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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    As of this morning, I officially lost 100 lbs!!!
  2. 2 points
    WOW thats a huge difference. Congrats on that!!!
  3. 1 point

    Stall out and depressed

    I know this is posted on here time and time again but I'm so frustrated. I'm getting ready for a cross country move. I really imagined that by this time I'd be in the 230s. I have stalled out for the last 3 or 4 weeks and am so frustrated about it. I keep going in between 248 and 251. I don't know if this is maintenance because im only a bit over 4 months post op from gastric bypass. I have definitely increased my calories but am eating in a deficit. My BMR is around 1900 and I'm eating in between 1000 and 1300 a day plus exercise. I have been slacking in water and have not been having protein shakes at all because I'm getting a decent amount through solid food and don't want the extra cals. How do I get past this? I'm going to stay off the scale until the end of next week but I'm still feeling really down and bad about myself. I feel like a disgusting fat mess honestly. I haven't had these feelings since pre op and I just need to vent about it. I was experiencing a period of mania a week ago for a good 2 weeks straight (I'm bipolar) and missed some of my meds. I think I might be crashing and going through a depressive state. It's not super bad but the weight loss stall is making me have a lot of negative self image and feelings of failure. Should I just get back on liquids for a week or something? I'm losing my mind and getting depressed as hell. I'm taking my meds regularly again. I really only missed like 3 or 4 days and I take a small dosage. So I'm hoping to even back out soon but the stall is messing with my brain and confidence. What do you do? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Backing out

    Hey y’all. I scheduled to have my surgery Wednesday. I’ve done great on my 10 day pre op diet. But it seems the closer I get to THE DAY, the more I’m trying to talk myself out of going through with it. What if I’m making a mistake and I don’t recover well? What if I can never enjoy food with my husband again? What if I’m wasting money that could be spent else where? Did anyone else experience this before their procedure?
  5. 1 point

    Stall out and depressed

    A few questions: 1. Have you taken measurements lately? Are you losing inches, but not pounds? 2. How do you physically feel? Do you have good energy? Are your joints sore? The reason I ask is because I am in the middle of a very stubborn stall right now. No matter what I do, the scale wants to revert to 273-275. It's annoying/depressing to eat right and go on a 5 mile walk and get back and have the scale still say 274. I want to hurl it through a window. But my clothes are looser than they have ever been. I told a close friend about the stall and he told me that I physically looked like I had busted it, that I had lost weight. I have more energy and find myself doing exercises that I physically could not have done a few weeks ago. If I look at all of the available evidence other than the scale, I am doing great. I've decided that if the scale doesn't accurately represent my progress, then the scale is wrong, not me.
  6. 1 point

    First Post-Op Dr Visit

    Had my 1st post-op visit today...my scale says I've lost 13 lbs...Dr scale says I've lost 7...6 lb difference!!! WTF!!! Dr says I should only be weighing myself once a week and that I'm doing fine. But I thought for sure the weight would come off a little faster. Sticking with soft foods until next appointment on July 20th. Hopefully I'll see a better loss then. My husband goes in on Monday for his surgery so at least we will both be on the same diet. Sent from my SM-G981V using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Backing out

    I had doubts like everyone. One of the best things that happened to me was my surgery was cancelled 2 days prior due to me getting Covid. The disappointment I felt over that and, especially, the anger I felt every time I was still fat after the surgery date, instead of losing weight, made me certain this was what I wanted to do. No one can tell you what to do, but be honest with yourself, don't just give in to fear. I've seen very few people who regret the surgery and tons and tons who wish they'd done it sooner.
  8. 1 point


    Have they checked for a stricture ? What does her surgery team say ?
  9. 1 point


    How 😎
  10. 1 point

    Stall and brain

    I feel your pain. As everyone else has said, weight loss definitely slows the more you lose. Sounds like you've recognised that your body dysmorphia is a big issue and feeding into your concern, so I agree that you need to address that asap. Is there any way you can correct your stats in your side bar as they're not correct and they would help people to help you!

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