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  1. 3 points

    Surgery next week

    Thank you. I'm having the gastric sleeve and my insurance is covering the surgery. I'm bone on bone both knees so I need to get my BMI down before I get knees replaced
  2. 2 points
    I'm starting to just do simple workouts I've found on Pinterest around different areas of my body and walking. I'm 6 weeks out from surgery and trying to move more and not count work. Even though I come home pooped. Just start moving. Anything is better then nothing. The more you do the easier it will get to do more.
  3. 1 point
    I was like that at the beginning too. My thing was constantly watching people baking cakes and dreams of baking cakes. It will get better for you. Now, I am more concerned with trying to find the healthiest thing I can eat. I'm on a broccoli kick now and can't get enough of it. As for going out to eat with friends I have been avoiding that cause I'm being a scaredy cat thinking I might get sick from the food and dump or something.
  4. 1 point

    Low carb bread

    Found some new low carb breads today at the supermarket. They taste pretty good too. I miss bread and carb heavy foods lmao.
  5. 1 point
    While tracking certainly helps and appeals to those of this mindset, there is another side-benefit to tracking: data collection and discovery of trends. I am one of those regular food trackers and daily body weighers and all-around spreadsheet lover (almost 4 years now and still going). By looking over the historical data i can easily figure out what foods/days/activities (or lack thereof) /macro combinations/eating schedules/etc work for or against whatever state i am looking to be in. You can see on your screen that these many calories don’t make a diff to your weight loss rate, or that those many carbs leads to stalls or swooshes. Or that these amounts of sugar make you eat less the next day. So much info! Lol I realize this may seem like a lot of effort to some, but (1) i like doing it, and (2) honestly takes less of my actual time than i spend on this forum, lol. I get that seeing black and white numbers may scare you cuz u are “getting to close” for comfort to your already accepted max goals, but maybe its better to be aware of facts than to live in angst of the unknown? Kinda like when we (or at least *i*) would not get on the scale in my pre-op days cuz I didn’t want to freak out over the number i would inevitably see. Then next thing u know, oopsies i gained 25 lbs. But yes, i get it, easier said than done. Hopefully your continued work with your new therapist will help you trust yourself and your abilities to peacefully face whatever comes your way, regardless if they meet your expectations or not. Goof Luck! ❤️
  6. 1 point
    You're right. I've been trying so hard to follow their directions to the letter that I haven't been listening to my body. I know I can't go crazy with the fats, but more than 50 per day is needed for keto. I used to hit around 100-120g of fats per day, so if I look at maybe 75g of fats per day, while still keeping my carbs very low (the bariatric diet is 50 or less carbs per day, when I did keto I stayed under 35 per day) I'll see if it works well or needs to be adjusted again. And I always stayed around 80 or so grams of protein per day. And I went on sugar free and very low sugar when I did keto to begin with and just always kept it. The fats are really the biggest difference. So we'll see how it goes. Worse comes to worst, I can just go back on the bariatric diet and do a "pouch reset" and start again.
  7. 1 point
    You asked precisely the right question and they didn't have an answer for you. The nutritionist is not your mother -- "because I said so" doesn't work as an answer. Try keto, see what happens, adjust your diet based on how your body responds. I am 11 months out -- at a certain point, it becomes less about what the nutritionist says and more about you finding a healthy way to live your life.
  8. 1 point

    I hate protein drinks! Any protein pills?

    haha all good! I dont think it is on amazon, but you can order from the website! I am sure any broth would work, but this one has 20grams of protein ... not 8 like most!
  9. 1 point
    Oh no! Was the soup very hot? Protein powder can clump in heat. Maybe try letting the soup cool a bit? My oatmeal cools for 15 minutes before I add protein powder. Protein powder is also excellent in pancake batter and cookie batter.
  10. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow and panicking!

    Hospital Ángeles is the best hospital in Tijuana... you were in good hands and I hope you're recovering well!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
