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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Almost 9 years out...

    Hi!! Brand new to this forum! Was wondering: I had my gastric bypass in December of 2014. I have lost 120ish pounds and have NOT gained back (it's a life change--not a "miracle!' I have a few questions. 1--the past 2-3 years my hemoglobin has dropped to a 7 (January) and 8 (a month ago.) I've been recently referred to a specialist-in which I go on the 20th of this month. Has anyone had this problem? BTW--extremely addicted to Sonic ice!! haha. 2--are gastric bypass patients still supposed to wait 30 minutes after eating to drink anything? I know we had to in the beginning. Asking these questions because my dr who performed the surgery (in Texas, btw) - I didn't see him but maybe 2 times post-surgery. (LONNNGGGGG STORY!) What does anyone think? PS--I've still kept the weight off--and have even lost a couple of pounds the past year. Thx!! 2--
  2. 2 points


    If you think you're going to sleep with them, you gotta let em know ahead of time. They see you looking one way, then all of a sudden BAM, the skin monster comes out and they're like WTF??!?! If it's a serious relationship, they will understand and hopefully it won't change anything. If it's more casual, well, there's a better chance they won't like it. Just pick wisely and hope for the best. Or get skin surgery and don't deal with any of it lol My husband and I have been together for 17 years, but I'm with you. Ya just never know. I'm getting ALL the surgery once I hit goal weight. I'm working too hard to get healthy and smaller just to continue to have issues with my body and be embarrassed of it.
  3. 1 point

    About to do this thing...

    In three days, July 14, 2022, I am scheduled to get my sleeve. My insurance company had me jumping through hoops for over three months to get to this point and I am excited to get this thing started. I've lost weight before by restricting calories and carbs, but I would eventually lose motivation and the weight would come back. Twelve years ago I dieted and went from 250 to 198, before I gained it all back. Nine years ago I went from 250 to 184, and I gained all of it back, plus a bunch more. In 2020 I was at my highest weight, But two years of working from home, I had gained another 25 lbs. Wearing gyms shorts, t-shirts and flip flops has been great, but there's no motivation like having to put on some khakis that don't fit and a tight polo shirt to drive into the office. My pants won't stay up and it looks like I am carrying a sack of groceries under my shirt. Embarrassing. That was the end of March and that was when I decided to talk to a surgeon.
  4. 1 point
    Tony B - NJ

    Kevin's WLS Journey

    Good luck. you are roughly the same size as I am, a little heavier but very similar. I lost 113 pounds so far in almost 11 months. I am down to 180 now. Stick to the program, start to exercise (I walked about an hour total for the first 6 months in 3 or 4 different walks). count the calories honestly and do what the team tells you to do. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  5. 1 point

    Final Weigh-in

    Had my final weigh-in today, lost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks. (My only requirement was to not gain weight from the initial weigh in). That brings me to 50 pounds down since June 2021. I’m happy about that (and eager for that progress to continue). Appointment went well, however I had a slight disappointment. I was told if I had everything done by this appointment I would schedule with the surgeon, for their consult, when I check out. When I checked out I was told the coordinator hadn’t reviewed my final test from July 1st yet. Once she does that - THEN they will call to schedule with me. I’m trying to take a deep breath and be patient, but it’s hard. This is a big difference from last year when I was going through another program and I canceled my surgery two weeks before it was scheduled (I was not confident in the team or program I was dealing with). It’s a little frustrating that if I had stayed with that original program - I’d be 5 months post op by now… but then again, both my husband and I were not confident I would have the support and guidance needed to be successful in the other program. So for now I’ll try to be patient for that next phone call to come in.
  6. 1 point

    Kevin's WLS Journey

    WOOHOO! Good for you and good luck! I didn't know you were still updated when I commented or I would have waited. haha
  7. 1 point

    July 2022 peeps!

    4 day Post opt. July 7th. My original date was supposed to be June 22 but my father pasted away on the 18th of June and I had to post pone my surgery for an additional two weeks. I ate up to the last day and stopped just to make sure I had room for those two drinks I had to do on top of drinking two bottles of Magnesium so I cam flush out my system right away. I am allergic to anesthesia so when they gave it to me they also gave me a Steroid. My surgery was at 8am and I was up by 11:30am. Tons of heart burn from steroid but the hospital took care of that right away. They feed me pain killer through my IV which made me have the best sleep ever. Fast forward four days now and I have alreadyost 16lbs, have a lot more energy and sticking to my diet plan. I am so ready for food but I know that will have to wait until my check up next week. Only thing that sucks is wearing long dresses. I am not a dress girl, I like my jeans but my Stitches have to heal. I am happy that I decided to do this.
  8. 1 point

    Final Weigh-in

    Boy do I hear you. After fulfilling months of my plan's requirements I had my surgeon consult last February. They are working through a covid backup and battling a hospital staffing shortage. I'm hoping for a late fall surgery. Coming to sites like this one help me keep it real. I hope your call comes soon.
  9. 1 point

    July 2022 peeps!

    So my surgery was originally July 6th, but it got moved to the 14th. I am on Day 2 of the pre op diet. Pray for me. 😂
  10. 1 point

    Upper Endoscopy

    The worst part is the wait, really! I know it’s an odd thing to say but I LOVE that sedation. It is just the best sleep 😆 like when you’re a kid during summer, have been playing outside all day and when you go to bed you don’t even remember your head hitting the pillow before it’s lights out 😆 I totally look at it as a perk of having to undergo those things! Try to think of other things and then enjoy your awesome snooze 🤗😄

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