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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2022 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    Cheating during post op

    Ok, you ate something you probably shouldn’t at this stage but you realise this & that’s the positive. And yes, some people do slip at any time as they’re progressing so you’re not alone. The real question is what are you going to do next time? This is a great learning opportunity. Why couldn’t you resist the nachos? Was it something you wanted? Was it out of habit? Was it because others were eating? Did you need to eat? Was it your lunch or dinner time? Etc. Once you’ve worked out why you can start thinking about how you can manage this or similar situations in the future. Like, next time I go to the movies I’ll drink water or tea or I’ll sneak in a shake, some jerky or string cheese, etc. Eating nachos now while you’re losing isn’t a great idea but in the future sure you may be able to have some but you’ll work that out. PS - Actually you didn’t skip dinner. A shake is a meal replacement so you still had a meal. Just something to watch if you are on a three meal a day plan but plans are different.
  2. 4 points

    Cheating during post op

    You need to every careful you stomach is still healing.There is a reason for the post op food guidelines and I have to wonder if you are willing to eat this type of food so early how are you going to go In the long run
  3. 2 points

    Cheating during post op

    You need to careful. It's awful early to start slipping. With this surgery there is a promise we make to ourselves to eat better. It would be upsetting to say the least if you went through major surgery and A) lost and then gained it all back or not lose all the weight you want to in the first place. You are also still healing. Be kind to your tummy. This is an opportunity to succeed where you may have struggled before, you got this. Shake off the slip and come back more committed then ever. You can do this!
  4. 2 points

    Anyone in MINNESOTA?

    Yes!!! I am so happy I wasn't the only one that went through that. I am surprised at others who actually got through the process at Park Nicollet. I also ditched Park Nicollet and got a second opinion on the ED. It is super weird how other programs work!! Fairview-Your first appointment/meeting is with a group of people who are interested in the program and then at the end you add your name on the list if you want to make your first appointment with a nurse/dietician. Mayo-you see an endocrinologist/dietitian/therapist all in one day. Till this day I feel like the provider who denied me was trying to get more money in by referring her patients to the Emily Program.
  5. 2 points


    As @Sleeve me alone! said elevated cholesterol levels is common post surgery. Mine went up too. It’s all the cholesterol being released into your body as you lose fat & the high protein diet (especially animal proteins) & lower vegetable diet add to it. My surgeon & doctor monitored it but it started to go down when my weight loss finally slowed & I was eating a more balanced diet in maintenance. It was always about 5/5.1 before surgery (not bad but not good), went up to 5.8 (danger, danger) & is 4.1 now (gold star 😉). Try swapping in some plant proteins & rolled oats into your diet & see if that helps while you are still losing.
  6. 1 point
    Ok so I have been having bowel movement every 4-5 days and todays Bowel movement I had to put a lot of pressure and when I passed the stool, I had an excruciating pain in the rectal area. What should I do? Should I continue start taking the softener? When will this issue end? Is it because I’m taking multi vitamins with IRON? My doctor told me stop taking mult vitamins with iron for. a week. My fiber intake bas been low because I’m avoiding grains and beans. Should I start taking fiber supplements? I have equate prebiotic fiber supplements I can take? Please help. Pain is very bad. I just applied some preparation it’s not helping. Maybe I’ll try witch hazel wipes. Did anyone go through this? Any suggestions?? Thank you so much. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 1 point

    Do I have to eat ?

    I quite often eat yogurt for a meal! I have always loved yogurt, but since surgery I love it even more and I would say it's my favorite food now. Sometimes, it's all I want and I find it very satisfying! Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point

    Do I have to eat ?

    HAHA I feel the same way most of them time. I just have a routine and force it. But sometimes it is miserable because when I don't want to eat, nothing tastes good and I am like gagging it down. I just keep telling myself to be grateful to not be hungry because some people wake up hungry and struggle like crazy. My dietician says to take this time to establish the good eating habits so when my hunger comes back, I will be prepared and already have my body trained.
  9. 1 point
    I'm new to this app. I would love to meet new friends. I will be having surgery September 13. I would love to see before and after pictures. I will be having gastric bypass.
  10. 1 point

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: So I had my 6 month check up with my surgeon today. He was happy with all my progress and says that I'm ahead of the game despite being in a current stall and not having lost anything since October 25th. He said he feels it has all to do with my hormones being wacky right now and expects I will start losing again soon. Although he did say that I should still keep an eye on my water intake and diet to make sure they aren't the culprit or contributing in any way. Told him about my hair loss and he said it will eventually stop and for now to add in more protein. That that should help greatly. He said I could try biotin but in his opinion, he doesn't really think it works. I told him I agreed because I used to take it years ago and didn't notice any difference either. At least for me. He told me my numbers were excellent! And he particularly was happy to see my Vitamin D levels. He said that is almost always an issues with all his patients and that I am actually an odd one when it comes to that as my level is perfect. LOL I said I guess it's the good vitamin I'm taking that has me good with everything. He said yes, and to keep taking it. We also discussed the missed periods and he thinks that's also due to the large amount of weight loss/hormones. Especially since I am not peri-menopausal or menopausal. And wouldn't you know it, a few hours after seeing him I finally got it. SMH So that's that. All seems ok still. Just gonna wait on this period to come and go and HOPEFULLY some more weight will drop.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
