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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2022 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Some people get tattoos, go on holidays, buy jewellery, etc. as rewards but they weren’t for me. Clothing, shoes & bags are my passion. I didn’t reward myself as such I just shopped. Not that I needed an excuse. 😆😆 I so loved being able to buy the clothing labels I’d always wanted to buy or had bought when I’d been at a lower weight. I’d kept some of those clothes. (The old one day I’ll fit into them again thinking.) I was so excited when I was able to wear some of them but unfortunately about a month later they’d be too big. Or I simply missed my window to wear them. I would suggest you wait to buy a big ticket clothing item until your weight is stable. I have several high end pieces I bought at goal that are one or two sizes too big because I continued to lose. At least that’s not an issue with handbags except some of my old bags are too large for my smaller frame now. I do want to see pxt of you in your coat when you do buy it @fourmonthspreop & your LV handbag @SleeveDiva2022.
  2. 4 points
    I have a lululemon jacket that I bought for a trip to nz 13 years ago and it was too tight. I always told myself I would fit it one day and now I do in fact it's loose these days but I still can't wear it cause it's to hot where I live so a trip to somewhere cold where I can wear it along with some beautiful boots would be a great reward for me .
  3. 3 points
    I have always struggled to buy clothes, I am almost 63. I was biggish as a teenager but not overly fat. I was very sporty. I always seemed to be one size bigger than all the fashionable shops. So I started to shop from catalogues, which were expensive and as a young woman I didnt have much money. I made clothes too. Over the years this has taken all the joy out of clothes shopping . I have well and truly fell out of love with clothes. Now I am able to to shop anywhere, I am frequently saying well sod you, you didnt dress me before you can go fish now. I think I am very bitter and twisted about it dont you ?
  4. 2 points

    Marijuana Use and Nausea

    Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome is a thing. Likely has nothing to do with your surgery, just your use. It often starts with nausea and grows into recurrent vomiting. Mode of delivery doesn't matter, the only thing that resolves it is cutting it out. If you go a week without and the nausea resolves, you'll have your answer.
  5. 2 points
    I chose sleeve because: 1) the idea of rearranging my plumbing turned me off 2) i wanted to continue using NSAIDS with no issue (but surprise, surprise, i ended up no longer needing them) 3) i was afraid of dumping (again, surprise, surprise, i dump with the sleeve anyway) For what its worth, my surgeon said either surgery (sleeve or bypass) would, under normal circumstances, more or less produce the same results with the same person. And that unless there is pre-existing condition that would dictate a specific surgey (i.e., GERD, which i did not have) then it just boils down to personal choice. He was equally comfortable doing either surgery and advised me to choose the one *I* felt more comfortable with. There is alot of literature out there about average weight losses for the different types of WLS’s. But averages are just that: averages. They are NOT pre-determined stats that YOUR body will adhere to. Basically, results are significantly more tied to the person (and their actions/habits/physiology) than the specific surgery. Doc said that statistically, based on my starting weight, I could expect to lose 60 lbs in a year. Eff that, I lost 120 in 7 months. I’ve read of others on here who lost 50 in a year, still others who lost 200 over 2 years, and even one who lost 150+ in less than six months (all self-identified sleevers). So yeah…their results are quite spread out. In any case, whichever surgery you choose (pre-existing conditions excluded), your results will depend on YOU. Good Luck!
  6. 1 point

    The perfect size pan

    its just a teaspoon of olive oil i use in there which is technically a healthy fat. But i have had no issues so far.
  7. 1 point
    I have seen some on here post that edibles hit different and a lot stronger after bariatric surgery. But there are other products to try. Maybe try Tinctures? I have not tried marijuana since having my surgery. Also maybe try a ratio product. Like 1:1 THC:CBD. Those were awesome before surgery and did not give me the super high or nausea.
  8. 1 point
    When i first started, i said I wouldn’t buy any new clothes until i was done with weight loss. It helped that I am/was a low-key-hoarder of clothes so i had a whole closet full of “skinny” clothes I could shrink into. BUT…when those clothes ran out (or just looked dated to me), i was all, eff this, im buying some new clothes that dont hang of me cuz i wanna look good. Yes, i spent on items that I would only wear for 2-3 weeks, but I looked GOOOOOD those 2-3 weeks wearing it! Lol My one really big ticket item i splurged on was plastic surgery (which i got about 14 months post op). BEST. PRESENT. EVER. If i may be so bold to suggest, if you are gonna spend enough to purchase leather goods at the price tag of a small car anyway, maybe considering plastics instead. Its the gift that keeps on giving! (or do both!)
  9. 1 point

    The perfect size pan

    LOL that is exactly what the label said that covered the pan at the store. One egg pan lol
  10. 1 point

    Consult questions

    The first question I would ask is whether you will see him or her again before surgery. Not that it matters but if you will you can relax a bit that if you forget a question you can ask it next time. Also, make a list of questions and take it with you which it sounds like you may be doing.

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