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  1. 5 points

    Embarrassing moments?!

    I wish you would have told her “if you don’t vomit you’re not working out hard enough!”
  2. 3 points

    Literally crying right now

    Another thing I noticed and not just you lots of people are saying oh it took me an hour to eat my meal, my dietician and surgeon and lots of other literature say stop eaten after 20 minutes and throw what you haven't eat in that time away or put it in the fridge for your next meal. The longer you take to eat something the more calories you are getting in. Another thing is you are not meant to eat until the point you feel restriction, it took a long time for me to feel restriction because I was eating the recommended amounts now at almost a year out yes I can eat alot before restriction kicks in and with "slidder" foods I get no restriction so don't rely on restriction to limit your food intake because it won't work long term. The idea of the sleeve is to stop you feeling really hungry and to feel not hungry sooner. Slow your eating down, stop after 20 minutes, eat the recommended foods and portion sizes, separate drinking and eating, make sure you keep hydrated and you will succeed. "I didn't have to take my time. I ate normally because I actually forgot to go slow. And being that I'm only 19 days out, I didn't think I would be able to eat this much this soon with absolutely no issues at all." Just because you can does mean you should,
  3. 2 points

    Literally crying right now

    You should take your time it takes 20 mins for our brain to register we are full the faster you eat the more food you intake. My surgeon and dietitian told me to chew 20 times. I had my surgery December 22, 2021 and I could not eat that much now. Also you are eating to soon after a meal - grazing is a habit we form which is part of why we led to obesity. I really only eat fish as my meat still and my Husband took me out to dinner I got grilled chicken One breast lasted me 3 meals - just last Sunday. I am down 52 pounds today!! (i only had 70 total as per my surgeon my goal was 80-100) I would try to find a local support group - call your surgeons office see if they can help you. But you keep eating that often you can and will stretch your stomach back out. And you shouldnt feel hunger - I still dont - so it may be your mouth and or brain is hungry out of ha it and boredom. I get up and do dishes or laundry clean the tub whatever until it passes. I have a certain time window for my meals - no i. Between snacking. If I really feel I need something I do it with a Protein Shake. 310 Nutrition has amazing shakes - make them with almond milk. I have all kinds of flavors, Peppermint, chocolate, Smores, vanilla Cake Batter - check them out because those keep me happy if i want something sweet i can drink something that is healthy that taste like a treat! Keep a food journal online or hand written - I do both. If you’re grazing you will be y at the amount of food and calories your eating in a day! Good luck!
  4. 1 point

    DS or bypass after sleeve?

    I had a sleeve done about 10 years ago when I was 40. I went from about 280 to 160 and have put the weight back on. I have seen two surgeons in my area in the last couple of months. One does DS and says I am kinda halfway through a DS procedure. The other surgeon does not do DS so she is recommending bypass. If I really want, she can refer me to a surgeon in the hospital system who does DS but that is 3 hours away. I've had some friends use the DS surgeon and recommend her but her office staff is a hot mess. An overall lack of organization and I send info to the person I am told to but then someone else calls and says I wasn't supposed to send to that person. The by pass surgeon is in my hospital system and therefore has access to all my doctor's records since nearly every one of my doctors is in that hospital system. By pass doctor said that DS wasn't fully "approved" (my word not hers) and is still considered experimental but she wants to learn how to do it and expects it will be much more common in the near future. My husband is asking me what will I do differently after this surgery that I didn't do before. Great question. I am moving through all the insurance required hoops for both doctors at this point but still not sure I want to do either. Anyone have any words of wisdom? Not sure how to proceed. Thanks so much!
  5. 1 point
    I started out that way as well but for some reason I am finding I am able to eat less as time goes on. It's weird I know. I think you should give it time and stay the course. Target smaller meals and make a schedule for yourself. Good luck and stay the course Sent from my SM-S901U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point

    Literally crying right now

    Exactly this. How your body reacts to certain foods, or portion sizes, or times you eat, etc. are all idiosyncratic to you. I had this exact conversation with my surgeon’s colleague this morning at my check up. It’s not something you’ll discover quickly. I’m still learning my body’s personality quirks. It seems to throw new ones at me randomly but my eating is constantly evolving. I understand how to best manage the ones I know. Like I know I’ll feel a bit ‘off’ if I rush through my breakfast or have it too early. If I have yoghurt for lunch I’ll want something salty after (don’t know why yet but I know it happens). In time you’ll learn your body’s signs & cues & recognise what they mean - some may be very subtle. You’ll also discover some signals will be different to what they were before surgery or not what you expected.
  7. 1 point

    Literally crying right now

    I did not start getting much restriction until about 6 weeks out. I felt the same way as you like "is this surgery even working?????!!!!!". The only thing that helped me was I had zero hunger (I still do not have it, actually) so I was pushing myself to eat and could easily stop because I wasn't hungry to begin with. Once your nerves heal more, you'll feel that restriction. Be careful not to overdo it now though or you'll end up getting sick or having dumping syndrome. I do think what you're experiencing is normal though.
  8. 1 point

    New here. Consult Friday

    During the pre op diet and the post op life do not compare your progress to others. Just stick to the plan your team lays out for you and trust the process. We are all here to cheer one another on but we are all so different that your journey will be unique to you.
  9. 1 point

    High Risk -- Scared of complications

    When I had the surgery, I was 41, 6'1", HW of 505, CW 490, surgery day weight of 460. I had sleep apnea, prehypertension and a BMI of ~60. I also had to take blood thinning injections post-surgery. I also had bypass surgery (which has a higher risk of complications). So you and I are/were in roughly the same ballpark. I came through the surgery fine. Definitely sore. But it drastically improved my life and I would make the same decision in a heartbeat. Heck, I was able to look down today and see my toes, instead of them being covered by stomach. I've gotten to experience stepping on a scale and having the first number be a 2. I am approaching the nine-month mark and I weigh 295 and wear 2xl/3xl shirts (I'm like a 2.5xl at this point, I was a solid 6xl pre-surgery). Do you have risk factors? Yeah. But here is what I noticed from that list: you don't have a major condition that will obviously cause complications (like some disease that makes it difficult for your blood to clot or something like that). Do you have a higher potential for complications than someone who only weighed 400 pounds? Yeah. But its a generalized risk, not a specific risk. My recommendation, if you are still interested in the surgery, is to determine right now that you are going to follow your surgeon's post-surgery advice to the letter. If you need 28 days of injections, decide right now that you will do all 28 days. Whatever meds or vitamins he tells you take, take them. Commit right now, "I am not going to disobey my surgeon in a way that increases my risks." You cannot eliminate the risks entirely and if I am being honest, those risks will come to mind when you are being wheeled around on the gurney. You have no guarantees about what the other side of the surgery will look like and feel like. And you will wake up from the surgery in pain. But if you decide that you will do everything you can control to minimize the risks, I think you will be happy with a decision to have the surgery.
  10. 1 point

    Dreaded hair loss - question

    My hair was pretty much a casualty of WLS. I lost most of my hair and it hasn't grown back. My surgeon speculates that my hair fell out due to the normal telogen effluvium that comes with drastic weight loss. Then it didn't grow back due to age-related hair loss I would have had anyway (I'm 57). So the surgey sped up the hair loss and I lost it all at once, rather than gradually over a couple of years. But my experience is unusual and I wouldn't take back the 130 pounds I've lost to get my hair back!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
