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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I weigh myself in the exact same clothes I did for my first appointment. Now, they are too big so I stand on the scale naked and hold them. LOL
  2. 2 points
    The Greater Fool


    To repeat again, only about 30% of Gastric Bypass patients dump to any degree. Back when I had surgery 50% was the quoted rate, but back then the bypasses were a bit more distal which would make dumping more likely. I am one of the few, the proud, the dumpers! I dump on sugar and fats. Less so on fats. Not enough to dump on cheese, thank goodness. I am glad I dump as it takes sugar off my menu when otherwise I would abuse the crap out of it. While dumping sounds horrible, it's not quite as bad as it sounds. I don't often dump these days as I have a good sense of how much sugar I can consume when. When I am fatigued, stressed, sick, or in other ways out of sorts I dump easier, so at such times I try to be extra careful, but still misjudge and it get's me. When I'm in public I don't do sugars at all, though I don't do them much anyhow. I asked my surgeon for a little extra bypass, a little extra restriction, and dumping. 18+ years later I still dump, my restriction is still in place. I have no clue on the extra bypass. I have dumped on fruit but rarely. My first dumping episode, at about 3 months post-op, was orange juice. Good luck, Tek
  3. 2 points
    That is what I do. I eat and then eat a little something later to deal with the hunger. I find little snacks that are sensible really help a lot between larger meals. And...of course...water first to make sure it is just not thirst.
  4. 1 point
    The structure and inability to over eat plus a health scare! I don’t regret it at all!! I’ve learned a lot about my eating issues, why I eat and what my food triggers are. I think that’s one of the important things is taking a look at your bad habits and making new healthy ones!!! In my humble opinion!!
  5. 1 point
    I had surgery 10/18/21 and remember thinking a lot initially about this, like ok should I be drinking all the time when not within 30 minutes of eating???? You develop a routine and it works. Like others suggested, maybe changing one thing at a time like drinking more or eating at regular intervals. My surgeon said I wasn't eating enough at 3 months, told me to increase to 5 times per day. That's a struggle sometimes but at 6 months I was at 77% of excess weight lost and I noticed it's better with less plateaus when I do that. You can do it, and btw I was 49 on surgery day and now I'm 50 and in better health than I was at 49!
  6. 1 point

    Psychology appt anxious

    Oh i know i am ready its just that i am over thinking it a bit and i am well aware in order to Reep the benefits you have to work at it I'm tired of living my life as a man who is heavy and the yo yo diet just don't work for me anymore i am 53 years old and i want to live a life that if fulfilled with health and happiness. Rich
  7. 1 point
    Tony B - NJ

    Do you ever "forget" you had surgery?

    I don't think I will ever forget about having the surgery. I like you get uncomfortable after eating if I eat even slightly too much food. I guess this is something I have to live with but the alternative is that I could have not had the surgery and still been carrying an extra 100 pounds of body weight on me. I understand it is a life change and if I have to feel a little uncomfortable after over eating, then I will be more careful about how much I eat. I find that like you I don't get full for very long and end up grazing on some snacks later. I find this an issue in the evening. I try to keep some nuts and fruits around or some diet friendly chips like Snacklins around (yucca based chips, less than 100 calories per bag) to help with the hunger without killing my calorie intake.
  8. 1 point

    Restaurant workers

    I second the protein shake. Or maybe meat and cheese squares. Everyone worries about “grazing” but I’m not sure if it really is bad if you actually portion out a lunch or dinner and only eat that amount just over a longer period of time?? By definition it may be grazing but that doesn’t mean it is necessarily problematic?? It could be but I would ask my surgeon about this. Given your schedule it may be the only way you can get in enough protein.
  9. 1 point

    Coping with grief after WLS

    I am so very sorry for your loss, Star Wars & Cupcakes. I had gastric sleeve surgery on November 30th and very tragically lost my younger brother and only sibling on April 12th. The grief can be unbearable and I often feel so much anxiety that I want to crawl out of my skin. So I decided to join a running (for me, walk/run) group 5 Weeks to 5K training. I did it so that I could release some of this painful anxiety, sleep better, and be around a supportive group of people in beautiful nature (lucky me I get to run near the ocean and in redwood forests). I even got my 70 year old mom to join it with me! In addition to that I walk with both of my parents as much as I can. We are heartbroken, our lives changed forever so suddenly, and the exercise, nature, and supportive group of people has been very therapeutic. (((HUGS))) Star Wars & Cupcakes, and thanks for starting this thread for other people to refer to in the future.
  10. 1 point
    My GP happily wrote me a letter of reference that documented my own personal weight loss attempts and struggles with my weight over the years (I’d never been under a medical weight loss program before going to the Bariatric surgeon). Has your weight been a concern that was brought up to your GP before or possibly Gyno? Most are pro Bariatric and can help with this letter of reference.

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