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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    As Greater Fool said, only you can make that decision. However, I can also say that it was the best decision I ever made as well and would do it again in a heartbeat. My beginning stats were very similar to yours. I am 5'8, weighed 250 pounds, had high BP, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and knee issues. After surgery, I no longer need medication for BP or cholesterol, my sleep apnea disappeared, and my knees are much less painful (though not perfect--too many years of supporting my fat body). You are right to be asking these questions. Do your research, talk to experts and others who have had surgery, and make your own decision.
  2. 2 points
    I do love cooking for others. Ive thought about trying to learn to cook really well, like culinary classes or something so i can cook quality- learn to make good food i make a lot of throw together meals but if i learned to make high quality meals from scratch it would keep me busy and i would be doing something i enjoy. i used to draw, i drew really well but ive lost my technique and just dont have time anymore it seems. I work a very demanding work from home animal rescue job. I work from the time i wake until I go to sleep on call 7 days a week. I also have 3 small children. im only 2.5 months out so early for these kind of urges i think 😩
  3. 1 point

    Telling others

    I wasn’t working when I had my surgery but started a new contract with my old employer - different section - 4 weeks later. I told them I had a surgery & my boss just presumed it was a female surgery so he never asked for more information, which I was amused by & never corrected. The specifics of the surgery are really none of their business & you can say it’s private & you don’t want to talk about it. I just intimated the subsequent weight loss was me deciding to make changes & trying to lose weight to improve my health.
  4. 1 point

    Telling others

    I told everyone, because I don't know many people, and I'm also an open book. Someone close to me said it was the easy way out and since I'm outspoken I set her straight and now she's planning to have it done. [emoji51] Since then she has been nothing but supportive. Everyone else in my life has been wonderful and they ask a lot of appropriate questions that I'm happy to answer. I like to educate people about it. That being said, it's absolutely your right to keep it private and I definitely understand wanting to. Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point

    Telling others

    I only told close family and friends and that's it. Not for their support, as I was my own support and was absolutely doing this, but so they didn't ask "are you sick???" when I started to noticeably shrink. It's ultimately no one's business but yours. I like others suggestions of simply saying it's a hernia repair and when your weight loss is noticeable, you're following your new dietician's plan. And then change the subject.
  6. 1 point
    the first couple weeks are the hardest. you just had major surgery. Need to heel up. Like Doobie said. you wont be on liquids forever. But you gotta follow the steps to make this surgery a success. For me the first month was the roughest. Then it got much easier
  7. 1 point

    Stall out and depressed

    if you're eating 1000-1300 kcal/day and exercising and weigh 248-291 lbs, you're not in maintenance - you're stalling. Unfortunately, stalls are very common. And a 91 lb loss at this point is amazing. You're losing a lot faster than I did. Stick to your program, and quit weighing yourself so much. The weight is going to come off as long as you stick to your program, whether fast or slow. I was close to a year out before I'd lost as much weight as you have, and I continued losing for almost two years. Be patient and just stick to your plan.
  8. 1 point

    Needing help

    Try the chewable ones ? don't stress over what you can and cant eat/drink just do the best you can. Try putting a dash of juice in your water it will help it go down easier and ditto on what catwoman7 said.
  9. 1 point
    First I want to say thank you to so many of the veteran posters on here. I hope you gals and guys know how much your experiences and feedback have helped me and I suspect many others. There's just such a fantastic mix of people and experiences - It's great knowing you aren't alone in this journey. The first few months after surgery were easy. The weight was simply falling off, there wasn't anything I couldn't eat or drink - And better yet, I couldn't overeat because of the restriction. I felt fantastic most of the time, had all sorts of NSV's and loved my new life. From August until January I lost almost 50lbs - I was so close to Wonderland I could taste it. THEN reality struck - Suddenly I was one of those "slow losers" - It took almost 2 months to lose 13lbs. UGH, I WAS going to be one of those slow losers. OK, fine, I'm 52 and it is what it is, right? From January until May, I "only" lost 33lbs. Again, every week/month I told myself that I would lose the weight, I was just in some sort of a stall and things would magically pick up. Well, they didn't, I would lose 2-3 lbs and then I would gain 2-3 lbs. Again, "it's normal" I told myself. Fast forward to a week ago - I jumped on here for some motivation (reading stories, etc.) and I took a hard look at what I was doing. Basically, I was being lazy - I was eating whatever I wanted and justifying it by saying "I only eat small portions" - Well, yeah, that was true...BUT I was grazing, I was drinking too much alcohol, and I wasn't tracking. I honetly have no idea how many calories I was consuming (especially on weekends with family and friends). I played mind games with myself and said "As long as I'm not gaining, I'm doing things right." - Well, that was a giant load of (@*$. This past Tuesday (after a weekend of Mimosa's, Crown Royal, and some really great BBQ), I woke up to a 5lb gain (BTW, yes I realize some of that was water retention). WAKE UP CALL. 5lbs? Seriously - Time to go back to basics before that's a 10lb gain. For the first time in MONTHS, I tracked every thing I tracked everything that went into my mouth (water, food, etc) - I did 3 days of liquid - In two days, those 5lbs were off. Rather than what I've done in the past, I didn't stop there - I continued tracking, I continued being cognizant of what and when I was eating. I said "no" to many things that I thought I wanted. I lost 6.8lbs from Tuesday to Sunday. What? I'm NOT a slow loser - I'm a LAZY loser. Folks, for many of us, it's EASY in the first few months, it's EASY to convince ourselves that we're doing OK, it's EASY to compare ourselves to others, it's EASY to ignore signs that you're falling into bad habits, and it's EASY to get lazy. In reality, it's HARD to stick to your plan when you're feeling fantastic and patting yourself on the back for losing so much weight. I'm choosing to be thankful that this happened now rather than 2-3 years into it. I'm glad that reality smacked me in the face and forced me to face the fact that i wasn't doing what I needed to do. Right now it was EASY to get back on track before I let it get out of control. For those of you experiencing the same - Buckle up buttercup, start tracking, weigh yourself often if you need to, and take a good look and when and why you're losing weight and when and why you aren't. Again, a very special thank you to you old timers for always keeping things real and giving out such fantastic advice.
  10. 0 points

    Post Op Coffee

    Was given the all clear to try regular coffee if desired. Yesterday was my birthday and I chickened out of getting a birthday skinny mocha. Today I did end up trying a small one and my god. This is probably hour 2 of dumping. Anxiety? Check Heart palpitations? Check Nausea? Check General uneasy feeling? Check 0/10 do not recommend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
