-60g carbs a day but there are some days I have more. I bring this up, because pizza. I have made my own at home, protein packed and did well. Also had take out pizza and ate the topping first and only a few bites of the crust before being full. I can't seem to eat "soft" breads, they don't make me sick but hit me like a bolder in my stomach and gives me a stomach ache. I can eat it toasted, or crackers, wraps. Anything but the normal soft breads. I eat all the veggies! I love salad and tolerate it fine. Again, started with eating 1 veggie at a time rather than a bowl of mixed veggies in a salad. To know where the issue was if I had any. I did not, and EAT ALL THE VEGGIES! I have always been a huge veggie person, moreso than fruits. Never a big fruit person, strawberries, watermelon are my go to but I have actually only had watermelon since surgery. I went kinda deep but I hope this helps.

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