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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Doubting Whether I Should Proceed

    It's worth keeping in mind that the pre-op diet isn't a sustainable diet - it's a medically approved short term starvation diet designed to shrink the liver for a safer surgery. A lot of nervous folks after losing some decent weight in the pre-op phase then question whether they need the surgery. Do you think you can sustain the lifestyle change without the surgery tool to continue losing? This is something only you can honestly answer. Why is your relative vehemently against it? What are the reasons? I'm yet to hear of a partner or relative with reservations who isn't simply misinformed or flat-out wrong and/or driven by other emotional reasons. The surgery these days is very safe. This isn't to sway you either way, only you can make that call, but have all the facts and honest truths before you before you make the choice.
  2. 2 points
    Sunshine Princess

    Low weight loss

    That's right around where I was post operatively and then I had a stall that I think lasted for ten days and was probably the most annoying thing to happen to me. Everyone loses weight differently. Shows like My 600 Lb Life skewered my weight loss perceptions because I wasn't losing as quickly as they were; but I was never that big, either. A few things my surgeon's office told me: Make sure you're getting enough water-if a body is dehydrated, it will slow weight loss. Are you hitting your protein goals? When I'm not eating 70-80 g of protein a day, my weight loss slows down. Vary the pace of the walk-walk slow, followed by some speed walking, followed by walking at a normal pace. Also adding in things like hills can help as well.
  3. 2 points

    Doubting Whether I Should Proceed

    they say that fewer than 5% of obese people are successful in keeping off lost weight. I, unfortunately, was not one of those people. I spent decades losing weight, only to gain it all back. Surgery was the only thing that allowed me to lose my excess weight (I lost over 200 lbs) and keep most of it off. no one can tell you whether or not you can do this on your own - but I agree with the others. A pre-op style diet is not sustainable long term. I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat. The first few weeks can be trying, but I have zero regrets (other than I should have done it years ago). It was the best decision I ever made.
  4. 1 point

    Doubting Whether I Should Proceed

    Hi. This is my first post, though I have been lurking in the shadows for a few weeks now. I am scheduled for my VSG this Wednesday the 3rd of August. I started by pre-op diet on the 20th of July. The first few days - maybe even out to the first week of my pre-op diet were tough. I was constantly starving, especially at first. But, I stuck with it, haven't cheated, and am honestly less hungry in general now, though I still get a craving here and there. I have lost 20 pounds so far on my pre-op diet. I am now starting to have some serious doubts about proceeding with the surgery. I have lost more weight than I though I would pre-op. In fact, I am under my pre-op goal weight considerably. I am already starting to feel better physically, I am seeing drastic improvement in glucose readings, and despite the seriously reduced intake, I am more energetic. Also contributing to my doubt is a very close family member that is vehemently against my choice to have the surgery. I value their thoughts and input, and all of the factors have planted a significant seed of doubt in my mind. I worry that down the line I will be faced with a serious dose of regret. Has anyone else experienced similar situations? How did you proceed? Regrets either way?
  5. 1 point

    Post op sleeping

    I had very little pain post op but my muscles did feel like I had done like 1000 sit ups or crunches. I was thankful I have an adjustable bed and I just slept with the head elevated. This just made it easier to get up and down. A bed wedge would have accomplished the same thing though if you don’t have or can’t get comfortable in a recliner. They have them at medical supply and Amazon.
  6. 1 point


    It drives me nuts to throw things away. I donate what I can and try to find other people who can use the items. I am now 6 trash bags deep into clothing donations! So, I have some bariatric "liquid/drinkable" vitamins that I liked when I tried before surgery but could not stomach after surgery. I am in Baltimore MD, so if you are local I will gladly pass them along to anyone who wants them FOR FREE! If you are not local and are willing to pay the shipping expenses then I will also ship them. I have single serving packets of the raspberry lemonade. I also have 1 unopened tub of the 4 in 1 chocolate shake mix and 1 OPENED tub. Both pictured below. If anyone is interested in any of them please let me know, I would hate to throw them away! BOTH WERE APPROVED BY MY BARIATRIC TEAM!
  7. 1 point

    Low weight loss

    12 lbs in three weeks at your starting weight is normal. Unless someone is the size of the people on "My 600 lb Life", they usually lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range that first month post-surgery. Yes - you'll sometimes find people who lose more or less than that range, but they're outliers. I lost 16 lbs the first month post-op (not sure where I was at the three week mark since it's been over seven years, but I was probably exactly where you are - about 12 lbs down), and I ended up losing 100% of my excess weight - over 200 lbs. if you stick to your program, you WILL lose the weight, whether fast or slow. In the end, your level of commitment to your program is what determines your success, not your rate of weight loss.
  8. 1 point
    My sleep apnea disappeared completely within the first few weeks. I started at low BMI (35). I haven't slept so well in years.
  9. 1 point
    I agree wholeheartedly with @liveaboard15. Such people as your aunt are poison. Tell her that if she wants you dead then she gets her wish: You're dead to her. And never talk to her again. Family doesn't get special rights or privileges to treat you like carp. Cut her out. If she visits go to another room, or 'run an errand.' If other family hound you about 'respect' or 'honoring elders' or push visiting with the aunt remind them that she wants you dead. You're just giving her what she wants: one less niece. Tell them if they keep pushing you into a taxic situation they can be added to the ignore list. Life is to short to spend any of it on your aunt or anyone else that can't treat you with, at a minimum, basic courtesy. You are your first priority. Good luck, Tek
  10. 1 point

    Stall out and depressed

    I know this is posted on here time and time again but I'm so frustrated. I'm getting ready for a cross country move. I really imagined that by this time I'd be in the 230s. I have stalled out for the last 3 or 4 weeks and am so frustrated about it. I keep going in between 248 and 251. I don't know if this is maintenance because im only a bit over 4 months post op from gastric bypass. I have definitely increased my calories but am eating in a deficit. My BMR is around 1900 and I'm eating in between 1000 and 1300 a day plus exercise. I have been slacking in water and have not been having protein shakes at all because I'm getting a decent amount through solid food and don't want the extra cals. How do I get past this? I'm going to stay off the scale until the end of next week but I'm still feeling really down and bad about myself. I feel like a disgusting fat mess honestly. I haven't had these feelings since pre op and I just need to vent about it. I was experiencing a period of mania a week ago for a good 2 weeks straight (I'm bipolar) and missed some of my meds. I think I might be crashing and going through a depressive state. It's not super bad but the weight loss stall is making me have a lot of negative self image and feelings of failure. Should I just get back on liquids for a week or something? I'm losing my mind and getting depressed as hell. I'm taking my meds regularly again. I really only missed like 3 or 4 days and I take a small dosage. So I'm hoping to even back out soon but the stall is messing with my brain and confidence. What do you do? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
