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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Same with my mom. She majorly projected her childhood bullies on to me “you’ll never have more friends if you don’t lose weight” ( I had plenty) jokes on her, the goal weight of 145 was what I was at when she was the harshest in high school —if only I had the backbone then to tell her to shove it. It caused me to believe I looked like I was 300lbs when I was 1/2 that, that I was ugly and undesirable. Moms can suck. My therapist I started seeing postop has me challenging self talk and the negative things that have happened in the past and has me writing what I wish she would have said or what I would say or do in the situation we’re roles reversed
  2. 2 points
    Wls is renowned for making infertile women, very, very fertile right after surgery. Even those with PCOS. So if you suspect pregnancy is a possibility, take a test. And what others have said, double up on birth control. As Arabesque said, wls changes our hormones and rarely it can even induce menopause in those women who are perimenopausal. This forum is full of threads of previously infertile women becoming pregnant in the weeks and months after wls because they weren't expecting to become fertile so quickly after surgery.
  3. 2 points
    I'm struggling with internalized fatphobia. I am getting much better as I've lost weight, actually. I was bullied growing up, and my grandmother, whom I loved more than anyone, would tell me I had "such a pretty face"... which we all know is code for you're fat. I had a guy break up with me (after I had lost 100 lbs) because I wasn't his ideal body type. Now I'm terrified to even consider dating. (Although there are a lot of issues there...) My family and friends have always been supportive, but my mom always has been a bit of a "concern troll." ("I'm scared for you!")
  4. 1 point

    First Appointments Today!

    Initial appointments today! Meeting with my Bariatric surgeon at 10:30 am, appointments with the dietician and exercise specialist after!!!! I’m so anxious, excited, nervous. Ready to do this, been waiting a long time. The health issues have piled on as of late and my weight keeps climbing. Starting weight today of 284.2 pounds, height 5’1” and BMI 53.7.
  5. 1 point

    Restaurant workers

    That’s a good point too about the drinking. I am guessing the OP will have to take more breaks somehow. Maybe split it into two so it’s not AS bad. This will be less of an issue the further out you get when you can drink a glass of liquid in a reasonable amount of time.
  6. 1 point

    Restaurant workers

    I second the protein shake. Or maybe meat and cheese squares. Everyone worries about “grazing” but I’m not sure if it really is bad if you actually portion out a lunch or dinner and only eat that amount just over a longer period of time?? By definition it may be grazing but that doesn’t mean it is necessarily problematic?? It could be but I would ask my surgeon about this. Given your schedule it may be the only way you can get in enough protein.
  7. 1 point

    New here. Consult Friday

    During the pre op diet and the post op life do not compare your progress to others. Just stick to the plan your team lays out for you and trust the process. We are all here to cheer one another on but we are all so different that your journey will be unique to you.
  8. 1 point

    New here. Consult Friday

    Write a list of all your questions to take to your appointment
  9. 1 point

    Throwing up

    So i had issues with my horse pill sized Calcium pill (that i had to take 3 times a day!) I would make me nauseous and/or barf. Cutting it up smaller or crushing it somehow made the ickiness worse. Then i stared burying that effing pill in a tablespoon of greek yogurt and swallowing the spoonful and that did trick. Took me almost 2 months to figure this out though. But then I discovered those chocolate calcium soft chews and Calcium Vitamin Time became a good time of day lol
  10. 1 point

    High Risk -- Scared of complications

    When I had the surgery, I was 41, 6'1", HW of 505, CW 490, surgery day weight of 460. I had sleep apnea, prehypertension and a BMI of ~60. I also had to take blood thinning injections post-surgery. I also had bypass surgery (which has a higher risk of complications). So you and I are/were in roughly the same ballpark. I came through the surgery fine. Definitely sore. But it drastically improved my life and I would make the same decision in a heartbeat. Heck, I was able to look down today and see my toes, instead of them being covered by stomach. I've gotten to experience stepping on a scale and having the first number be a 2. I am approaching the nine-month mark and I weigh 295 and wear 2xl/3xl shirts (I'm like a 2.5xl at this point, I was a solid 6xl pre-surgery). Do you have risk factors? Yeah. But here is what I noticed from that list: you don't have a major condition that will obviously cause complications (like some disease that makes it difficult for your blood to clot or something like that). Do you have a higher potential for complications than someone who only weighed 400 pounds? Yeah. But its a generalized risk, not a specific risk. My recommendation, if you are still interested in the surgery, is to determine right now that you are going to follow your surgeon's post-surgery advice to the letter. If you need 28 days of injections, decide right now that you will do all 28 days. Whatever meds or vitamins he tells you take, take them. Commit right now, "I am not going to disobey my surgeon in a way that increases my risks." You cannot eliminate the risks entirely and if I am being honest, those risks will come to mind when you are being wheeled around on the gurney. You have no guarantees about what the other side of the surgery will look like and feel like. And you will wake up from the surgery in pain. But if you decide that you will do everything you can control to minimize the risks, I think you will be happy with a decision to have the surgery.

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