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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    How much food do you eat after

    I’m 4 years out. At home I still weigh my food. At dinner I eat around 1-1.5oz veggies & the rest is protein. The whole meal is 3 -3.5 oz. If I eat more then that I get too full & I’m uncomfortable for a while. When we eat out I eat a little less then 1/2 of the meal, my husband & I usually share an entry. If I’m eating out with a friend I ask if I can order something on the kid’s menu. At about 1.5 years out I started eating over 4 oz & I put back on 30 pounds! I used The Fast Metabolism Diet & I did great & I actually got to my goal weight!
  2. 1 point
    Could be a myriad of reasons but definitely see your medical team. Generally if you feel pain, or if something is or feels different to you seek medical advice. Always better to be safe & sure after a surgery.
  3. 1 point
    Liquids go through you more quickly so you tend not to experience your restriction. If you do feel the restriction or any pain you’ve either eaten too much, too quickly or eaten something that is too dry or too coarse. The goal is not to feel the restriction. At three weeks out you are still healing, hence the staged return to eating to not stress your tummy. A lot of nerve endings were cut & damaged & until they are healed you won’t get the same messages like for full. There is a big difference between eating until you’re full & eating until you’ve had enough that is what your body needs. Do you need that next bite or just want it. In time you’ll likely find your signals for full are different. Some sneeze or their nose runs - you just have to work out what they are for you. Hunger pangs & abdominal growling, rumbling, in most times are just your digestive system doing what it should - digesting food. Any abdominal pain you may feel is likely an excess of stomach acid which will settle in time (your body is still producing enough acid for the amount of food you used to eat plus a reaction to the surgery) . Were you prescribed a PPI to reduce the acid production? 13lbs in three weeks is a good rate of loss - averaging 4lbs a week. Can’t complain about that. As you started at a relatively lower weight (like me) you won’t lose huge amounts like on say My 600lb Life. They weigh 3 times what you do & so lose at about 3times the rate. I’d lost about the same amount as you at three weeks & my surgeon was very happy with my progress. Keep measuring, keep sipping. It gets better & easier.
  4. 1 point
    Pre surgery, I could eat a 24oz porterhouse, an appetizer, 2 sides, a drink, and a dessert myself. And completely finish it. I was ALWAYS hungry. I could eat 6 scrambled eggs, 8 pieces of bacon, 4 sausages, and 4 pieces of french toast in 1 sitting. Now, I get nervous if I had restriction on a tsp of food yesterday and a tbsp today (like, WHY can I comfortably take more food in so soon???). I had 1/2 an egg this morning and I was full. BUT....2 hours later and I'm hungry again. I'm drinking a shake, trying to ignore it, but I worry that my hunger hormone isn't really gone like I had hoped, and my appetite is roaring back. I only eat until I'm comfortable. And I do things to keep myself busy (read, go for a walk, watch movies, play computer games) but eventually the hunger gets so bad I can't ignore it. So I definitely feel your pain and understand what you're going through. We're all new to this still and trying to get our bearings and figure it out. I'm wishing you all the luck in the world on this.
  5. 1 point


    This. And to those who think otherwise, kindly just move along.
  6. 1 point


    Allie - ABSOLUTELY!!!
  7. 1 point


    Respectfully, I suggest when you see a topic you aren’t interested in just move along. This is clearly a topic that has great meaning to many of the members of our group. We come here for support. The LGBTQIA+ community has been discriminated against, targeted, and hated by much of society. Here they should experience nothing but love and support as they work through many of the same, but some unique to just them, issues related to their weight and health.
  8. 1 point

    Chicago Sleevers

    I had my sleeve done by Dr. Lutfi May 2016.
  9. 1 point

    Chicago Sleevers

  10. 1 point

    Chicago Sleevers

    Any Sleevies in Chicago?!!?! Perhaps we could start some kind of support group that hangs out now and then, like coffee or something? I'd love to get one started! Let's all be friends dangit!!!!!!!! My name's JadeVT, just turned 28 and reside on the Northside. Had my surgery done by Dr. Rami Lutfi at Presence Saint Joseph.

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